There are conflicting reports from Russian and Ukrainian sides about the success of Russia's advance into the town of Soledar. The salt mining town in the center of the Donbas region has little strategic value in itself, but is a waypoint in the Russians' attritional slog westwards. CNN anchor John Vause, CNN correspondent Ben Wedeman and Maj. Gen. Mick Ryan (Ret.) have more on the state of the war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
Video shows shooting battle between Ukrainian and Russian forces

praise the Ukrainian people, they have paid the ultimate price for freedom and deserve this world respect.
@I m god Misdirection. This thread is about the Russian-Ukrainian war.
How that has nothing to do with America no body was throwing flags and sending money to Venezuela Somalia Congo, Kenya but this is between neighboring countries, would you CNN like it if Canada
or Mexico
started to get nukes, CNN is trash
@Rabbit Зайчик fun news. I cannot ignore the suffering in the Donbass. It would be on my conscience if I did.
Don’t fool yourself.Those fighting against Russia in Ukraine are NOT Ukrainians alone. Russia is fighting over 31 countries in Ukraine. Ukraine is winning Online but loosing Frontline.
@ solarspecies022 Are you ok? When was the last time you heard or saw any African country fighting tribal wars? Are your brain cells functioning?
Condolences to all those families who lost their loved ones and RIP to all the brave people defending Ukraine.
@wamblue You should ask Putin. He will only talk peace if he can keep the stolen regions. That’s not peace. That’s surrender
@Herman Wooster Pootin approves of your message.
@Bonnie so, rather a country die? Sounds like your a bit off if YOUR willing to let OTHERS die…
@wamblue Ask Putin.
And may Zelensky rot hell when the US execute him.
Tanks, tanks, tanks for Ukraine!

Peace to Ukraine
@dan dansen what about you? Who approves yours ?
Who controls you? Putin or Tucker Carlson? It appears you’re unable to think on your own.
is that how you’d protect your family? Despicable
@Movement Mathebula the sane people…
As a US Marine veteran, there is nothing more inspiring than watching professional warriors defend their homeland from invaders.

Semper Fidelis!! (Always Faithful)
Slava Ukraini!!
@Mbuso Nkabinde Please elaborate or your comment is meaningless
@Spring Bloom Western forces were fighting *alongside the interim Iraqi government* against Saddam’s regime – the world’s worst for human rights abuses against its people,
@start Make sure he pays you in potatoes – since the ruble isn’t worth diddly right now.
@Sherlock Let’s have some referendums in all parts of Russia, then.
See if people want to be part of the Baltics, or the EU, Finland etc.
@Optimvs Princeps Come on now American Troops always Bring it!
That before and after photo was deplorable relentless despicable and just plain out brutally blatant show of cruelty to civilians on a mass scale ..
@Herman Wooster Now that’s quite a statement. Ukrainians support Russians ruining their infrastructure, targeting civilians ability to live during the winter, killing and raping women and children? What is wrong with you??!! I know enough about the region to not believe a word of your post.
That’s Russia for ya, that’s what they bring to the world: Death and destruction. But as they sow so shall they reap.
@Bar If you find my post strange, then you don’t know anything about Ukraine. I’m telling you how it really is, not how the media portrays it.
@Herman Wooster not all of them do, give thanks for Russia being so stupid and attacking civs. We will see one of the largest partisan operations if they take any Ukraine land. Russia will never know peace again.
@Herman Wooster Pootin approves of your message.
Salute the brave defenders of Ukraine!
They aren’t defending Ukraine. They are occupying Eastern Ukraine, whose civilian population doesn’t want them. They want Russia.

