Nika Shahkarami has become one of the most known faces in Iran after she went missing on September 20 after attending protests in Tehran. Iranian authorities claimed she fell from a building later that night in an incident unconnected to the protests. But by analyzing over 50 videos obtained by CNN and speaking to six eyewitnesses, CNN has exclusive evidence that Nika was chased and then detained by police just a few hours before she went missing. CNN'S Katie Polglase reports.
#News #cnn #cnni
I have no words to describe how much I admire these protesters.
@Mark Cynic The only naieve childish nonsense is coming from you. You think the only reason why people rise up is about money. you have tunnel thinking and then when someone points out that there are broader reasons from rising up you respond with childish insults rather that talk about what is really goin on in Iran. Now you are trying to change the topic to “it’s there country, they made it, let them get on with it” when I never said anything about whose country it is or what they should about it. Clearly, you can’t handle criticism and especially when you were wrong. I’ve seen more mature responses from 4 yo’s than I’ve seen from you. My advise to you would be to avoid all social media since you are just too thin skinned and irrational.
You built nothing, ever. It’ll be packed out with you beggars hoping for money for nothing from White people.
@Michael Blumenreich
Their, not there. Advice, not advise. When do you start school?
You’re an buffoon. You have no argument. You believe foreigners should meddle in the affairs of countries not their own. Time you grabbed a backpack and took a tour of Burma, Panama, South Africa, etc, etc. The world is full of crap countries for you to wring your hands over.
Try keeping your weak replies in check. It’s so tiresome wading through such endless twaddle.
@club4ghz Only a deluded and dishonest trump turd would say what you just said. The 2 women are nothing alike. The people in Iran are protesting for their freedom while the woman who got shot and killed while breaking into the capitol was warned to stop entering. She was warned. While her death was a tragedy it was because of trump and fools like you who believed trump’s lies. The people in Iran who have been killed are fighting for their freedom while you right wing nuts are fighting for privileged status. You don’t want to share in governing. Just because your deal leader lost in a free and fair election does not give you the right to overthrow the government. If you don’t like the results of the election the it is your own fault for supporting the worst president in US history. He as the most dihonest, the most corrupt, and the most divisive pan to ever step foot in the WH. He was the biggest failure as president in history who only stoked hate. He failed on everything else. Was handed a robust growing economy and left it in shambles. He did nothing about he pandemic even though he knew just how deadly it was. He grew the deficit by $7.6 TRILLION.
Like I said, the people of Iran are fighting for their freedom while people like you were fighting for fascism so you can take freedom away.
@Mark Cynic look you owe me and we want whats owed to us y’all got rich off our backs time to tax white folks and give black americans our reparations in the form of cash payments
A young life is gone..very sad indeed.
They need more news coverage. I’m saddened this young woman died. She and all the people of Iran deserve more news coverage. And more support from more countries.
Frist fix school shootings than other countries
We in Iran need weapons but not only sorrow. We need fucking weapons to fight back !!!! Persian kids are not less than Ukrainians but they die way more than Ukrainians. Your silence is violence. Shame on west.
republican want to turn the US into iran.
Anyone who is reading this! pls ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from killing them.
If you want to help and have your share in this fight for freedom, please search, sign and forward:
G7 leaders expel Iran’s diplomats/ demand that political prisoners be freed
It is a sad day that a government is so powerful and so righteous that it has to kill a 16 year old girl to protect itself. How brave those men must be to do this. What strength they have.
@NightSky Lights I get it – you’re saying that she wasn’t a threat to the Iranian gov., but a tool to send a message to others
The message sent probably isn’t what they intended, but seems to be this: that their people hate the government, and that the government will brutalize them and their daughters to cling to power. It’s probably not the kind of propaganda against the West, for the Arab world’s consumption no doubt, that they were hoping for.
So in the end, the girl might not have been a thread, but their own stupidity was.
If she was Trump supporter murdered by cops on Jan 6 nobody would care.
@club4ghz huh !?? Do you ppl think before you type ? That’s makes no fucking sense!! This isn’t trump rally it’s a girl who was murdered leave you own little feelings out of it
ThAnX for this kind of coverage, we need that a lot.
I’m from Iran, and Nika shakarami who is the girl in the video has became a symbol of fighting against the regime of iran. her hashtag in twitter had pased 100 milion and got viral. she was one of lots of girl that got killed innocently by iran’regime. I and my people in iran want to take down this killer regime and and avenge for the blood of thousands of humans who got killed by this regime. Thanks for sharing our voice

@Sunny bob Quackers Well, to be honest, Hitler was to actually blame. Your average German citizen didn’t really have a choice and even people working within the regime tried to kill Hitler. So, yeah, not so black and white.
@Shamim Khan Dude, can you not read the post. It says “from Iran”, as in they came from there. That doesn’t mean they are currently in the country.

