Citizens worried about Russian President Vladimir Putin's military mobilization and conscription are trying to leave the country by plane or car. CNN's Clare Sebastian discusses the forced enlistment of Russian people arrested following anti-war protests. #CNN #News
Videos show Russian citizens stuck in traffic trying to flee

Look at the massive levels of atrocity just one malignant narcissist man-child can do. So gut-wrenching. My heart goes out to the Russian people.
@S D ??????????
@JOHN Danenberg Go away bot.
@Luz Castillo Figure it out num nuts
@Greg Kremble It’s easy for you to say that while you’re not living in Russia. You people just don’t understand how things work here. If somebody tries to protest in Russia they may get arrested for a long time. And I’m not even talking about fines, beatings in police stations and conditions in prisons. Some protesters from 2011 Bolotnaya protests are still serving their sentences in prison. That is the reason why there not many people protesting, they are just afraid to lose everyting, especially now when the government has gone insane. Only way to stop this is to starve the regime of money, so that there won’t be any more resources to feed that 400,000 army of national guard – which is only west can do, by stopping gas and oil trade with Russia.
We, ordinary people, are guilty of nothing. So don’t talk about things you don’t understand.
The worst thing is they are drafting people who protested right in the police stations. What an evil government
Sending arrested anti war people to the front can also backfire for putin because all it takes is a man with a voice of one of these conscripts to voice out that this war is not worth it and they convince Russian units to either desert or surrender to Ukrainian troops (as long as there not surrendering to the azov battalion cause there known to hurt or kill prisoners )
If you send people who don’t have the will to fight can damage combat effectiveness. If these pacifists with a convincing voice are sent to the front they can voice other units to see it’s not worth fighting
@Klh 12 so you’re implying that i don’t understand the message? That it’s those pretending to be good that are evil?
@Ssar1702 I am saying you did not read Nostradamus. You did not . Am I correct ?
@Klh 12 I heard of him, watched a documentary about him and his predictions that turned out to be true
@Artie Fakt I’m pretty sure you missed the point I was making.
The lesson from history is that Dictators do not resign, they are either forcibly removed or die. Stepping down or resigning is never an option for Putin.
@josefina masadao-haas sure, no problem: to make a long story short, humans are just too dumb.
@Rosbiah Yipin nobody cares about your imaginary friend
@Lucas Kelley are you projecting your learning disability onto others?
@gamingthunder it was an attempted government overthrow. Being an incompetent attempt does negate the fact they attempted to overthrow the government.
That’s why we call it the short bus revolution
Well, one from my country did. Okay, it was due to some heavy economic pressure and non-stop chaos adding to said pressure, but still.
At least this proves that the Russian citizens know what is really going on.
Yep!!! They know their Chances of Survival Ukraine is very Miniscule. That’s why those young Russians are fleeing. Now the Reality of the ‘Special Operation’ has dawned on them.
@Jo Nye you don’t know what they chose, your just repeating something you heard….
It means they don’t want to be conscripted…period
Those police officers look like good candidates for mobilization. They should volunteer to go NOW.
1 imiss toronto Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Trying to flee? that seems horrible
I hope more people out there and here are with u
peace in Ukraine & Russia
1 edyr Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
stay strong ukrainian warriors!
1 jasper arranguez Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Ukrainians on February 23: “We will fight for our freedom!”
Russians on Septemper 23: “Where’s my passport?”
well both are correct as Russians know it is not a war that defends Russias interest rather an idiot putins ego
If all these people fleeing just stood their ground and protested together, they could perhaps stop what may come next
Unarmed office folks vs heavily armed police, army etc – tanks, helicopters, drones, security cameras everywhere – the result is pretty obvious.
@TenBest Everything counts in large amounts
@Fee’ Fnuggy nah with modern weapons its gonna be the new Tiananmen Square this time its gonna be in Moscow
“ the hopeless don’t revolt, because revolution is an act of hope”
– Peter kropotkin
1 Warrior monk Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Russian Before military call-up “I don’t care about the war, as long as only military professionals go to the battlefields.”
Russian After military call-up “I don’t care about the war, as long as I don’t get a military call-up.”
Russian After receiving military call-up “I don’t care about my country, I am leaving this country now.”
1 chickenheart Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
15 years! Dang, that’s f’ing awful
I’m glad many Russian see the truth, and are against more unnecessary war and bloodshed. I wish these people the best and I hope they find a better life wherever they choose to go.
1 Eric Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“For evil to prevail it takes good men doing nothing.”
This is a tragedy. And it shows how little support there’s for the war.
I lived in Moscow for 7 years with my family. My wife is Russian, I’m Dutch-American. She is a psychiatrist and I’m a professor. 4 days after the war started I resigned my post, packed up my family and we were out of Russia and back home to Holland within 10 days. It was not hard to see the writing on the wall.
I’m glad you and your family are safe.
Last fight
Probably the best decision of your life. God Bless!
Why would you leave the beautiful Holland in the first place?
Dude if I lived there I would never leave the Netherlands…
As a german i have truly mixed feelings about it. My countries (and family -)history taught me that if people don’t stand up for the right thing, evil wins. At the same time we are all just people who want their families to be save. So while i understand why they are leaving and have sympathy for it, i also do think that the better, right – and yes harder – choice would be to stay and fight the regime.
Last fight
For that reason we should not allow them to leave the country. As a german i have truly mixed feelings about it. Since februrary there were only silence and as soon as they are personally affected they stand up. Well deserved could someone assume but the truth is IMHO somewhere in between
@uxmaxrussians are split on this 70 vs 30%, still think 30 have a chance to stand up?
Unfortunately about 60% of russians have a resentiment tawards USSR greatness they want it back, but it is even more complicated. They associate capitalism with the one of nowadays russian capitalism, which is totally unhuman, exploitive and disrespective tawards most of them. They want socialsim back, and unfortunatly this bastard Putin convinsed them that he is acting to return the USSR. Thus, those who do not believe in Putins bulshitism about returning the old good USSR, are minority and can not stand and fight. The only thing they can do is run away for their lives
They deserved it. They always supported this regime and didn’t care when innocent people being attacked by rockets were dying every single day in Ukraine.
I am a former US Navy sailor. The US and Japanese Navies were never scared of Russia. They caused traffic jams out to sea like a guy that is jerk that refuse to make way in traffic.
Knowledgeable, well-versed women

I’m praying this war comes to an end soon