Two banners hung on an overpass of a major thoroughfare in the northwest of Beijing in a rare protest against Chinese leader Xi Jinping and his authoritarian rule. CNN's Selina Wang reports. #CNN #News
Video shows rare protest in Beijing as Chinese leader is set to extend his reign

OMG! This is REALLY GOOD. The Chinese people have WOKEN UP!
@David Jiang that’s one brave soul.
You need to wake up too
The people around the world need to wake up.
We’ve always been, remember Tiananmen square? We lost. That’s why we’re scared
@Shuyan your help is needed for that
Be proud of him/her.
its a solid HIM
That brave dude is probably gonna be sentenced for a lifetime… So brave
A journalist who was employed by VOA.
@Demon Slayer Naw. Chinse national anthem is about standing up, not lying down.
@Mamacry Right so tosleep bot or go get your fee now from the CCP. Maybe a glass of wine or much needed food
Stand strong good citizens of China
Stand against Xi
As humans, we should all have autonomy over our thoughts, and behavior as long as we don’t hurt anyone else. That a small group of people can control the masses just mind boggles me.
How is it mind boggling it’s been happening for 1000s of years, and won’t stop in the future
You don’t know China, votes and western democracy are not the only means to make society better
yeah, step one: make a fucking fire in downtown bridge.
And that’s why everyone should bent to your rule. I mean can’t you see hypocrisy there.
The Covid testing/quarantine policy in China is madness. My family and friends in China are getting tested every single day or every other day to be able to get out of the house. This protestor is so brave, mad respect for him. I just hope he’s gonna be OK…. If you know what I mean.
As a Chinese, I am also helpless. I live in fear every day. If I can’t tell the truth, I will be caught. I will do accounting every other day. If I don’t do it, I will be caught and locked up. My classmates are locked up in Xinjiang for 70 days.
@Sugar Plum Fairy His name is Peng Lifa, a brave Chinese man.
Whoever put that sign up is a brave hero. Hope he, she or they are ok.
He is most definitely not okay. He might be disappeared.
He’s definitely not okay as well as his family members. For their entire lifetime.
@Kate Zhou thank you but prayers for him and all people in the capital fighing for their rights
@Eshin Wan keep strong and stay safe
Chinese people needs to come together if they have any hope in their current life or children’s life to push for freedom.
Most of Chinese people are scared to protest. Just in my University, if you protest something about policy in public, then you might be dismissed. And people who have family to feed, they worry about more things, because if one person is involved in political activities, the whole family may be implicated. For example, you and your family will not be allowed to work in state-owned enterprises, civil servants or teachers.A lot of stealth repression.
@Re_L if you speak anything bad about the Chinese government or say anything good about foreign countries, people around you will argue with you “why don’t you love your country” or “you are such a traitor”
@Re_L exactly the truth
@yan heng And they never distinguish the difference between country and government. We do love our country but it doesn’t mean we have to love CCP and the government.What gonna I say, “thanks” the patriotic education so that I have to take exams about it even in a master’s entrance examination
Respect to a fallen hero! Unfortunately this is a lone wolf action, this is super rare in China.
The 1st to report him to the gong’an will 99% be his family members.
There were protests in other lockdown cities, but Beijing being the capital probably have the spotlight
Rare now, but you have to acknowledge how brave and totally fed up this protestor must have gotten to do this so openly. I hope more protestors will join in, like the brave Iranians in Iran and their supporters around the world. Rotten regimes have no place in the 21st century.
Easier said than done. K Bergman
He has completed the greatest extreme sports in the world.I mean, in his own country, he should be the bravest man of the century.If you can change the fate of the world
… this seems to be ‘year’ people seize their “freedom” all over the world!
God bless.
Slava Ukraini!
I support Chinese people s rights to be free .. they have their own rights , they are human beings too.. please allow Chinese people voice their own opinions without crictism!! Pls listen to Chinese people .. they also have feelings and minds of their own .. I am tired of watching people being locked in like animals in cages !! Stop treating Chinese people like nothing
It’s just wrong I live in the USA I’m very lucky
I remember Patrick Henry ‘ s speech: Give me liberty or give me death. Rise up, my country fellows.
Hence the storming of the Capitol
The banner told us all. Whoever did this, I give you my respect!
“We want food, not PCR tests. We want freedom, not lockdowns. We want respect, not lies. We want reform, not a cultural revolution. We want a vote, not a dictatorship . We want to be citizens, not slaves,” reads one banner hanging over Sitong
Very western in terms of the demands.
seems said everything but actually said nothing. shame.
Protesting is part of human rights and I see no reason for governments to crack down on protesters. That’s absolutely insane.
My respect to the Chinese people for standing up
I am an international student from China, and I have high respect to this warrior!!!! I hope all Western governments and people could support this behavior cause It’s so hard for people to express their own opinions in China at this moment.
This man has all my respect.