Virginia Gov. Northam On Racial Justice: ‘White People Need To Listen’ | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

Geoff Bennett sat down with Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam to talk about racial justice, where the governor says the burden of educating people on racism "needs to shift from people of color to people who look like me." Aired on 06/17/2020.
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Virginia Gov. Northam On Racial Justice: ‘White People Need To Listen' | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

Virginia Gov. Northam On Racial Justice: ‘White People Need To Listen' | Craig Melvin | MSNBC


    1. @Todd Jenkins do you listen to NPR welfare radio? BLM keeps saying that if they do not get what they want more cities will burn. Only factual reporting they have done. Listen, be informed. BLM is on why I farm my 500 acres

    2. @Todd Jenkins bu bu the bugaloo!!!!! Hahaha never heard of them until CNN. Plus, how is a group nobody heard of have 100’s of thousands supporters? Those are Democrat rallies. We don’t burn down communities and loot. That’s what you welfare moochers do

    3. @Velociraptor 1961 I am sitting in my hotel room waiting for a night job. I’ll be working at 10 pm. We have all day

    4. @Mueller Time Well I’m getting off ..Time for dinner and to catch up on who has killed who and what has burned down… Hahahaha.. Hahahaha…..

    1. No, I already knew that MSNBC is fake news, but I didn’t know it’s also a pedophile ring

    2. @BLM is a communist terror organization HA! now that is really funny but I can see no fault with that statement. I find that probable without even doing any research on it at all

    3. Hey AssHat Trump has done more for Blacks than any other POTUS
      All U loony libs have is insults & NO FACTS = You have squat
      Why not sexist too, name calling is all you have, so sad
      Go home to Mommy loser

  1. 2 died of Ebola: They(GOP) said Obama should resign.
    4 died in Benghazi: They(GOP) had Hillary testify for 11 hours, held 33 hearings, and launched a multiyear probe.
    118,741 died thanks to Trump’s incompetence: They cheered him in the Rose Garden. #TrumpPressConference

    1. @Vaughn Besley Peloisi promoting tourism in San Francisco’s Chinatown in February. Trump shut down a thriving economy.

    2. @James Persinger the more we find the more we know how corrupt the whole Obummer Administration was.

    3. @Thomas Tamir Fauci & Gates are making billions on their scam, SOON all will be revealed & shock the world.
      Mark these words & remember the best is yet to come.
      FYI Gates can’t fix a computer virus & Fauci’s aids work will be proven a rip off. Research is your friend, but stay off Google, no truth there.

    1. We will get Bloomberg’s puppet out of office soon enough Virginia is disgusted by this black face baby murderer

    2. @Buddy Mckimmey I don’t know what alternate reality you live in, but Virginia, especially post 2018, is a solid Democratic state. In some cases, far more progressive than other historically solid Democratic states.

    1. Both parties get it wrong. At some point in the next 10 years, we will probably see a decent Independent candidate. Once someone succeeds at breaking the power monopolies of the two parties, they will become afraid enough to stop their partisan gridlock and this country will actually make some true progress.

  2. Bill Gates and Gypsy death camp health care “this way this way” the trusting face of the big head game. They trained those Tuskegee women to take joy in the health care withering and suffering. That’s the sort of health care vampires enjoy.

  3. If the state that started slavery can move forward there’s still hope for Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama & red state

    1. @Larry Garland yes the sheeple are enslaved to their puppet master ducking femocrats and fake news.

    2. Oh Doug not one Republican ever owned a slave. A state didnt start slavery the Democrat party did.

    3. @Larry Garland we have economic slavery instead in modern times. Its better because you dont have to feed or house your workers (slaves), you pay them a low wage while letting the government subsidize the rest of their expenses. And they can be any race! Big business figured that one out.

  4. I Jefferson Antebellum Sarsaparilla Beauregard Sessions do say so myself.. You find me parched at your deliberations Mr. Governer Northam Sir
    I do declare your tongue is as heavy as a python bein eatin by a crocydilly in the shade of an October evening on my daddies plantation
    The precipitous nature in which your vernacular Finds Me
    Is that of a salamander walking up right to the nearest saloon endeavoring into the vanity of the bonfires
    Or my name isn’t Jefferson Antebellum Beauregard Sarsaparilla Sessions…..
    Salute Gov. Salute 💯💯💯

    1. @Michele Jackson
      Yea …no ummmm …no
      Why thank you …
      I take it as a compliment.
      But it’s all me ….

    2. @Jean Pau Prince/Brooklyn Dorisca Yes, I am definitely complimenting your wonderful sense of humor.

  5. Song, song of the south, sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth, gone! Gone with the wind, ain’t nobody looking back again

  6. The democra in black face and hood is going to lecture us on cultural sensitivity….OK 👌 SMDH…

  7. when do you have a right to tell me how to look out in this world.. when you got men dress up as girls..

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