If she was Trump supporter murdered by cops on Jan 6 nobody would care.
@Grady White 300 yeah Right… USA is all for ‘freedom & democracy’

…like in Saudi,Bahrain, UAE, Oman,Isreal,China…
@Toten Srabon There is no difference now between Iran and Iraq since they toppled the former king of Iran, this current regime is corrupt and brutal
I’m sorry for the loss of this beautiful, brave young woman.
US please save woman in India.
@BLACK BULL you give me a black one! Then you have a deal
If you want to help and have your share in this fight for freedom, please search, sign and forward:
G7 leaders expel Iran’s diplomats/ demand that political prisoners be freed
If she was Trump supporter murdered by cops on Jan 6 nobody would care.
CNN report is an insult to the viewers. Do you really think those view this fake news believe that baldy, throwing stones, you circled in the picture is that 16 years old teen girl? The person shown his/her back in those blurry tiny pictures in your report is identifiable as the 16 years old teenager? What a stupid reporting.
What a badass! Fighting for the rights of women fearlessly. Rest in peace!
My heart goes out to them all.
Anyone who is reading this! pls ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from killing them.
@Mark Cynic you couldnt give a toss about who exactly?
If you want to help and have your share in this fight for freedom, please search, sign and forward:
G7 leaders expel Iran’s diplomats/ demand that political prisoners be freed
If she was Trump supporter murdered by cops on Jan 6 nobody would care.
Those people that allow themselves to be ruled by such trash. It’s their country. It’s up to them to make it the way they want it. No one else can. Look at the waste of Western lives in Afghanistan, all for nothing. Once they themselves had to stand up to evil, they all bowed down instead. It seems a life on your knees is their preference.
Thanks for doing this investigation.
So much respect for her, she knew what might happen to her yet she kept on fighting. How many more Women will end up like her though? It is sad to think about…
You westerners caused this. You want to d estroy our religon
We in Iran need weapons but not only sorrow. We need fucking weapons to fight back !!!! Persian kids are not less than Ukrainians but they die way more than Ukrainians. Your silence is violence. Shame on west.
If she was Trump supporter murdered by cops on Jan 6 nobody would care.
This young woman is more heroic than any of us could ever imagine.
black lives matter
If she was Trump supporter murdered by cops on Jan 6 nobody would care.
@club4ghz Got that right. And?
@The Fox of Laurels So why pretend you compassion around this one.
God only knows what they did to this poor girl before they killed her. My heart goes out to the people of Iran fighting for some freedom
Evidence proves she was raped many times by many people
@Lily – I expected that was a high probability. Its heart breaking. Often feels like people will continue to be our downfall.
If she was Trump supporter murdered by cops on Jan 6 nobody would care.
@club4ghz you do know it is nowhere near the same thing though right? Compare our freedoms to theirs and the situations… it’s not the same
May her soul rest in peace
amazing journalism… thank you ! Respect for all Iranian people that are fighting for freedom.
What a brave young woman …. She gave her life for her cause and the woman of her country. I wish it didn’t have to be that way
Not a hero just a childish fool. She got what she deserved.

Anyone who is reading this! pls ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from killing them.
@liberalism is cancer who tf r u to talk about this matter mf? It should’ve been u instead of her. She was brave and heroic while u’r probably in the first world enjoying safety and fast internet.
@Lily – stay triggered
She gave her life for the “people” of her county, just like the other 250 men who have been killed so far in this movement. This is about freedom and human rights.
She was only 16, this is fking tragic. Prayers to her family and everyone close to her.
Dude, I’m from Iran and i living in Tehran
This dictator government is ready to kill all of us (ppl) to stay and do more terrorist acts
But we won’t let them,
This is not protest anymore
This is revolution
I’m from Iran. We can show you 5 or 6 years old got killed we fight the father isis who build them. They block internet and kills ppl with tank and Machine gun.
We have video of a helicopter gun down ppl with machine gun in city.
They rape this girl and tortured
What makes her death even more heartbreaking is how she was killed , her head was severally beaten and her skull was crushed when she was found , and she had been raped
This regime is beyond evil.
An absolute horror, I pray she didn’t die in vain…god bless her soul.
Who polices the morality police? Religious “morality” strikes agian
Anyone who is reading this! pls ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from killing them.
@Marcia Martins she was brutality murdered and likely raped while protesting against a theologically based regime, don’t spit on her grave with your religious nonsense. Western religions aren’t anymore female friendly in principle
My heart goes out to these people, even more for the women. Living under such conditions. And having the bravery to protest, and to continue protesting, in the face of such a brutal regime and its violent attacks to silence them.
Hoping for your success.
That’s Islam and what Muhammad preached, he hated art like music and dancing, he hated life and all its little things that bring joy. Even for us women, he forbade us from many things, the most important one is enjoying our beauty especially the hair! He had such an ugly soul and eye, he hated everything that makes us grateful we are alive. Made us hope for an afterlife where there’s a Harem for him and his perverted companions. On the other hand, he loved violence and killing, raype and trading seggs slaves or chopping off the heads of apostates!
Because of him billions of people are suffering and still continue to suffer. He made us become schizophrenic, stuck between the middle ages and our modern time, afraid to evolve and open ourselves to the world and other humans who are not Muslims. The constant fear of hell fire and the eternal punishment paralysed and crippled us.
I hate him with all my heart.
If she was Trump supporter murdered by cops on Jan 6 nobody would care.
@Pla Yer usa is not the global police! go do somthing yourself! give your life and ask not for the children of others! you pathetic coward
@Danny Rihani Why they’re sanctioning their country? because this regime is supporting terrorist groups, this corrupt regime
@Danny Rihani Hi Danny, being traitor starts from changing your name to “Danny”; Iranians don’t believe the government and their supporters like you are Iranians at all. The country has been occupied by opportunistic people with IQs less than Mongols. The country is under Sanction because the leaders don’t have the best interest of Iranian people in heart.
She was a very brave young lady… Rest In Paradise.