Videos shared on social media show hundreds of workers at China's largest iPhone assembly factory confronting police, some in riot gear. The clashes occurred on the Foxconn campus in the central Chinese city of Zhengzhou. CNN's Selina Wang reports. #CNN #News
Video shows workers clash with police at world’s largest iPhone assembly factory

These large corporations have to understand they need to keep their workers happy by treating them right.
“Foxconn deserves it for offering COVID-lockdown bonuses to entice new workers, and then promptly not paying up. Lolz. What did they expect? It is the norm in labour practices in China to riot to force your employer to pay owed wages”
Or they can just bring the jobs to America instead of allowing another government to feed off our pockets & intelligence by copying all of our devices.
Or maybe govts should not make it so hard for small businesses to survive. Like trying raise minimum wage and high taxes. They do it cause they only want big business to survive. Then they can have control over those fewer companies. It’s the way to socialism/communism. Democrats in the US are trying hard to get there. But democrat voters for some reason can run the logic through their heads. Maybe cause most liberals never owned a business and have no idea.
@OUTLAW ALL BILLIONAIRZ fake news. manufacturing goes to china for a reason (failed state)
@Remi Manufacturing goes to China because it’s a Capitalist Dictatorship. Absolute paradise for the 1% and their Corporations.
Who cares if people don’t get their phones
Something much more is going on when people revolt
Yes not so many happy smiley faces as China tries to portray to the world.
Food for thought, Apple and every one in the company know this is happening. They know about the conditions these workers work under and know how they are treated by the Police. If you buy any Apple products you’re supporting this because this will only change when you “protest” with your wallet and let Apple know it’s not ok.
@infinati That isn’t what a straw man is. You’re right, not many people * really * care. I don’t. That still isn’t what a straw man is. Their conditions are, in fact, poor. * Some * people are concerned. These things are true, and are not a substitute, easier to attack argument used in an attempt to refute the actual argument – thus not a straw man.
Tell that to a Bajillion teens and tweens that could care less XD
A good portion of their phones are made in countries other than China.
Agree. You support them is why it continues.
That is wonderful news this is some of the best reporting you’ve done in a long time now with that being said I hope that wakes up all you Americans start making our stuff here at home it’s time to be energy independent and self efficient
@Deborah Lonergan
Ingredients? What are you cooking?
@Jay Mass Computer chips.
@Deborah Lonergan
Yea those are components. And the US should be making them here.
@Jay Mass If you bothered to do a little research vs just whining and complaining you might discover what’s going on with that.
Time for Apple to return production to North America. Cook maintains it is lack of qualified employees … BS. They send teams of engineers to China to manage the technical aspects and if Foxconn can train farm workers to build the products, the same can be done in the US, Canada and Mexico. Apple is rich beyond avarice and perhaps they could trade a bit of that wealth for domestic production in plants where workers are paid living wages, have safe working conditions and where environmental safeguards are ensured. And hey, Apple, if you by chance have a team reading these kinds of posts (I suspect you do), I love Apple products and am surrounded by them. I’m writing on an iPad Pro, there’s a new MacBook Pro on the coffee table, my wife and I are wearing iWatches, Linda is reading her book on a Mini, and we have two iPhones charging. Upstairs there is Apple TV and an iMac. Of course, there are also chargers, cables, cases, keyboards and, and, and … SMARTEN UP, APPLE.
@songj0056 Ok. Let’s use unskilled and cheap North America labor to put the iPhones together, and maybe solve US migration issues at the same time. Do you really think that would work, and to the benefits of the general public in North America?
@Doug Thomson he clocked you, don’t get mad.
I am with you about bringing some manufacturing jobs back to North America. You talked about businesses and governments out sourcing the high paying jobs and critical industries, but you didn’t mention the Consumer’s role.
Made in USA didn’t disappear overnight. It took 50-60 years from the 50s to circa 2010 for the US to lose most of its manufacturing capabilities.
During that period, especially during the 60s and 70s, Consumers had plenty of domestic and foreign choices, but bought imported goods with little complaints. So the businesses and the governments let the jobs and industries go overseas.
I’d say we, the Consumers, bear as much responsibility as the businesses and the governments for outsourcing the jobs and industries.
Sad ppl are too slow to realize that there’s Chinese bots here hoping the US never brings our labor back to the US.
Would love if we make iPhones in the
USA; I hope Apple figures it out.
And how much they gonna pay you ? probably much higher than the chinese ! not even that but laws in America are much strict the thing that manufacturers dont like because they know they will have to pay high price if they play with the law that protects workers. simply apple cant pay you to work in an apple factory.
