Memphis Police release footage from four cameras that captured the fatal beating of 29-year old Tyre Nichols. Nichols died three days after his arrest.
RELATED: Officer indictments for death of Tyre Nichols should be a 'blueprint'
Video released Friday shows Memphis police officers brutally beating a 29-year-old Black man, shouting expletives and using pepper spray and a baton on him while he called out for his mother in a traffic stop that left him hospitalized and, three days later, dead.
Police struck Tyre Nichols at least 13 times, kicking his face, side and head, punching his head and chest, and striking him with a baton. After the beating, as Nichols sat propped up against a police car moaning in pain, police gathered nearby, calling Nichols names, checking on each other and laughing.
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#TyreNichols #Memphis #Police
It was staring in our face all along… Just googled the Tennessee song.
Anyone currently driving in USA is one traffic stop away from this happening to them. Tell your loved ones you love them.
Cops: execution squads on the prowl.
I got pulled over for speeding 93 on 55 in a rural area by a white sheriff and I’m brown. He actually gave me a lesser penalty because I was nice and admitted my mistake. I was pissed for a ticket but I wasn’t gonna be rude cause I did do something wrong.
@AmarNathan Clearly you weren’t as unfortunate as this young man who crossed paths with these evil bastards.
Why? I mean I’m not from the usa so I think the Police is indeed way to aggressive compared to Europe. But this man clearly didn’t cooperate.
@Prince Groove he obviously committed a serious crime , rape murder armed roberery, why would you resist arrest if your not guilty .
some low standards of police work, morally speaking!
not at all!
@Lynette Cobb anyone with a 2 cent brain knows every officer is overworked and underpaid with huge neglect of “Moral Standards” hence you get this on screen, absolutely shameful.
They’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days for cops.
piss poor law enforcment. it took that many dudes to do your job, and yet you killed him? somebody speak english here and tell me theyl fd up
he was complying even responding that he was on the ground and with that being the case they beat, tased, and pepper sprayed him. Of course he ran. This is common in the police system and as long as it stands always will be. These officers are beating him to death to beat him to death, there’s not reason they should be. 1176 people where killed by cops in 2022, an inexcusably high number that reflects how shitty the police system is.
Anyone on that scene that did nothing and left him laying there should be brought up on negligent homicide charges. As for the “men” that did this, they belong in prison in general population. See how they like it.
They beat him unconscious then lied about him being: high as a kite.
Utterly disgusting and sinister as hell itself.
Good job police
They should get a life sentence each. Absolutely disgraceful
Freedom people with lots of freedom
Can someone tell me why do we need police officers for
Not A got dam Thing…
What a dumb statement. There are many good, kind police officers that keep the community safe. They save lives and have a heart. Obviously there are some monsters who are police but to say we don’t need police officers because of some bad ones is ridiculous and immature.
He called for his mom
. What if it were one of them? No one should be treated this way.
What if he just raped a 3 year old girl then killed her , do you believe if he did he didn’t deserve that treatment .
He may have resisted arrest but that’s no reason to kick punch baton taser a man without a weapon he called for his mom that alone should of told you to stop. you five police are criminals
My condolences to the family
I think he ran away because he was scared. Later reports show thee had no reason to pull him over. I mean … When do we get to defend ourselves? They escalated the situation from the start. Just tragic
Why can’t he stop resisting. He is only making this harder for himself.
Because he most likely committed a crime , rape , murder, police don’t do that if your innocent.
He’s breathing just fine to me should have just complied with the officers and then fix the issues they should have tazzed him and done
They went to far with that so sad
Those cops are a disgrace. Probably got off later to the harm they caused him. Very sick
What a zoo!
These freaking animals!
Investing appropriately today can save you a whole lot of stress in the nearest future

Dear God
when he calls for his mother..shocking.
July 7 of 2016 in Dallas, was a glorious day.