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Very dangerous to run from police! Don’t do it
This report shows the subject firing on police. He wasn’t unarmed.
@izzy b how would they know that if he had already fired on them from the car
@izzy b How could the police know that?
@Pure Gameplay that’s what I’m saying, they didn’t know that and they killed him unarmed based off instinct they did what they thought was right
@ron mckay I disagree.
@izzy b And the police knew that HOW?
So wait , running from the cops ,wearing a ski mask and in possession of a gun … Your kidding right ?
@Jay The Housecat after shooting at police with it?
@Jay The Housecat technically correct wording but disingenuous at best reporting. The police believed he was armed, the after action statements said he reached for his waist then raised his arm towards police officers. They didn’t know there wasn’t a gun in his hands but they had about a millisecond to decide, life or death. I guess they wanted to go home to their families.
Having a gun on you and pointing it at the officers is now the “unarmed” of today.
@Darkrakanon this is the only reasonable thoughtful response i might not agree completely but i appreciate you having a brain
This headline is irresponsible at best.
it’s absolutely sinister what they’re doing here
Wasn’t unarmed, and had a ski mask on in the middle of the night
He was unarmed when they killed him
@TiArri B He still fired at the police during the chase. But ya make excuses for criminals that’s great. Got space in your house for them to live?
@TiArri B how could the cops have known
It was just cold, that’s why he was wearing the ski mask. lol
@TiArri B And the officers who were chasing him, after he opened fire on him, knew this HOW??
Whoever wrote this video headline should be fired.
Anything for views and likes
2022 headline, it’s not surprising at all.
Hyperbolic News
you misspelled hanged
Especially when they contradict the title by even saying and showing the images of him being armed.
He was firing on police! Report the truth or get off the air!
But that wouldn’t get them the clickbait or stoke the division they’re looking for!
The truth won’t cause riots and division
NO WEAPON.!!! He was shooting at the cops
They don’t want you to know that
They found a loaded gun in the car
@Joe Pham and saw it was discharged and found the casing from the chase that matched the gun.
Unarmed? Then what was he doing shooting at the cops? I mean how stupid can the news really think we are?
Very. Vote Liberal

This is what happens when you break the law.
It is amazing what Lawyers will say, just for the money!
Just so i have this right…. Cop try’d to pull him over and he Fled. Safe assumption that the cop had no clue it was a POC driving at this point seeing as the cop was behind him. The guy led police on a chase and fired a gun at the cops. He then jumped out of a moving vehicle and started a foot chase. The police then tryd non lethal means to stop him. Then when he turned at the cop in what looks like a firing position each cop independently did what they are trained to do and unloaded. Seems Clear to me justified shooting We got Justice we got Peace!
Dont forget he was wearing a ski mask when he exited the moving car.
Not to mention that the reason that they were pulling him over was that the car he was in was used in a burglary the day before.
So you say “unarmed”, yet in the same footage show him shooting police from his car?
@jd mac LOL
It didn’t show shooting though
you saw shooting? or did you hear the officer claim HE saw shots fired?
@robin literally on video shooting out of his car
It’s 2022. That’s not unusual for these times.
He fired shots at the police car while on a high speed chase. He was not unarmed.
yeah… usually i’m anti-cop but if he did in fact fire the gun…I’m sorry but I have trouble blaming the cops
The lengths they will go to to make these issues about racial injustice and bad cops never ceases to amaze me. Such disgraceful journalism.
Is this the way you want the police in our societies behaving bro ?
@Shawn Osborne Yeah actually, follow the law it’s that simple
@Shawn Osborne What was Police supposed to do ? give him hugs ? or do you support endangering other drivers and law enforcement ? what if your daughter or son got into a fatal accident becaude of this thug you seem to love so much ?
@Shawn Osborne You need help if you see anything wrong with how the officers handled that. They allowed him to flee after already proving that he was armed, only firing when he took a shooting stance against the officers. They acted professionally imo, its clear as day.
@Shawn Osborne What were they supposed to do? What if he got off a few shots and killed some bystanders or some police officers. He made a bad choice and paid for it with his life. This was not racial but it drives ratings.
“Unarmed” *ignores the fact that when he was driving away from the cops he tried opening fire on them*
..he also was not Jay Walking. click bait
I swear what’s with all these news outlets saying he wasn’t armed just for them to say 2 minutes later that he opened fire into a police and that a gun was found in the drivers seat of his car
Newsflash, he fired at police then led them on a high speed chase. Little excessive in the end by the police I agree, but when you resist arrest endanger police officers, what do you expect.
A little excessive? 60+ gunshot wounds? Cmon now. I agree, don’t put yourself in these situations but their response was extremely excessive and there should be some serious consequences for those cops.
I expect police to show some restraint.
@John Johnson You had 8 cops. The training is simple, you mag dump at center mass. If anything they need more target practice, that’s 20 that missed.
Saying he was unarmed is a bit misleading considering he came out from a car with a loaded gun aftet actively shooting at the police.
the gun was located inside the car but he did fire at police at the beginning of the chase