Video shows moment Mexico City metro overpass collapses

An overpass carrying a subway train collapsed in Mexico City late Monday, killing at least 23 people, including children, according to local government officials. At least 79 people have been hospitalized, officials added. CNN’s Matt Rivers reports from the scene.

#CNN #News


  1. So sad.
    R.i.p for all people and sorry for their families.

    Muy triste R. i. p por todas las personas y io siento por sus familias.

    1. @StevexNYCperformance i know, but i try to do what i can do, i know that i’m nobody and my words nothing

    2. Este desplome del metro linea 12 de la ciudad de México, es el inicio del desplome de un gobierno Falso, (Chihipota, en colombiano) o chairo, de falsos representantes de un pueblo sufrido y robado, la 4T o cuarta transformacion de este gobierno mexicano desde 2017 es el incio de los rescoldos que salen de las coladeras de una MORENA contruida de PAN, PRD, chapulines Y falsos Morenistas. El tren MAYA y muchas obras en unos próximos años sera la misma historia, TREN maya colapsara en 2027. VIva mexico y su pueblo, no los políticos. Primero NACIONALISTA que cualquier partido que nunca ha sido ni ha llegado a ser verdadero. Vean los rostros, videos de los que ayer odiaban a los que ahora adoran, yo amo a mi pais, no IDOLATRO PERSONAS NI LIDERES, eso termina mal, es la palabra la idea el concepto que todo pueblo siente en su corazón sea rojo, amrillo, verde,etc. Que la verdad nos haga libres y NO UN IDOLO Y MUCHO MENOS UNA PERSONA CON SUEÑOS DE GRANDEZA DICTADOR.

  2. Imagine being the driver of one of the cars that just barely missed being crushed by that fall. Sorry to all effected and hug your loved ones.

    1. @Togo Toons most likely they didnt feel nothing and died instantly.
      The ones who crashed agaisnt it after it fell is a diferent story.

    2. This collapse of the metro line 12 in Mexico City, is the beginning of the collapse of a False government, (Chihipota, in Colombian) or chairo, of false representatives of a people suffered and stolen, the 4T or fourth transformation of this Mexican government since 2017 is the beginning of the embers that come out of the drains of a BRUNETTE made up of PAN, PRD, grasshoppers and false Morenistas. The MAYA train and many works in the next few years will be the same story, the Mayan TRAIN will collapse in 2027. VIva Mexico and its people, not the politicians. First NATIONALIST than any party that has never been nor has become true. Look at the faces, videos of those who yesterday hated those who now adore, I love my country, not IDOLA PEOPLE OR LEADERS, that ends badly, the word is the idea, the concept that all people feel in their hearts, be it red, yellow , green, etc. May the truth set us free and NOT AN IDOL AND LESS LESS A PERSON WITH DREAMS OF GREAT DICTATOR.

    1. I think they were totally not aware what happened because it happened so quickly. So I guess and hope they didn’t suffer pain. It’s really creepy indeed. Condolences to the families involved.

    2. The US killed hundreds of thousands in the middle east. Did you give a damn? Hypocrit.

    3. @Anti Hypocrisy Right off the hop, I can tell you’re a Republican. Grow up.

    1. 🇺🇲W•H•A•T•S•A•P•P
      + •1•3•4•7•9•1•9•4•8•5•2

    2. This collapse of the metro line 12 in Mexico City, is the beginning of the collapse of a False government, (Chihipota, in Colombian) or chairo, of false representatives of a people suffered and stolen, the 4T or fourth transformation of this Mexican government since 2017 is the beginning of the embers that come out of the drains of a BRUNETTE made up of PAN, PRD, grasshoppers and false Morenistas. The MAYA train and many works in the next few years will be the same story, the Mayan TRAIN will collapse in 2027. VIva Mexico and its people, not the politicians. First NATIONALIST than any party that has never been nor has become true. Look at the faces, videos of those who yesterday hated those who now adore, I love my country, not IDOLA PEOPLE OR LEADERS, that ends badly, the word is the idea, the concept that all people feel in their hearts, be it red, yellow , green, etc. May the truth set us free and NOT AN IDOL AND LESS LESS A PERSON WITH DREAMS OF GREAT DICTATOR.

  3. That’s exactly what I fear here in Chicago. The trains look like they’re dangling in the air.
    God bless all involved!🙏🏾

    1. Then you New Yawkers pray to your God@fellatio rodriguez for mercy for not ridding the World of the virus known as Trump.

    2. It’s amazing to me how much people think they know about Chicago, because of Trump – despite him never living here himself or knowing anything about the city. Think it has anything to do with the fact that Obama and Hillary are from here and that he garners very few votes here? Strangely, he certainly didn’t hesitate to erect that monstrosity of a hotel here though

    3. @ragnarocking Agreed. Been living in PNW after residing in Chicago & suburbs 53 years. People have asked me in all seriousness if I have ever been shot. 😂😂😂

    4. Earthquakes hit mexico city all the time not surprise structures like this get weak with time, i dont think Earthquakes hit Chicago as often or at all

  4. Dear god :0 What a sudden loss of life, RIP to those who didnt make it and I wish all the families love and peace. This is…tragic at the minimum. 😞

    1. Yeah… to survive a pandemic for over a year only to be killed in a train track collapse.

  5. Prayers for the families of the ones who were killed and strength to those who are hurt! Prayers and my thoughts! So much sadness and hurt! God please comfort these families. Amen!

  6. This is sad Prayers and condolences go to the people who have lost someone from this accident and I’m grateful to the people that survived

  7. Thank God my cousins are okay. They didn’t take that one. Still so sad. rip to all the victims.

  8. Rip to those who lost their lives especially the kids who haven’t even lived there’s yet 🤕😭😭😭😭

  9. Good god. How insanely awful. Ugh, I can’t imagine what the families are thinking. Thoughts and prayers aren’t much but that’s all I have for these folks.

  10. Iam SO Sorry 🇲🇽 MEXICO. MY PRAYERS

  11. R.I.P. – This is horrible. I hate thinking about the innocent people down below just trying to get home for the evening. I imagine that those that died, passed away instantly… as tragic as that is, at least they most likely did not suffer a long and painful death. Prayers to everyone involved, and for their friends and family.

  12. You just neva know how we gonna go. Therefore love on your people while they here! RIP

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