Police in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Wednesday released several videos of an officer's encounter with Patrick Lyoya earlier this month, including two that show the fatal shot during a struggle after a traffic stop.
The department released video from a police body camera, a police unit's dashcam, cell phone and a home surveillance system as officials answered reporters' questions at a news conference about the deadly April 4 incident.
Police said before the news conference that neither the videos nor audio were edited. Some video images were redacted or blurred to ensure privacy.
Police Chief Eric Winstrom said the officer will not be identified publicly unless there are criminal charges. The officer is on paid leave and his police powers were suspended, the chief said. Michigan State Police are conducting a criminal investigation.
#OmarJimenez #CNN #Newday
Videos show the fatal police shooting of Patrick Lyoya during traffic stop

Seen a lot of “grabbing a taser doesn’t justify this”, but if the officers alone and the suspect manages to tase him, without backup who knows what would happen to the officer while he’s immobile. Could have his gun taken or get beaten
@12 34 Clown
The murder victim was already face down when he was shot in the back of the head.
Why we wouldn’t he just listen?
@Brock Samson Don Lemon is that you?
@Marcela Vargas he was stopped because the license plate was registered to a differant vechicle…
It’s always great to disrespect law enforcement !! Suicide
Non compliance with a police officer does not justify murder.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
I don’t know based on what I saw he literally said drop the taser as if the guy was reaching for his taser or his gun so it seems like it could be justified
He had the officers taser in his hand..
The taser had already been deployed (by the cop). Nothing justifies shooting a man you have face down with your knee in his back.
@No Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. He got a stupid prize for fighting and resisting arrest. One less problem to worry about.
The murder victim was already face down on the grass when he was shot in the back of the head.
I love how ppl who have ZERO experience in L.E. absolutely love to armchair quarterback.
I love how LEOs think they can get away with anything and that they know it all.
@No shouldn’t grab for a cops taser. Immediate death sentence totally justified whether it hurts your feelings or not.
I was not born in the USA, brown skin, came here when I was 16 YO.
I’m 48 now.
I have never been arrested, detained nor an LEO ever put their hands on me.
My vehicle is upto date with plates/registration and insurance.
I have been driving for 20 + years and stopped for driving violations like most us. When I get stopped turned off my vehicle and hands on steering wheel. I provided all required info and all good. There are times I get off with a warning and time I get a ticket.
Never an issue.
Every parent should tell their kids before they start driving. If stopped by PD provide info and comply. If you are mistreated fight it in court.
Who in earth wants to fight with the police? What can you get out of it? Minimum arrested or something like what just happened to this young man.
Regardless of who is at fault.
A life is lost, kids and wife are without a husband.
@P. Kaboo the guy had 3 priors for auto theft along with other chargers. He was no angel and he fought the cop right from the beginning. Once he wrestled the taser from the cop, the cop had no other choice. It goes to intent and the criminal was obviously intent upon resisting arrest
@P. Kaboo I am celebrating the victim the pregnant woman that was beaten by Patrick which he was convicted of! She never has to worry again!
Non compliance with a police officer does not justify murder.
Remain in your car, don’t run, drop the taser. None of which he did. This was escalated by the dead guy. Sometimes you got to take responsibility for your actions.
@Spartanladkenny78 yes when you endanger the police officers life. What part of the scenario can’t you comprehend?
Non compliance with a police officer does not justify murder.
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat Yes it does.
Of coarse if the guy tazed the officer he can then just take the officers gun.
Once the victim was lying face down in the grass the officer shot him in the back of the head.
Officer jumped on the victim facing the floor who holds a close proximity weapon and then expects harm so he shot him.Oh!
That’s funny that within the first 30 seconds they identified the race of both people. Great job “reporting” and great job pushing race instead of the actual story.
That’s what these woke people does
Um, you’re the one pushing the race issue. Perfect example of projection.
Love how they dont explain how the dude was grabbing the cops taser.
Dude wasn’t shot in the back while running, he was trying to take the cops taser so the officer was left with the only other utensil which was his fire arm.
And dont say he could have been sprayed first because that wont stop the cop from getting hit with his own taser then have this guy possibly go for his gun.
Why even out eyes on this? This isn’t worthy enough to be called police brutality’s >___>
The criminal is the criminal.
The cop is the guy in uniform with a gun and a badge.
You get it now?
@No there’s a reason the phrase “suicide by cop” is a phrase, if the cop choosing between his own life and the other guy’s life then of course he is going to save himself
The murder victim was already face down on the grass when he was shot in the back of the head.
Should have listened to the cops.
When does the burning and looting begin?
how do you watch that video and objectively think the guy shot was not at fault in any way? arguing language barrier is stupid. you don’t struggle or run away from cops in any country and claiming ignorance is not a defense.
2 (elecciones ) 9.5/0
3( culturales ) 9.3/10
Son unos de los mejores conciertos
, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos
desde pantalla, se que estuvo
Sorprendente . .;
Looks like resistance to the officers request. If he wasn’t driving illegally this never would of happened.
Non compliance with a police officer does not justify murder.
“What I find most surprising is that CNN still exists.”
-Elon Musk
Obviously somewhat in part due to your viewership….
Elon now will buy CNN
2 (elecciones ) 9.5/0
3( culturales ) 9.3/10
Son unos de los mejores conciertos
, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos
desde pantalla, se que estuvo
Sorprendente . .;
Obey and comply and no harm is intended. Yelling and protesting is covering up for poor decison making and rule of law…
2 (elecciones ) 9.5/0
3( culturales ) 9.3/10
Son unos de los mejores conciertos
, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos
desde pantalla, se que estuvo
Sorprendente . .;
Non compliance with a police officer does not justify murder.
Generally these days, if someone is screaming “racist” or “racism,” they’re the offender. Not the victim.
@Do’s Don’t Just take a good look at the GOP & it’s voters!
Not always, of course, but way too often.
Non compliance with a police officer does not justify murder.
When are people going to learn that you can’t resist arrest and fight with police officers?!?!?
This poor cop, I feel for him, but he did his job PERFECTLY! Bravo officer!
@Mike Morelle You don’t know what you’re talking about.