Wow this is super disturbing kind of reminds me of that time of the riots in the early 90s
Reminds me of the old song “everybody was kung fu fighting , those cats were fast as lightning”
I agree Apple knew a long time ago yet did nothing about it. Shame. Ahhhh corporate cruelty and selfishness.
Exactly. This FoxConn thing has been going on for years. Apple needs to do something about it. This is ridiculous how these workers are treated and have been treated for years there. Time for Apple to step up and do the right thing.
It’s not us white men’s responsibility to take care of Foxconn workers, right?
And greed.
Wow, they were offered 60% the cost of one new iPhone. Lol
Apple is laughing their way to the bank.
It’s like they’re saying your life is worth half an iphone to us
Fight for your rights folks. Do not comply.
-sent from my iPhone ironically
[Neglected workers rise up against their oppressive government]
Multi-million dollar corporation on the other side of the world: “But we need those workers in that factory
Exactly. And of course CNN gives Apple’s business ‘stress’ equal billing to the immense abuses the factory workers are enduring. Good to see CNN’s sense of perspective….. not at all.
Multi TRILLION dollar company… “we need cheaper slaves”. The best part is Apple pitches itself as a progressive company to the left and women who buy their overpriced phones.
Apple CEO yrly salary is: $16.4 million USD – that is for ONE PERSON – corporations need to remember that a company is not a name, it’s the people who work there. We are not disposable slaves for the benefit of the few.
why would CCP police help a capitalist company? it is not apple, it the tyrannical rule of CCP. get your fact straight
A CEO only earning 17 Mil is quite low when they run the entire corp. In Africa a random CEO will earn 3 Billion by siphoning all the money from the nation’s natural resources into his own pockets.
Peter, that’s a good example. What makes it better is when we look at the compensation that isn’t counted as salary. For 2020, we can add over 80 million in stock awards and a 12 million dollar bonus at least. Given the median income of an apple employee (fortune magazine) is just over 55,000, the CEO is making at least 1,960 TIMES the median salary. But we are told by some that he actually earned this compensation, he deserves it, and we have to give rich people all of our money so that they create jobs and it “trickles down” to the working class. I can’t even.
@Generic Scout That’s not a valid comparison.
Well steph curry makes like 40 million per year so honestly apple may be leading the charge there…
Those factories there are insane. They live on site, have suicide nets every few floors so employees can’t leap to their deaths etc. Don’t know how many generations of workers they think they can do this to but the workers there do need to wig out and get decent conditions.
Go fn Rambo on the corporate demons. Best move to make!
Or just bring the jobs to America
As living in the event of the local people, in the face of the violent protests, I feel numb, because in the epidemic containment for nearly two months, residents or students jump off a building one after another, Chinese official reports of fire for a lot of false reason, really like more likely are artificial fire, social society under government high pressure management almost on the verge of collapse. Emotions have been consumed. I long for a real democracy in China, and that everyone’s rights as a human being can be treated fairly. The American values of freedom and democracy are constantly awakening the Chinese people in the Internet age
You must boycott Apple how can you buy their products when you know how they treat their employees
Tough seeing this as I own an iPhone SE and not the idiot who upgrades every year. I had my 6s for 6 years and needed to upgrade because I had a really bad battery and couldn’t turn it on anymore. Wish there was a way where people realize this and don’t need the latest stuff just to prove people.
You can only go so far treating people like cogs in a machine. Business has to have humanity in it, otherwise it ultimately benefits no one if the system breaks down.
Making money is an action . Keeping money is behaviour
Growing money is knowledge
Same i here, i will praise Mrs Alexandra Sandra over and over again because she has great skills, i started with $2000 and after 2week i received a returns of $6,000 then i continue with her ever since she has been delivering.
I just sent her a message now. With all the recommendations I’ve seen here, I’ll definitely give it a try.
I’m glad to see Mrs Alexander Sandra mentioned here, my spouse recommended her to Me after investing $4000 and she has really helped us financially in times of COVID -19 lockdown here in Australia
Aight imma stop you right here
I’d love to know where the moral outrage is in regards to how Apple products are made. I’ve always disliked Apple as a company and it’s devotees are almost like cult members. I’m not really sure why this is the case but it seems that your city dwelling, carbon footprint tracking, pronoun demanding “everything is political” crowd seem to gravitate towards Apple. None ever seemed concerned about the appalling conditions in which the gadgets are made and the pocket change they pay employees.
That’s what happens when you put all your Apple in one place. I don’t blame the workers for fighting back and wanting more because they were cheated.