Video shows inside Russian hospitals amid overcrowded conditions

A CNN investigation has revealed startling new evidence of how Russia may be severely understating the impact of Covid-19 across its territory. CNN's Matthew Chance reports.

#CNN #News

Video shows inside Russian hospitals amid overcrowded conditions


  1. Yep. That’s what a pandemic looks like, but understand 70 million American still voted for 45 and thinks Covid is fake. 🤦

    1. @KL no it isn’t!! Biden is NOT A COMMUNIST or even particularly socialist. Where do you get this BS false information from?? This is what the USA is already heading for under Trump the Dictator.

    2. @KL again you are foolish! Social programs under a democratic system is not communism or socialism. Do some research past extreme right wing media and Trump! Those images you see in Russia are exactly where the USA is headed NOW under TRUMP.

    3. @Christopher White maybe from Trump himself? quote” after November 3rd you will not hear anything about corona no more”

    4. @KL hahaha, Russia is not communist, that was the USSR, Russia is a dictatorship and that’s what Trump is going to bring, he is already refusing the result of an election. And by the way, Russia is completely running on fake news, remember, they were the first with a “vaccine”, seems is doesn’t work at all

    1. @KL Come to Canada, it’s hard here but we’re coping. And it’s all covered by our provincial health insurance. I’m not sure how much healthcare costs in America, but I’d bet It’d cost several thousand dollars to treat an uninsured covid patient.

    2. @samp No, Last year the flu killed 34,200 Americans. Mostly because they had pre-existing conditions. Only about 3% of flu deaths were in otherwise healthy people.

      Covid has killed just shy of 250k Americans so far this year, and we still have 6 weeks.

    1. It is heartbreaking. But does anyone but me wonder why healthcare workers in other countries have better PPE? You never see an American doctor, paramedic or nurse in a suit like you see here and in Asia.

    2. The suburban hospital I worked at in Michigan has PPE like this, hoods with air hoses also, and yet in city hospitals in Detroit have lousy PPE and not enough staff.

    3. @Karol Schwartz Thanks for responding. I am so sorry to hear that about Detroit. Not surprising though. As soon as this thing hit, I knew it was going to point up the sharp contrast in economic disparity.

    1. The Molotov cocktail recipe:
      Mix in equal parts of mental illness, willful ignorance, and 24/7 Reich-wing media / Russian propaganda programming, and you have the Republican cult. Then, grab a stiff drink–you’ll need it.

    2. @Derpy Pedro Find anywhere Xi Jinping congratulated Biden, you can’t. I can find you every single European nation, Korea, and Japan congratulating Biden.

    1. Yes i agree . The more these scripted fairy tales and fake fake fake narratives that get exposed the more real human beings are waking up to the LIErus. Thanks great comment

    2. Nothing is ever going to convince those idiots. I just found out that Trump supporters still think Covid is fake while they’re dying of Covid-19. They don’t believe their Doctors, thinking it’s just Flu, Eunomia or even Lung Cancer. There’s no hope for any of us.

    1. The Russian media tell us every day about the situation and the statistics of diseases in Russia. There are no secrets from people.

    2. @Юрий & Ко Sure! 🙄 You are as delusional as the people here in the United States who support Trump. Everyone knows Putin is a liar as well. He rules with an iron fist. People are frightened of him, and rightfully so. Trump is just a little man baby, who is about to be shoved out the front door of the White House! Too bad Russian elections are not free and fair, Putin would have been kicked out and tried for crimes against humanity by now if so!

    3. Fred A, it sounds like you could be taking about Putin or Trump. They’ve both lied about COVID-19, and lives have been lost because of it!

  2. You cannot believe a single thing the Russia state says. This is exactly the situation Trump would create in America if he could. Nuclear accident?? What nuclear accident??

    1. China is responsible for not containing the virus and Trump & his party are responsible for spreading it in the U.S.

  3. When someone dies the battle against death is over but for the rest of us the war rages on at what point the cost of survival becomes too high a price for us to pay🤔🙏

    1. lmao, i guess we should make use of that moment and return the favour.
      Troll the trolls out of their smelly caves and give Putin a hard time.
      I heard Navalny could use some free advertisement. 😉

  4. Dear God, this is America if trump continues, horrible just horrible. God bless all of us, all over the world.

    1. The us has over 75,000 people in hospitals already. This hospital only has 1300. Ummm, we are far worse than this bideo

    2. @Knox Pops Productions Nope. I had 6 hour heart surgery and have recently been in and out of 3 hospitals and one rehab facility. There were no issues.
      The real issue is ignorant fools running their mouths when they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

    1. Yes just like how TRUMP TELL HIS PPL THAT ITS NOT REAL AND NOW THEY’RE FEELING THE Grim OF reality 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. How anyone could look at this images and still put up a fight over wearing a simple mask is beyond comprehension. People are dying by the thousands, stop the self centeredness and wear a mask. If you’re not sick consider yourself a potential carrier of this virus and protect others.

    1. We just don’t know why our President is hiding this from them in their stupid purposely false news. It’s like a bad movie isn’t it?! :((

    1. Yes, this is Trumps doing. He had this virus created. Secret trips, no one knew the reason for his trip and it was very suspicious. Trump would want nothing more than to kill off democrats to win the election. See how hard they are trying to win, now. So many lies, dirty games, cheating scams. Republicans are playing very stupid. They will all be sorry.

    1. Seriously God bless America, what a mess there. That’s what people don’t understand, other countries are lying, America is very transparent.

    1. No doubt. The same way that Mr. Trump received the best treatment available, which is, unfortunately, not available to the average Covid-19 victims in the US.

    2. And then you never heard a word about it. It’ll likely be the same with our vaccines. This is horrific

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