CNN's Omar Jimenez reports on three law enforcement officers in Arkansas who have been removed from duty after a video of a violent altercation with a person being restrained outside a convenience store was posted online. Then, CNN's Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto speak with former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis about his thoughts on the incident. #CNN #News
Video shows violent arrest by law enforcement in Arkansas

Gee, I just can’t imagine why people don’t trust or respect the police. It’s a real mystery.
@$hiek Yobooty Yeah. That’s working out great.
These officers need to be fired there’s no excuse for three men to be nearing an unarmed man like this. They were given a responsibility to uphold the law to protect and serve. Allowing incidents like this to continue unpunished only leads to further hatred and resentment towards law enforcement. Police need to lead by example they need to be held to the highest standard and if these individuals can’t then they need to be removed. Stop hiring unstable bullies and egotistical maniacs. We need to have competent people who are willing to do this difficult job, because without a doubt it’s difficult and stressful but that’s all the more reason why we need to have exceptional individuals in these positions. Shame on these men and I hope they face justice.
Fired. They need to be thrown in jail
Fired? That’s it? They should go to jail, or they and other cops will keep doing this.
I keep seeing the “assault “ term used here. The subject did not sustain any injuries. What is definition of assault in Arkansas? In many states there is no assault or battery if there are no injuries, except in cases of domestic assault or battery. Just trying to build my understanding.
Once again, there are three men holding him on the ground. They’re just pissed off and acting like a gang who’s pissed off. Uncalled for. This is not how you treat a child who throws a punch at you, this is not how you treat someone who’s under your power who punches you.
@eXdXgXe4life He was doing nothing except covering up from the punches. Why at every video of police abuse, does a cop sucker show up and try to justify the actions of the abusive cops?
“trained out”, this cannot be done. These “people” are deeply flawed and never have made it through recruitment. If this is a cross section of their force, unbelievable.
proper police training should take years not a few weeks
@PJ Ferguson Yep! The quickest to violence and the first to toss others civil liberties casually away, yet are also (strangely enough) the victims in every situation. Weird how that works out… Huh…
Obviouly, they were very well trained… By the UFC
We need public review boards with the power to fire police officers. That’s the only way you fix this. And the hiring practices need to be with the public not the department. They obviously do not know how to screen potential employees
The mental state of police officers in this country is an issue.
This level of rage is not normal.
@SMS2884 That is not how crime rates are reported. Percentages matter.
If you have a country with 100 million people and 100 murders per year, then you have a greater chance of being murdered than if you live in a country with 300 mllion people and 150 murders per year.
Not sure if you’re arguing dishonestly or if you just need some more education on how statistics work. Either way youre presenting the information in a twisted way.
Also, “you know” I’m comparing to the 80s and 90s? How do you know that? Is it the part where I specifically said “lowest levels in US history”? Do you think that means the 1880s and 1890s?
I’m talking about ALL of the history we have records of crime rates of.
Both in our country and globally we live in the safest and most prosperous era in human history.
@jasondean88888 Demographics matter. Yes I understand how statistics work. It depends on where you live. Odds are if I live in an upper class neighborhood of 100,000 people vs a lower class neighborhood with gang violence I’ll be fine.
@SMS2884 and how you approve child abuse says a lot about you
@Mark R Who said anything about child abuse? That’s horrible
@Alasdair Blackmore das rite good ole god fearing Christians would have saved the day
Holy crap, i can’t believe the fuzz thought that was necessary!! Especially the head slamming into the concrete. Ridiculous. How about the battery they performed on the suspect?
1 Lori Wiggins Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.” ― John Wooden.
I think the former Boston Police Commissioner makes an interesting point when he questions whether the officers would have acted differently if the bodycams were there and on.
Have these officers reveiled to the world their true character, thinking no one was watching?
1 Thomas Jefferson Louttit Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Marie Lucas 🤣🤣🤣🤮 are you nuts?
They stopped beating him as soon as they saw the camera.
Arrest those cops for assault and battery ! When this incident goes through the courts this young man will be a multi millionaire , and he’ll deserve every penny of it !!
This is BEYOND sickening. I don’t care WHO you are. When law enforcement, men in uniform who are in a positions of power in circumstances such as these, inflict such grave bodily harm it begs to question, when will it end? When will these murderers and bullies learn? It truly tarnishes the image of other police men and women who are beyond professional and who do not use their power to inflict harm.
1 K K Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Bro, you don’t even know the complete story It is too late to call this unjustifiable Because we still have to uncover some hidden Details.
@LAKNIDU BANDARA regardless of the crime… if three trained cops cannot handcuff a man laying on the floor they’re just very incompetent. And how exactly slaming his head repeatedly on a concrete floor will help achieve anything? Human reflex is to protect your head in that kind of situation not put them behind your back. So it’s either very bad incompetence or high degree of maliciousness or both. Either way it should be enough to get them fired, if the system worked correctly…
They shouldn’t be on paid administrative leave. They should be fired, arrested awaiting criminal trials for assault.
1 Deborah Morales Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“We need to do an investigation” there’s a video everyone can see. The sheriff needs to be fired too
1 Lola face Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Not without a Clear investigation.
Let me tell you something: The reason we see so much of this sort of police brutality lately, is because these days everybody carries a video camera.
Cops do these things, and they always have done. What’s new is that they’re getting filmed doing it.
1 Maarten van dam Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Still officers need to go to jail for a long time. That one keep beating his head the other one kept kicking him. Still its not acceptable. The guy on the ground can be more disabled going forward.
This happens more than you think. The cell phone camera has brought into light the abuses of the police. Sure, they come up against some really bad guys but some cops carry it too far!
He’s being held for battery?!?! There was no “combat” here!! There was just a vicious beating!!
When you’re holding your suspect on the ground with 2+ guys beating on him: it’s not law enforcement, it’s not self defense, it’s not policework; it’s attempted murder.
Bodycams need to be on all officers and need to be impossible to be turned off.
Imagine what isn’t caught on video!
To whoever is reading this, I hope you heal from the things you don’t speak about. I hope you find peace within your day. If all you did was get out of bed today, have a glass of water, or even just did whatever you could, just know that’s the best you could do at that moment and that’s okay. Everyone sleep well and I hope the waves of relaxation wash over you. Sending love and healing and light to all of you. ❤