7:00 YES! THIS!! I’ve been wondering this same damn thing since the beginning of this war. I have no idea why we’re just sitting on these tanks when they could be making an enormous difference in the war in Ukraine!
Hi, Love your content.
I did have some information that you may find useful.
I have seen other analysts (Pro Ukrainian), who do not understand how a “War of Attrition” works.
The UK pulled the 93rd Mech Inf Brigade out of the Bakhmut area when it was at 30% strength.
People think that means that 30% of all the battalions were still intact.
No, A mech inf Brigade has a command element (Maybe 400), 3 Mech inf Battalions (about 800 men each), an engineer battalion (another about 800 men), and an artillery Battalion (another about 800 men). At a 30% manpower (original manpower around 4400 down to about 1300), what this means practically is that you have the HQ element, most of the artillery, maybe a few engineers and all the mech inf are dead.
One of the analysts pointed out that UK has 15 Brigades in the Bakhmut area and calculated that they had about 60,000 troops in the area.
I will point out that as national socialists, they have a notable hero from WWII.
That gentleman, kept degraded units on the order of battle to convince himself that he still had an army.
If a Brigade needs to be reduced to 0% combat strength before being pulled out of the line, what level of attrition are these units at?
I think we are getting to near the bottom of the UK manpower pool (I heard they are pulling in 13 y/o’s). If true, we don’t have long before a full UK collapse. They simply don’t have the manpower anymore, to maintain a continuous defensive line.
Next, the U.S.A. sending Bradley’s.
The Bradley is obsolete (Plus sending 4 companies worth tells me that UK does not have enough men to man these vehicles).
The Tow, uses a laser designator to lock on to the target.
Russian tanks (T-80, T-90 and newer) all come with a laser dazzler.
In Syria, John McCaine sent 1000’s of Tows to the Rebels.
They put a $1,000,000 bounty on anyone who could destroy a T-80 with a Tow.
There is alot of video online of Tows flying at a tank and then flying up into the sky.
The dazzlers were very effective in blinding the Tows.
I am only aware of one hit. Tank was up against a wall, only the back 3rd of the turret was visible.
The Tow hit the tank, the reactive armor went off, the tank drove away.
Everything you are talking about from the U.S. sounds like U.S. projection.
1) Russia is running out of men (why, because UK is running out of men).
2) UK is doing great! (why, because after pissing away over 100 billion things are not looking good).
3) UK will retake Crimea! (why, because they whole front is about to collapse, and we want to jawbone an imaginary army). Plus, that would help take pressure off of Bakhmut. Based on how many men the UK sent to their death in and around Bakhmut, once that falls, it’s game over. They pulled another Mech Inf Brigade from a potential attack towards Crimea and sent it into the meatgrinder that is Bakhmut.
Mech Inf, is offensive. Spending it on defense means you are desperate.
If you want a brutal take on this, Putin is doing exactly what he said he would. He is deNational Socializing the country.
A war of attrition against the mostly western UK, male population will do some of the trick.
Next, you slowly drive west pushing all the diehard NS people into Poland.
Then, you close the border behind them. No Backsies!
Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe.
I don’t think they will want to come back.
How many wins does he get for that.
The population that is pro NS lives in the lap of luxury (for them) in the Nato countries.
I can’t wait for the assimilation process to start. Remember, they hate all of those people.
This will be great to watch.
Be careful what you wish for.
If Russia managed to blow them up, it would devastate the image of the invincible West with their modern equipment. It would make a farce of the US and NATO.
i would think if 1 gets captured…the russians would have model to copy and all the maybe secret technology contained therein. Time to retain military secrets.
Hi from Russia. Leopards are exellent tanks…on paper…because they not see real battle yet.
Only conflict where Leo was used is some Turkish machines in Syria. They lost five. In single attack. At least two of them were destroyed by obsolete Soviet AT systems, way older than Leo itself.
Its a mechanized warfare, dude. Not counter insurgency operation.
“In NEW regions peaceful life hasn’t been restored everywhere”… told the psychopath that distroyed that peaceful life and is willing to destroy that peaceful life in all the country.
George Santos said during his time fighting for Ukraine during the war, he came close to leading squad of Ukrainian warriors that initially defeated the Russian Army!

thats funny
Good job Poland for doing the right thing and taking the initiative and supporting Ukraine with what they need!

Pols are cowards – Pols should send their Army into help Ukraine.
@Rudy Christoph nah, I’m Polish, get that ugly yellow and blue flag away from my beautiful white and red flag, ultra nationalist banderites killed my relatives and friends on my mom’s side. Ukraine will never know peace unless they abondoned their neo natzi ways.
@Rudy Christoph which Ukraine still refuses to apologize for the wolyn massacres, ethnic cleansing they committed against poles and Jews, instead erecting a statue of Bandera in lviv, the man who led the charge for the genocide.
So sad. Hope peace finally reigns to stop these sufferings that is affecting the whole world.
They need Abrams (the M1A2 sepV3 kind) and more than a tank company of 14 to act as a spearhead for their counterattacks.
May God Bless Ukraine and its beautiful and honorable people
So exactly when do you think god will feel compelled to bless the Ukrainians? They have lost everything. Homes, land, family,… And the Russians? I’m pretty sure most didn’t care for this war.
I have difficulties believing God would bless Ukraine whose been implementing racially discriminatory law against ethnic minorities… Killing its own civilians… How is it possible the world only learned about Ukraine after 24/02/22 and completely forget about Ukraine and what its been up to before 24/02/22..
It’s just horrible that the Ukrainians have to go through this nightmare all because of the ego of a madman. Ukraine won’t bow to them and will keep fighting. Slava Ukraine!
Unfortunately it’s not just the ego of a madman – the russians themselves are not only complicit, but actually pulling the trigger. The russians have been trying to eliminate Ukraine for centuries. Putin is just the current “leader” of what is a russian mindset.
Now people can see what the native American went through
May the German government change its spots and give Leopard tanks to Ukraine at this crucial time in the war.
The way this is headed we aren’t even at the end of the beginning of this conflict. Good luck everyone.
Abrams tanks are difficult to maintain. But I think that it should be done, along with very long range rockets and artillery. God bless the Polish nation. God bless the Balkan countries. They understand.
Very sad. Rest In Peace to those that have passed in this war