CNN joins a Ukrainian reconnaissance unit as they review the weeks leading up to liberating Kherson from Russia. CNN's Sam Kiley reports. #CNN #News
Video shows Ukrainian forces infiltrating Russian command center

CNN joins a Ukrainian reconnaissance unit as they review the weeks leading up to liberating Kherson from Russia. CNN's Sam Kiley reports. #CNN #News
Gob bless Ukraine and it’s brave soldiers
Repent and believe in Jesus. John 3:16 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
John 3:3 KJV – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Virgin Ra 
Do a favor, stop acting like a grown up, little mean boys should be sleeping now.
why would God (or a godhood) care for the struggle of some human beings?
Virgin Ra
Now we know why you’re a virgin!
@Bab Blo Hindustan Times shows this war a bit differently than what CNN is saying. I guess the russians just vaporized parts of the Ukranian army near lyman with some really nasty weapons. plenty of videos to chose from, was just seeing them on my msm newsfeed
I don’t know what does it have when a Ukrainian citizen or soldier says “Slava Ukraini” and everyone replies to it, it’s just so patriotic that shakes my heart
@SlayerOn Limburger Does it hurt your brain when you write such a load of garbage?
@J Field No, what hurts me is a public full of dumbed down
who literally believe anything the media tells them as fact.
Then they are programmed to deny and claim “conspiracy” if someone speaks out against it.
Repent and believe in Jesus. John 3:16 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
John 3:3 KJV – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
@SlayerOn Limburger Imagine the irony of being able to use YouTube as a Pro Russian outside of Russia but not within…keep trolling
@Yore History By no means, I’m not a troll. and he is not a fan of Putin at all, but rather the opposite. but one-sided provision of information has a very negative impact on the credibility of the American media. and therefore I would like to convey my opinion to the viewers of YouTube
I would like say hats off to people of Ukraine for their bravery courage and resilience in fighting against the war. Bravo, guys.
@Утюжить Украину — ломать влияние США! FucKFC! great tell us about Syria, Georgia Chechnya while you’re at it. At least the USA is moving away from collateral damage munitions. We’re migrating to the m30a1 to avoid using cluster munitions and our new hellfire no longer uses high explosives to take out high value targets. What’s Russia doing?
@Skalgar Too right Skalgar, no one takes their hats off to the invading nazi ruSSian terrorists.
@СОВЕТСКИЙ ТОВАРИЩ ☭ Glory to the Russian Resistance! Freedom and democracy for the Russian People!
go back and fight in Siberia
They now want war to shift the focus from plan-demic crimes to another issue.
That’s what the world needs to understand!
People are being manipulated into hating each other, so that they can fight each other, and the killers of plan-demic to escape.
It’s really tragic, these Russians are so untrained, unprepared … and so capable of depraved atrocities … God bless the Ukrainians and ALL WHO DEFEND UKRAINE! – Russian Zelensky, very cool
okay but i do not want to eat zelansky’s sh!*t for lunch
Anyone is capable of atrocities,
Why don’t you go fight for Ukraine what’s stopping you?
@Sumiland; We’re seeing the result of the Russian Armed Forces complacency, lack of training over the yrs and the ineptitude of their Officers and Command Staff. They totally underestimated the Ukranians “will to fight” to defend their way of life and their Freedoms which resulted in almost catastrophic consequences which is having an extremely costly war in terms of human and equipment losses not to mention their high ranking Officers, Colonels and above.
God bless every nation that helped Ukraine in this historic fight
@Navam Sinna No they didn’t, stop lying. Also they aren’t people of ruzzia if they live in Okraine.
“Bankers will make sure we are in debt, pharmaceutical companies that we feel bad, arms manufacturers will make sure we fight each other, the media that we don’t find out the truth, and governments will make sure everything is legal ….
Show, the payment is made at the end … “
@Jumping saucepan
Reading remarks like this, makes me wonder. Is the writer a 9 year old mean little boy or an mean adult with the brain of an 9 year old. This time it has to be the latter one?
Slava Ukraine!

@The Truth
God has everything under control
Watch Perry stone
Villages are foundation of Ukraine, their liberation is so important. Massive agriculture potential and humble people
Link to the Clip :- They finally released this
● ter·ror·ism ● the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Democrats (all of 2019 and 2020 in over 140 Innocent American cities) and Republicans (Jan06/2021) are rioting domestic terrorist organizations.
They commit and support mass shootings, bombings and rioting which terrorize the innocent 110 million REAL AMERICANS who are not registered in your domestic terrorist groups.
As an American, I refuse to negotiate or participate with you domestic political terrorists. I will not listen or follow anything any Democrat or Republican says to do. I will not listen to any government organization controlled by these domestic political terrorist groups. I will not fund your terrorist activities and domestic war with taxes.
