A Russian military convoy near Stara Krasnyanka in the eastern region of Luhansk was struck by a Ukrainian missile, new video shows. CNN has geolocated and verified the authenticity of the video. The video is a compilation of a series of videos taken by a drone that shows five military vehicles, first traveling east on a road in eastern Kreminna. #CNN #News
Video shows strike on Russian convoy

The safest place to be in a Russian tank is not to be in a Russian tank..
You should prepare a resume, I hear they’re hiring an assistant sniffer at the white house.
That is not funny
@PZ20JacobCouttsRogue it is hilarious.
Do not call it “evacuation”, it is abduction.
Last fight https://youtu.be/UJ4Y3z-plnw
The residents and territories have belonged to Russia.
@Jane Wu Ukraine is a sovereign state. It broke off from Russia. Ukraine owns those regions. Using your logic, natives will come and say that his land belongs to them and that they should leave. No, those lands may have belonged to the USSR (Not Russia alone) but now that Ukraine is a sovereign country, those lands are now theirs. Also you treat residents as a thing rather than a person. A person can decide if they are Ukrainian, German, Polish, etc. don’t treat people like they are a thing. Think about it from their perspective, do they want to leave their homes, possibly not.
If you keep treating residents like some sort of thing, then you are sad
So tough that he needs his security so close to him even when visiting his own troops.
All leaders will have their security close to them . Danish Queen too when she goes out. Normal procedure. But, of course, there´s always a risk in the present situation. He probably remembers how Anwar Sadat ended
@crushnev nikita Putin rarely leaves his bunker and sits ridiculously far away from others.
Shudu https://youtu.be/HLqvhu8vj98
@crushnev nikita what about what about
The fact that Russia thinks they can attack a country but can’t be attacked on their homeland is baffling
Heyey https://youtu.be/HLqvhu8vj98
@Tim Marshall no one take Macron seriously
he was mocking by people call him Putin wife
I would like to send full condolences to families and friends who lost their precious lives during the war on Ukraine. Bravo, guys.
Here is the recommended clip that explains all :-
Last fight https://youtu.be/UJ4Y3z-plnw
bravo ukraina… God bless you all. Big love from timor island indonesia
@Tim Marshall Oh the irony…..
@45641560456405640563 Cute. Since, I’m presuming ur presumptuousness, presume on, my friend.
@Tim Marshall What, no more ‘production line individual’ wank words? I was so close to shouting BINGO!!!
@Tim Marshall Still trying huh?
Hey, I guess at this point it’s time to batten down the hatches and go into full siege mentality mode, build yourself a word fortress to protect your ever-so-edgy ‘I’m so different’ self image.
Meanwhile I still have a few wank words/catch prhases you’ve not mentioned yet to tick off. So I expect better from your next post.
That missile strike on the Antoniivsky bridge was during the curfew so civilians could not have been hurt
Here is the recommended clip that explains all :-
Huge respect to the resilient Ukrainian fighters..
7 months on, still fighting so bravely & tirelessly to drive the evil invaders out of their beloved country…
Slava Ukraini..
Stay strong Ukraine.
@Andrew Bittle He was offered to leave Ukrain in the beginning of the war and declined by saying “I need muntion, not a ride” and do you think all these Ukrainian soldiers are also being bought instead of figthing for their freedom and their country?
Do you have the receipt of that purchase? From all i hear all the time, NATO, the west, the EU and the USA all deliver weapons and amunition without expectations of repayment. The only hope there which i see, is to keep russia out of Ukrain whereby it is left to the Ukrain how far and how long they want to continue. Certainly now, as they took back parts, suddenly the Kremlin wanted to talk again. Which isn’t a bad thing, doesn’t mean though Ukrain as they see their chance would now stop tacking back what they think is theirs. That may work out or end in catastrophy should Putin or anyone after him choose the nuclear option, but should one be discouraged by that? Should any nation who gets invaded by a nuclear power, just give in?
I pretty much disagree with your line of questioning and the points you tried to make and rather ask myself if you have alterior motives or are just depressed and your cynicism is the only way you can show the world you are still alive.
The President of Ukraine may have stopped this war, his dream is his position in NATO, his family, he does not see people dying or going to other countries as refugees, he is acting as a tyrant, Ukraine does not even have an anti-war, if there is an anti-war, the people will cry for destruction, the world will listen to Zelenskyy and give arms aid and economic sanctions. They say, Ukraine, a country that has separated from Russia, does not need NATO, can act independently, and avoid population destruction.
Heuwu https://youtu.be/HLqvhu8vj98
@Tim Marshall
Byeeee! SMH

What the Russian soldier actually said was “Nothing issued, Sir!”
Here is the recommended clip that explains all :-
This is the clip u been looking for:
☭ слава великому советскому народу товарищи ☭
Last fight https://youtu.be/UJ4Y3z-plnw
Apparently he declined taking part in the second part of the training, the part where these conscripts are sent to a warzone where their targets actually shoot back…
☭ слава великому советскому народу товарищи ☭
Last fight https://youtu.be/UJ4Y3z-plnw
2:31 what a marksman
You can hear the sound of the target being struck before he shoots. Such skills.
Na that rifle is time traveler dude lol
Futuristic modern Russian weapons. You hit the target before you squeeze the trigger.
Glory to Ukraine
Glory to God
My heart for Ukraine
Last fight https://youtu.be/UJ4Y3z-plnw
Well done Ukraine.

Glory to Ukraine
the modern spartans
Many Russian families get way more accurate information about their loved ones from Ukraine then from their own government. POWs on the Ukrainian side can call their families in Russia, and often that’s the first information the Family receives about their missing son/brother/father. Russia also does not communicate POW status, all soldiers not accounted for are missing, POW status is only recognized when a prisoner exchange is planned or needed.
You don’t understand. When the Russian soldier said “no issues,” he meant that NOTHING had been ISSUED to him!
Bravo Ukraine, Keep up the Good Work.
Forward you brave Ukrainian soldiers. Much love from south Africa
Putin’s strongman visit: “This was a mistake, as the Tsar came to be personally associated with the continuing losses at the front. He was also away at the remote HQ at Mogilev, far from the direct governance of the empire, and when revolution broke out in Petrograd he was unable to halt it. In reality the move was largely symbolic, since all important military decisions were made by his chief-of-staff General Michael Alexeiev, and Nicholas did little more than review troops, inspect field hospitals, and preside over military luncheons.” – from a Wikipedia article.