New video shows two Iranian missiles hitting a Ukrainian plane.
RELATED: She survived the Iran airstrike
New video appears to show a second Iranian missile hitting a Ukrainian plane, killing all 176 people onboard.
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#iran #ukraineplane #worldnews
how do they accidentally shoot it down with two missles
Ask Israel those are clearly Israeli missiles I know because I am in Israel and I press the button to launch those missiles.
it was done on purpose saying they mistook the plane for a missile who ever gave the green light to shoot the plane down because they thought it was a missile needs to go into some sort of training because if not Iran is in big trouble.
@NickAirsoft well said
@Dawn Silverstone as I remember the US shot down a air plane carrying Like 250 iranians in bright daylight so do my favor and shut up
@Dawn Silverstone Let’s thank CIA and Ukraine installing an AWACS system to spy on Iran, which appeared as a hostile target flying over a military no fly zone outside of Tehran airport, killing 175 Iranian doctors, engineers, women and children. Just another genocidal form of trump’s sanctions
Those poor people aboard that plane.
Some of Iran’s best minds. PhDs and doctors , all murdered.
@King Xerxes ….and some 30 children whose last moments of life were spent in horror I can’t even imagine. Very very sad.
@BloodTar Let’s thank CIA and Ukraine installing an AWACS system to spy on Iran, which appeared as a hostile target flying over a military no fly zone outside of Tehran airport, killing 175 Iranian doctors, engineers, women and children. Just another genocidal form of trump’s sanctions
Iran’s first instinct is to lie……….just stating the obvious.
So is trump’s
yes you’re right Israel should be nuked off the map those were Israeli missiles Iran didn’t do anything wrong we need to support them and nuke Israel while at the same time rounding up anyone with dual citizenship to Israel in a white European country and shooting them in the face seizing their assets and redistributing it to White gentiles in white European countries.
+Jimmy Crickets Woah there, buddy. That’s super edgy.
It’s not Iran. Iranian is synonymous with Never Lie. It is this foreign Islamic Arab regime that is imposed on Iran that ALWAYS lies and lies and lies. That’s all it does. They came to power by lying about the Shah and painting a monster out of a great Person ruler. This regime is filth and must go.
Iran already admitted what s to lie about what a pathetic comment
Need to start equipping all commercial airliners with anti-heating seeking flares.
EL AL Israel Airlines has done that to their fleet of Boeing airplanes
UUUU dude that is a product to PATENT

Contact the Boeing and save many lifes in the future
chaff too.
And what will be done about it ,squat
Sooooooooo sad

Iran is backward in its thinking and it’s people are trying to join 21st century but religious idiots think there country should be ruled with outta date laws and terrorism .
Ok Iran needs to chill it’s one guy and they’ve killed many more than one
Have you heard of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.
okay but blame trump for all this.. if he never killed the general iran would of never been on edge and shot at the aircraft
They’re trying to start a war
tbh they don’t want no smoke just shade
Yes, by all means let’s give these morons a Nuclear weapon.
@Fellow White Person Let’s thank CIA and Ukraine installing an AWACS system to spy on Iran, which appeared as a hostile target flying over a military no-fly-zone outside of Tehran airport, killing 175 Iranian doctors, engineers, women and children. Just another genocidal form of trump’s sanctions
@Ali Tha Realist
Trump 2020
cenobitecyborg kratch No one cares 2020

Everyone should denounce Iran
*No one can hide from the truth*
watershed moment for the people of iran. hopefully they will overthrow their government and replace it with a non religion based one.
My heart is broken for the people on the plane RIP..
Iran is a devil that need to be destroyed.
@UCZlvdXnaL0LVWq1WG_8tCng Japan was nuked during the war fiesta they started with the sleeping giant, 2 nukes finally forced them to wake up. Where’s your ww3 coming from, iran is no threat to USA only to innocent people.
@just Q No no no no, Let’s thank CIA and Ukraine installing an AWACS system to spy on Iran, which appeared as a hostile target flying over a military no fly zone outside of Tehran airport, killing 175 Iranian doctors, engineers, women and children. Just another genocidal form of trump’s sanctions
@synco pated proof?
@synco pated I’m from Saudi Arabia so I can tell that Iran is very dangerous to everyone that close to it, it’s has a very bad history with destroying and killing people without a single reason, they are not intelligent humans or why did they do that?? Why did they love making war and killing all around?? They aren’t normal, we call them for peace a lot of times but they like if they cannot live without conflict, they are very dangerous to middle east..
Hope if we can live in peace with all as humans before anything..
All of Iran needs to be declared a “no-fly zone”, and every time a fire control radar switches on we need to blast it.
Why does the timestamp on the video show 2019?
Gregorian calendar does not match Persian calendar. Some people don’t bother to set the correct Gregorian date on their device.
The religion of HATE
doing what they know BEST