Video shows police pushing elderly man to the ground

Fifty-seven police officers in Buffalo, New York, have resigned from the force's emergency response team following the suspension of two officers who allegedly pushed a 75-year-old protester to the ground, a source close to the situation said. An investigation is underway in a protest incident Gov. Andrew Cuomo called "wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful." The man was seriously injured. #CNN #News


    1. You want mean, check out the video of the old man getting punched in the face 20+ times in the nursing home. Beaten within an inch of his life and yet nobody gives 2 shits about him, yesterday’s news.

    2. @Meems If you would open you eyes you would see the old guy had a riot helmet in his left hand and was trying to give it back to the cops. And older people have a lack of balance so what would expect him not fallig.

    3. @MillieKitty9 > peacefully
      > Gets super close to the smallest cop to try and intimidate him

      It’s not rocket science they told him to move and he didn’t. They Lightly push him to show that he’s not the one in charge.

    4. @manorman man You would think differently if this is just some regular 75 year old man got pushed down the ground by our huddle. Regard if he was told to move they didn’t have to push him to the ground they could of just arrested him walked into a car they didn’t have to push him down.

    1. Beautiful suggestion!! Yes to a strike law.. but since they write the paperwork who knows if it will work. They falsified this until there was video…

    2. @Cat named Bitches Dig deeper. I bet if that was your father or grandfather you would feel differently.

    3. @Cat named Bitches Well, based on your assumption it looks like the 57 officers resigned over fake news. Wow, that’s stupid. Also, if he was an just an actor he is now a medical patient in serious condition. They don’t enter places with active shooters, but they abuse civilians at their whim? There must be balance to their unchecked power

  1. AGREED. I Wholeheartedly believe that if you’re going to have a license to kill, and have the authority to keep citizens in line, then you yourself as a force need to be held to a higher standard. They need to run through these police departments with a fine tooth comb. Bc the things that I’ve seen officers do over the past several days are sickening and heartbreaking. & with 57 leaving?!?! That’s 57 officers thinking that behavior is okay. They need to stop acting like a clique of high school mean girls & grow tf up! This is who is suppose to be protecting our country & this is where my tax dollars go?!? This is a joke and an embarrassment.


    2. All lives don’t matter until black lives matter. We can’t say all lives matter and exclude black lives. Additionally, anyone oppressed by injustice with police brutality, their lives matter. This type of abuse happens much more often to the black man.

    3. The old man took a pratfall. If you look at the video, the cops barely even touched him with any kind of push. He’s going backwards even before they touched him. Clearly, this man is no expert at it because it backfired, and he didn’t stick the landing. Leave the flops to the experts like Bill Laimbeer of the Detroit Pistons. This one is not rioting over. Better luck next time, looters.

  2. For the record, blindly following orders is a sign of low intelligence and/or incompetence.

    1. @Joshua Hagen Knee jerking like a woman on her period by injecting a non sequitur is a sign of low intelligence as well. The exit is to the right…___>

    2. Peace Freedom The lockdown protestors did not destroy anything. They protested peacefully. That’s the difference between a Democrat and Republican. When you riot and destroy your city the riot police will show up.

    3. Peace Freedom it’s actually how our military works. Orders come down from command. You carry out those official orders without running ya cake hole .

    1. Motorola E4 they resigned because the 2 cops involved were suspended. Not because they felt bad about the old man.

    2. athanasius838 what’s sad is you think anyone is actually going to believe this garbage. Its a bicycle helmet in his left hand.

    1. @Zarkow You let the front line advance, and the officers in the back will tend to the man. That’s just protocol.

    2. Right! Also, the one who tried to stop was also pushed into the guy by the officer behind him.

    3. @Jason Wegeleben Are you blind? The man was clearly injured and needed help to get up. Even if he fight back a old man is not dangerous against a dozens police officer.

    4. @Jason Wegeleben really? the old dude was unconscious and likely has a concussion as a result…plus the blood was pouring out of his ear. not likely the old fella is gonna get up and drop some brazilian jujitsu on 150 cops…

  3. He’s a senior citizen, just take his arm and lead him to the side out of the way, no need to push him down.

    1. Im s caregiver. I work with the elderly. I would never do such a thing. Im just appalled that this is tolerated.

    2. @Tomthetrainwreck exactly, and why was he out there , he had something in his hand hitting the cop in the arm

    3. The old man took a flop. If you look at the video, the cops barely even touched him with any kind of push. He’s going backwards even before they touched him. Clearly, this man is no expert at it because it backfired, and he didn’t stick the landing. Leave the flops to the experts like Bill Laimbeer of the Detroit Pistons.

