Attacks against Asian Americans have been soaring. Stephanie Ruhle speaks with NBC’s Vicky Nguyen and Congresswoman Grace Meng who has been trying to draw attention to this growing problem for a year about the racist attacks so many Americans are facing. Aired on 3/01/2021.
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#GraceMeng #Americans #MSNBC
Violence Against Asian Americans Continues To Spike Across The U.S. | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
The Asian folks in the area should hire a mixed martial artist and have him walk around the area dressed up as an old man. The attackers would be in for major landing.
Nah, I’ll be caring a 45.
Cung Le?
Mr Miyagi patrol
Anti Asian is spiking is due to that racist former promoting it.
Are we talking about adults or kids here?
Trump has nothing to do with Amerika’s racism.
It was before him and will be after him.
@Sofian does it make any differences whether it is kids or adults?
@keef davis keep that belief T**** targeted Asians by shining a bright light on it
@TMC CLIFFORD Yes it does, for the same reason kids don’t vote.
I rarely ever hear of this happening. Is it police brutality? Is it racism driven? Most Jews & Asian are usually the ones getting rich af bc it comes natural to them. Shoulda been a Japanese guy this life. Oh well.
It is all from the china flu BS
There should be more focus on this issue, as well all the other issues of racism in this country. It’s been going on for far too long because we fail to have an honest history taught in our schools. You cannot just eradicate racism with laws or policies, but with a change in mindset!
The Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and he was buried, and he rose again the third day, and he is offering everlasting life to all who will believe in him.
What is your problem?
Please preach at church where it is always welcome not here
You need help. Religion causes extreme delusions that can sometimes cause the victim to bcm a danger to themselve & those around them. Religion is a leading cause of extreme delusion & insanity across the globe & has been for 1000s of yrs. Plz seek help outside of religion.
I’m telling the good news of Jesus Christ, how he died for our sins and rose again from the dead. It’s a story of love and hope, not hatred. Please people, relax. I’m not attacking you.
Don’t skip your medications
TRUMP, his VILE aiders and abettors and co-conspirators have much to answer for – the promotion and spewing of HATRED and BIGOTRY is absolutely diabolical and deplorable!
blacks are attacking Asians because of Trump?
Didn’t somebody refer to Covid as the ‘chy-na virus’ just this weekend before an adoring crowd of so called ‘christians?’ Didn’t the ‘christians’ cheer?
so black people are trump supporters now? lol
This country will fall under the haters and become nothing …..WAKE UP AMERICA…
It’s horrible that this is happening to our Asian brothers and sister’s; however, people of color have ALWAYS been treated in this manner. When will the government make hate crime’s so punishing, people won’t dare think of such? Only then will we see some change. Police officers are some of the worst offenders!
Thanks for covering this. I (and every other Asian person I know) have been called racial epithets and told to “go back where you came from” on the streets over the last year. This anti-Asian racism is not new, but it’s been omnipresent ever since Trump started fanning the flames in early 2020. These days, every time I go outside to walk my dog, I have to mentally gird myself against such abuse. That is NOT okay.
I bet you didn’t say anything when they were making racial comments about mexicans
@Alex Quevedo You sound like a Republican agent attempting to sour interrace relations
@FieryCheeze in a weird way it does have a point. People don’t care about what happening to others until it happens to them. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s very F’ed up, but I it does make a morbid amount of sense.
Donald Trump is to blame for all of this and everything that’s happened over the last four years I knew when they let that clown in the White House that the country would end up like this
yes cause last time i checked black people love trump lol.
Asian Americans are beautiful people. Stop discriminating.
This is so sad, disgusting.
This is so sad, disgusting.
it even happens IN HAWAII, a place famous for its cultural/racial diversity. usually from white ladies
Stupid people always need someone to blame…
Wow! Am shocked how as usual this people avoid to address the root cause of a problem. To all my beloved east-Asian friends, there’s a simple way to get along with everyone in this country: “Be polite”, that’s it, nothing more. As long as you keep insulting everyone around you as if you are something better in a totally disrespectful way, than crazy people lose their minds and start attacking you. That’s all there is to it.
How brave do you have to be to attack old women and men who are Asian
Who surprised????
Fallout from Trump. Yet Asians vote for him. That All Mighty Dollar!