At the latest hearing on Jan. 6, the select committee played video of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) fleeing the Capitol during the violent riot. Before the riot, Hawley raised his fist in solidarity with protesters. Ex-DC police officer Michael Fanone discusses the moment. #CNN #News
Video shows Josh Hawley running from rioters on Jan. 6

He eggs them on and then gets scared and runs from them. A true coward. His wife must be so proud.
@BEVERLY MAHALEY Indeed my dear!
@Anh To facts? Have any?
Everyone at the committee hearing laughed.
@Jon Dough If Trump had won the 2020 election he and Putin would have been lunching together in Kyiv by summer last year. Ukraine would have been quite “safe” under the thumb of Putin and the Russian military I’ve no doubt. Just like Great Britain would have been “safe” under the thumb of Adolph Hitler in 1941.
@GTRman909 what was debunked?
Hawley runs like Mr Bean – what a tube he is
Josh Hawling
@The Master Teacher

Now show the part where everyone at the hearing laughed at him.
@Heron Page I will. My Internet provider is updated their servers ATM. So as soon as they’re back up I’ll check it out.
@Sean Embry I know what the Benny Hill theme sounds like I didn’t need a link to it.
He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.
I can’t ever get this scene out of my head of Josh Hawley shaking his bony fist and then fleeing like a scared little bully as the rioters descended on the Capitol.
@Snoopy on the Ground Coward/Coward 2024
@Silver Maine Coons that was quite a mouthful, but I guess you’re used to that kind of thing
It’s hilarious to see these so-called tough guys running for their lives
@Creative edited videos fu for spamming
@Flowers inherHair from the very same people he was raising his fist for? What is it – he fears them, or is using them?
Josh hawley’s famous last words do what you want to the woman and children just leave me alone
Oh geez Pence was no hero. He did the absolute bare minimum.
A hero dies once, a coward, like Hawley, dies many deaths.
Well said, brother. TG
He must have had a severe cramp in his arm……no fist pump when he’s running for his life….. Chicken s**t!
I thought Republicans said Jan 6 was a tourist visit. What were they running away from?
Tourists can act crazy sometimes, specially if they’re drunk. So, I don’t blame Hawley for running away from them.
@John Rambo They really are not worth responding to.The truth of the original comment triggered him so bad, it probably took him all day to come up with such a weak comeback.
I don’t want anyone to tell me Mike Pence is a hero. He ran away in danger with his family, and still refuses to call out Trump. If another man sent a mob after me and my family, I wouldn’t give a damn about my career. It just shows what kind of man Pence really is. He cares more about his political standing, than his own family.
July 22, 2022 — Looks like Trump/DeSantis ticket for 2024
Dream Team !!!
(get ready to weep Libs)
Pence has publicly stated he would still vote for Trump.
@Eddie Gesch Yet your grammar is very poor, lol. If you’re going to call out spelling, at least be able to write in English properly
The clip of Hawley scampering off is going to follow him around for the rest of his life
You got that right
@Thomas Moriarty

kids will be saying “dad, is that really you.. you coward’..
Damn straight! Trump and friends must pay!
“It’s no longer a question of if the Former American President is a Traitor, but rather if Republican voters are still Americans.”
@Sandra Elrod *they’re
@Paul Bearer – why was Stalin the better choice? The Soviet Union was already engaged in a full scale war with Germany. Germany was the aggressor who had invadef many US allies in Europe. Germany declared war on the USA following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Learn some history. I can’t believe you asked that question.
Exactly. Its a damn shame Liz’s job is in jeopardy because she dared tell the truth. This Nov will define the republican party forever should the Trump loons win.
That’s not fair to MTG, she is genuinely crazy
Who ever stands against Hawley in his next election should show him running away with a sound track of a chicken clucking in panic.
@The Master Teacher , That was a great comment. It made me chuckle.
If any one has a punchable face it’s Josh Hawley
Use the Yakety Sax music from The Bemmy Hill show.
The theme music of ,” Doctor Zachary Smith.”
Anyone chuckle a little when they played Hawley running twice in slow motion?
1 HippoDino Reserve Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
If by chuckle you mean howling with laughter
A little ???

I’ll never get tired of seeing that and knowing there was laughter at the hearing.
Brave Sir Josh Hawley ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it’s ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Josh turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Josh Hawley!
Should be printed on page 1 of all global newspapers in the western world.
oh thank you for the chuckle.
You should send this to the St. Louis Dispatch