    4. @comment You don’t know how much police violence there is because most of it isn’t even documented or seen. No matter what you think about how much YOU think there is police violence the videos we see is just scratching the surface of verbal, physical and mental abuse that people face because of police.

  4. Cops:”so you’re gonna suspend us just for beating and murdering and lying?! Screw you guys. We’re going home”

    1. they didn’t go home. the maniacs are still on the payroll, back in the streets, just not on this particular brownshirt squad.

  5. Brutality from police should have more serious consequences as they’ve taken an oath to protect

    1. The old man took a dive. If you look at the video, the cops barely even touched him with any kind of push. He’s going backwards even before they touched him. Clearly, this man is no expert at it because it backfired, and he didn’t stick the landing. Leave the flops to the experts like Bill Laimbeer of the Detroit Pistons.

    2. In my opinion that old fool got what he deserved for touching that cops gun area, now its police brutality 😱

    3. @Lee Warren You’re a sap. The old man took a dive for a retirement settlement. Look at the video. They barely even touched him, and he was falling backwards even before they touched him. Better luck next time, looters.

  6. A disgrace and an embarrassment. We need more police standing up for what’s right instead of blindly taking orders.

    1. @THE ANGRY QUAD Riots are a result of nothing changing I agree with them getting arrested but was this old man a rioter was he really a threat? I mean you’re even paralyzed the police shot a disabled homeless man with tear gas and rubbers bullets because he “wouldn’t move” and you’re okay with that?

    2. Stock Compounder – Brad Kaellner THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING. people keep spewing (including my mom) “well they’re just doing what they’re told”. Maybe they need to learn how to question the nonsense they’re being told to do. And refuse to do it. PROTEST THEIR OWN AUTHORITY FIGURES. instead of just complying like the sheep they are

    3. The people involved in rioting are the disgrace. Don’t confront police officers during a riot.


    1. The cop called an ambulance on his radio right after it happened, you don’t move an injured person….. it’s ok, you seem so cool now.

    2. @D Kahn No. The cop who committed the felony assault should have been immediately restrained and arrested, atleast one officer should have knelled nest to that mans side to make sure he was okay.andpply basic first aid, like someone whos job it is to serve and protect the community should do. But no, they all walked on, they all resigned, they are all disgusting individuals who care more about protecting there own than protecting the american people. The fact that all 57 resigned in response to this shows how little they value our lives and our rights. Even the New York governer was disgusted with how they acted, he said he was disapointed by the resignations because it shows those police officers didnt see anything wrong with what happend.

    3. Mr. Scary
      I also dislike English grammar, punctuation and correct spelling. Let’s be friends

    4. @Daniel Chang You got his point. Bad grammar doesn’t invalidate the comment, but your comment is part of the larger problem. Just because someone isn’t articulate doesn’t mean they are wrong.

  7. Resigned from “team” is farse. They should be asked for their formal resignation from the department.

    1. Basically they’re ‘resigning’ because the Dept is following due process with suspension and investigation.
      It speaks volumes of their attitude to accountability.

  8. “Just Following Orders” didn’t work at trial for the Nazi Officers and it sure as heck won’t work here in America with Police Officers!

    1. yeah at least the Nazi officers have an excuse , they would be court marshalled and killed , whereas the police almost certainly dont have orders to beat up the elderly.

    2. It will if Trump gets in again. At least for the years he’s in power. He can’t live forever though. Nazis were caught up with pretty old. I hope the old guy sues and presses assault and battery charges.

    3. @Nathaniel Bellmore the fact that makes any sense is a sign how bad the USA is right now. God I hope they keep the border closed until your civil war is over.

  9. RE: “57 resign in disgust because of the treatment of two of their members, who were simply executing orders”, which in laymen’s term means that they were “Ordered to go out and brutalize anyone they come in contact with?” And what you just admitted to is supposed to make us feel better????????

    1. @athanasius838 If its fake why is it posted on the news, police investigators were also sent to know what happened

    1. you are flipping blind, the one officer started to bend down to check on him when second officer picked him up because the rioters started to rush them. Dont be a drama queen.

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