Two passengers got into a fistfight while boarding a Southwest Airlines flight in Dallas. After the altercation, video shows the man in the blazer telling passengers that the person he attacked approached his family aggressively. #CNN #News #shorts
Video shows passengers getting into fistfight on plane

If you fight on an airplane you should be on a NO FLY LIST PERIOD!!!😠
Who says period anymore? Are you in the 90s?
@Pete Conneely No need to be lame.
@Pete Conneely I say it. It’s not that deep, period.
Who hit who first?
Magas gonna maga
@Daniel E. Victoria Don’t make me wallop you with my Bernie Sanders mittens.
I thought this behavior only happened on spirit airlines.
Southwest is up there with Spirit. Two airlines I will not fly.
It’s a good thing weapons aren’t allowed on flights!
But a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.
@Gene C but never on an aircraft because gun should never be allowed there.
Arrest them and the behavior will stop
Wrong. Harsher punishments don’t deter, they usually make things worse.
It still won’t stop. But fewer people might think twice.
The sucker punch bothered me more than the fight. No fly for both.
Keep eating chocolate
No such thing as a sucker punch when a fight is on. Protect yourself at all times😂
@Kody Ingram yup 👍🏽 😂
Uncivilized people ! 😢
Texans 🤠
Civilization has yet to begin . A famous quote, but once humanity stops having wars , then civilization will be born
@K H excellent quote, thanks, and so true.
If the tables were turned the black man will be in jail, so we know who did wrong.
The system make ready adjustment when other races of people initiate any degree of aggressive as permissible under the circumstances.
@Karl Marx Fan Club international money changer fan club
No charges but they may both be on no fly list now.
Adults behaving badly. How sad to see. I sure hope kids weren’t around to see such disgraceful behavior.
Or maybe he was actually protecting his family?
Well if they didn’t file any charges how can I show everybody that when you fly on a plane you’re not going to have to be subjected to violence?
Set them for a Grudge match and both will earn money. Everybody happy. Let your fist do the talking.
People are absolutely nuts these days!
That woman yelling in the back really helped
I understand his logic! We don’t know exactly what happened but this father thought it was worth getting punched in the face! It’s unacceptable, but on the streets, no one would say anything about 2 guys actually throwing hands, and not shooting each other!!
I only saw one aggressor in that video. She was shouting about violence and sucker punched a guy. How was that dude not arrested?
This is why you don’t interact with “ex” cons.
2 wrongs don’t make a right, haven’t they heard that?
This needs to be made into a movie, with Will Smith playing the bad black guy and Chris Rock the guy who got punched. We don’t know if this was racially motivated. The black guy could have a white trans wife, for all we know.