Glad I am not a registered democrat or republican mentally ill terrorist traitor and 1 of 110 MILLION REAL AMERICANS in this country.
☭ слава великому советскому народу товарищи ☭
Ukraine doesn’t consisnt only of villages though, we have a plenty of highly urbanized zones as well.
Ukrainians are related to Russians, they also speak Russian! Not to mention that the resources on that territory are not used for their well-being, but are used for the benefit of those in the West. There is nothing to defend! Do you want peace? Then it’s simple: Don’t fight! You have nothing to fight for! The media washes people brains and makes them hate each other!
Stay strong and safe guys. Heroyam Slava
Thank you US and all helping Ukraine
@Bab Blo 1 milion filthy PUTINA mamluks dead by difteria in Cherkasy R.I.P
Keep humiliating weak Putin!
@Bab Blo
Joined 9 months ago and 500 comments? Is Kreml paying by the hour or per comment? Just asking for a friend.
@janne vain Yeah, he’s a real “professional” I read if they don’t hit their quota every day they don’t get paid. How can you check how many comments someone has made though? I didn’t think that was possible.
@Eli You cant unless they allow it in the privacy settings. sometimes people subscribe and can find it if the user shares it with his subscribers. but that is just creepy and usually considered stalking. i mean unless that person wants to come off as some dork well then so be it I guess. whatever floats that persons boat lol
May victory be swift soon and total. Slava Ukraini!
Go Ukraine from the USA we are with you!!
They will lose Russia is to big and powerful as the world will discover in a couple of months
@Adam Beal is it true that trumpists are trying to sabotage US help for Ukraine? tell me plz what is happening in USA
@AjitaDas399 No not true both parties are backing Ukraine pretty solidly. Russia invading Ukraine helped us all come together at least in that sense.
Mad respect. These guys are saving the world from russian terror.
They fired the missile into Poland , wake up.
@Broadkast Misinformation.
@Broadkast They did it by mistake while protecting themselves. russia on the other hand is intentionally killing civilians and is the one who started this war. I think it’s you who needs to wake up.
These are some tough guys right there! Utmost respect for these liberators of Ukraine!
I don’t know what does it have when a Ukrainian citizen or soldier says “Slava Ukraini” and everyone replies to it, it’s just so patriotic that shakes my heart
Dear bravehearts and defenders of Ukraine! May the moon and stars light up your way and mother earth keep you safe. We love you all! Please stay strong, have high spirit, fight smart and be safe! Thank you for standing up against evil! Slava Ukraini!// Love and light from Sweden

I don’t know what does it have when a Ukrainian citizen or soldier says “Slava Ukraini” and everyone replies to it, it’s just so patriotic that shakes my heart
I remember seeing Damien Rodriguez,over there “before it was cool”,as they say. He was actually mocked and asked “why?” so many times. But,he didn’t relent. I reckon a feller like that isn’t even bothered by words. He’s got skin as thick as plates. Anyways, it’s really heartwarming to to ’em get the respect he deserves. Slava Ukraine,Slava Heroes like Damien.
Words can’t express how damn proud the whole civilized world are of the Ukrainian people, their military, and their leadership.
@The Truth
What fantasy world are you living in?
@NaturalBornSkeptic No I live in an informed world. Large parts of Africa South and central America have refused to sanction Russia. China and India have also refused to sanction Russia actually increasing their trade with Russia. Strong supporters of anything the USA says and does Israel and Saudi have refused to sanction Russia. Libya Syria Iran Iraq have refused to sanction Russia pretty sure Pakistan Bangladesh, Afghanistan Turkmenistan and all those other countries that end in stan have refused to sanction Russia. Vietnam is not supporting sanctions on Russia and facing sanctions itself for not doing it. Indonesia the Philippines and Malaysia are not sanctioning Russia, North Korea not sanctioning Russia Madagascar is supporting Russia Mongolia refused to sanction Russia etc
You don’t know what you are talking about do you
@The Truth
China is ripping off Russia, buying cheap oil and laughing behind Putins back. Same with India.
If you line up rest of the countries on your list, well, you know. (Yawning)
@The Truth Ok, I understand your argument, and there’s a grain of truth to it. But with the exception of India, the countries you mentioned have unelected leaderships and their positions don’t represent the sentiment of the people of those countries. So in fact you’re confusing the position of authoritarian governments with positions of the population of those countries. Furthermore, I stated clearly that I thought the “civilized” world (i.e., liberal, democracies) stand behind the Ukraine’s. This statement is obviously true, and I couldn’t care less about the opinions of fascist and authoritarian regimes.
@NaturalBornSkeptic Thanks I appreciate you took the time to read and understand what I said (I didn’t expect that)
We could debate what democracy is for example here in the UK from memory in the 2015 election UKIP got about 20% of the vote. More votes than the SNP and and Liberals combined yet they only got one seat in Parliament where as the SNP got about 55 and the liberals about 6? That’s not very democratic. Then there is the situation where SNP MPs get to vote on issues that effect England NI and Wales but MPs in England NI and Wales don’t get to vote on Scottish issues. The UK is often Lorded as the home of democracy!! It does not seem that way
And there is the EU Parliament where the MPs representing the people of the EU are not allowed to propose a law, amend a law or repeal a law. What’s the point of them being there? And EU president Ursula von der Leyen is appointed the people don’t get to vote for her or not.
As you say India the second most populous and soon to be the most populous country in the world is democratic but how many of its population understand national affairs let alone international affairs? Most vote tribally and are more concerned where their next meal is coming from
Brazil, South Africa, Israel, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Madagascar are all democracies China is not a democracy but it is the second most powerful country in the world militarily and economically and its only a question of time before it surpasses the USA. I don’t think we can afford to dismiss it just because it does not conform to our version of democracy
Here in the UK I think most people support the Ukraine but they do that based on the suffering of the people (fair enough) and that they have been told Putin is a mad man. They have not been informed about NATOs expansion and aggression towards Russia for the last 25 years (that’s another discussion) etc
Nevertheless I detect a lot of people saying look at the state of our economy, look at inflation, how can I pay my bills, my mortgage, we would rather pay our nurses more money get the NHS waiting lists down, and not have the recent tax rises than fund a war in the Ukraine. Nobody in the UK democracy has checked back with the people if we want to fund a war in the Ukraine, give away our weapons we might need ourselves and be Putin’s main antagonist in Europe putting ourselves in his firing line, the first to be nuked if it comes to it.
So how is the UK government any different to an authoritarian government? I’ve had no say. You said authoritarian governments don’t represent the sentiment of the people. How do you know?
You talked about liberal democracies and not caring about the opinions of of fascist and authoritarian regimes but you cannot just dismiss China’s opinion (where most people seem happy) They are too big to ignore. What about Hungary are they a liberal democracy? They have free and fair elections but they have campaigned against the sanctions on Russia refuse to support any more EU sanctions on Russia and continue to buy its gas or Italy turning the refugee boats back sending them to France instead is that a liberal democracies or just a democracy?
Have a look at “‘Magnificent’: Meloni blasts France’s ‘exploitation’ of African countries on live TV” on youtube where Meloni explains how France sends children down gold mines and keeps half of what they mine. Is France still a Liberal democracy? What did Spain do when the people of the Catalan voted for independence? They sent in the police and the army beat the crap out of people arrested the organisers and put them in prison. Is Spain Liberal democracy? The USA Guantanamo Bay, Extraordinary rendition, water boarding, Iraq (what did they do) and many more countries. Is the USA a liberal democracy?
“civilized world” I am not sure what is so civilized about all the wars the USA has entered into all over the world or the British empire or the two world wars started by Germany or how the Japanese behaved during the war or when they invaded China. On a lesser scale how Canada behaved treating their truckers freezing their bank confiscating their trucks labelling them Nazi’s etc was representative of a liberal democracy. Lockdowns of healthy people and the loss of jobs if they refuse to be vaccinated does not seem right either.
The world is a complicated place and we have to learn to navigate it and stop thinking we can impose our values on others especially others who are as powerful as us
The Ukrainians military’s moral is something I’ve never seen before! Such a strong, tactical military force. #longliveukraine
Most of them do seem to be brave, but there ate those who would run if they knew they were fighting a loosing battle, this is pefectly normal.
Can’t have it both ways one minute Ukrainian army so good and next minute crying for help and Russian president is brutal pick a story and stick with it
@Kryzzan; Sir, the Ukranians don’t have another option but to fight to the end otherwise they’d cease to exist as a Sovereign Country and will live their life on their knees and an Autocratic regime.
Yep you definitely didn’t knew something about Soviets morale in ww2
Viva Ukraine God bless you guys …
It always puts a smile on my face seeing how happy the liberated Ukrainians are Bless their hearts…
1:26 Notice how careful the medic is going on this Russian guy, and this person replays back with gratitude, warning the Ukrainians about airstrikes, even telling them to run and leave him. Good ppl on both sides.
Yes i was surprised by that, specially as he was more senior (they usually seem worse than the conscripts), i’d assumed all the decent Russians had already surrendered, gone AWOL, requested asylum etc
Let us remember and never forget the brave young men who have lost their precious lives in pursuance of freedom for all Ukrainians and the free world. Let their grieving families be really proud of their great effort. Please God reward their souls for their effort, as it was not in vain.
Rest in Peace young bravehearts.