The Department of Justice released footage this week of a retired Special Forces officer hitting a police officer in the eye with a flag pole on January 6.
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#CapitolRiot #Jan6 #MSNBC
But hey, “back the blue,” “party of law and order,” right?
@Florida Man You are insane. Have you watched the videos?
@Florida Man You’re a bad liar. Over 140 Capitol Police were injured on Jan 6. They were chanting death threats against the first and second in the line of succession and attempted to seize the ballots of the electoral college before they could be certified.
Party of raw and disorder criminals and collusion with nasty foreigners.
Maybe the GOP should change there mascot from Elephant to Hippo!
party of Nazis and klanners
It’s very troubling how many ex law enforcement and ex military officers were involved in the insurrection.
Troubling but not surprising.
Every one of them should be reenlisted and court marshaled
It is indicative of the low standards of entry to law enforcement, low intelligence and poor education. Other countries have standards, America has “elections” where the least qualified person can become sherrif and then deputize their stupid relatives and friends.
@nunya buisiness , no one said “ALL” cops and soldier are this way but “SOME” definitely are this way. Bad ppl slip through the cracks of organization all the time. People learn how to hide it or let it be known. Most of the time they know they can’t let it be known or it in their career. January 6th just made it where people felt the need to show their truth, even if it was a treasonous act. Him being a former Green Beret most former soldiers don’t understand his treasonous and unpatriotic act against the country. I surely don’t.
Please put these people in Jail they have broken the Laws If they where Black or Latino they would be
If they were anyone but Trump supporters they would be.
Unfortunately, if it were the black and brown community on Jan 6th… They would have been killed by the military.
@KPepper L Facts, 1000%
I have a feeling that Jeffery is going to lose those VA psychiatric benefits that he so desperately needs.
A lot of those officers are needing treatment for PTSD thanks to people like this guy.
benjamin: best comment yet – LOL!
As he should, he wrapped himself with the American flag and used it as a weapon on Americans..
Watch his lawyer will claim that all the vaccines that the military gave him made loose his mind. The other 1 he might make it was agent orange that scrambled his brain. You know that most lawyers are ambulance chasers.
It is bizarre that these lunatics think they are behaving in a patriotic way with their violent actions!!!
@Francis Davis This is where I feel that the Democrats are struggling to get the truth out but when people only watch what caters to their confirmation bias and it doesn’t help that the largest “news” show outright lies to their audience. How do we fight that? My own mother tells constant lies that she gets directly from Fox News and no matter how I try to get her to here the other side which is actually reality, she doesn’t believe it.
@Jeremy Schissler what ?
@Willie Itson Right! And Marge Greene and her psycho ilk are trying to act like Ashli Babbitt was martyr. She was trying to crawl through a broken window to attack elected officials because the candidate that she voted lost.
Someone shot during the commission of a crime to protect the people that she wanted to attack is not innocent, not murdered, and she is definitely not a martyr. She genuinely may very well have been manic, delusional, bi polar, etc., but the job of the person in charge who shot her wasn’t to let her go inside and hurt someone.
Had they started shooting earlier, it would have never escalated.
They are just so stupid and needy.
When are the going to arrest the masterminds that directed this insurrection. All of them. Oh wait, some of them are on the committee now.
Your behind on the news. Palosi won’t let them sit on committee
@The Blade Pelosi rejected two of the republicans Jordan and Banks, then McCarthy pulled the rest off of the committee
@Mike Mike authorities are investigating so is congress because of people like Jordan, Banks, Hawley and more
@psycobleach46 tullis Good, good, good. Hadn’t heard that.
MSNBC: hold my beer & watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do….and there you were all bundled up like a handle on an ax
Recall to active duty, then court martial him.
@iamthe partyone I’m 58 – wouldn’t surprise me to find out that I am older than you – my dad was a marine for many years and a reporter for many years, with and emphasis on police, legal, and military reporting. The military can and has recalled former military personnel for a variety of reasons and could do so to initiate court martial proceedings. The fact that they haven’t does not mean that they can’t and participating in what many view as an insurrection could be seen as justification for precedent. That’s why we have the word unprecedented.
@iamthe partyone ON other thing – a five minute internet search found no fewer than four cases of the military recalling former active duty personnel specifically to court martial them for a) offenses committed while in service or b) offenses committed after retirement. So, is is not even unprecedented.
Good idea
MSNBC: hold my beer&watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do
That boy got jail time waiting for himself, and not just 8 months. He is a disgrace to the uniform he wore. I’m disgusted as a veteran.
According to the GOP “jab” is slang for “hug”.
@jeck jeck For people that hate the police and want to refund them y’all sure are all about arresting people who don’t share your political views. LMAO. Sounds a little Nazi fascist to me.
@Brock Parker
Said ‘people’ are literal fascists that tried the coup:/ The army itself should be coming after all of you.
@jeck jeck There’s no help for you people. Bless your heart
MSNBC: hold my beer&watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do
@Brock Parker
Coming from a fascist like you, it’s a compliment.
Sworn police, guarding the nation’s heart of democracy, stabbed and beaten with the American flag, by the hands of their “fellow” contrymen. If this is what “great again” looks like, you can choke on it.
I am not an American and was shocked and horrified when I watched this live on 06 January.
It still shocks me to this day.
Unfortunately, it has lessened my opinion of the U.S. Which tears me apart because I know that many Americans believe in freedom and democracy. That mob does not. And you guys are stuck with them.
@Jeff C And they’re saying it wasn’t their mob. They tried pinning it on BLM and ANTIFA. Now it’s ‘an FBI false flag’
Just checking all the conspiracy boxes, and NONE of the MAGA Morons question that.
@NoChance WithoutPasta A defining trait of fascism is dis-ingenuousness, mendacity. Nothing made visible to the “other side” is ever – ever – in good faith. Treating anything from them at face-value is tantamount to falling into a trap – once you do that, they’ve won and will waste your energy.
Trump is to blame
MSNBC: hold my beer & watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do….and there you were all bundled up like a handle on an ax
Retract his honorable discharge! This man doesn t deserve to call himself one of America’s elite defenders.
@eltorocal im sureall the petty and small newbie narcissists like you are entertained by such trivial egotism as this …..enjoy invalidating others to create an overt sense of self importance and superiority masked in relevance while you still have freedom
@I’m Adequate
Okay Adequate, Jeffrey McKellop””.. took up arms, ”HIS ARMS””….and commenced to do “Bodily Harm”” ….to a policeman, at the “”Capitol
Building””….Had Jeffrey kept his arms down, he would not be, where he is, “”TRUTH””…
@Jeremy Schissler Yep… quite the “word salad” there, kiddo. I see it took you 55 min. to CONvince your Li’l sister to help you find “your words”.
More please… and gimme’ a: “Are you not entertained? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!” with Your next serving… OK?
@vivian claiborne he rioted and committed assault.
These are what they charged Portland rioters who set fire to the federal courthouse there with among arson and explosive charges.
This was assault with a weapon and a riot. I didn’t see a single rioter in DC with a gun. Definitely not a insuretion. You wanna see insurrection look at middle east, SE Asian, and south America were coups have actually happened.
Our last insurrection was in 1776.
Also, your typing skills need vast improvement. Fix that, your posts are borderline unintelligible dribble
@Brandon Angstman Very Well Said Brandon.
Every last one of these traitors should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Looks like 8 months is the bar.
MSNBC: hold my beer & watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do….and there you were all bundled up like a handle on an ax
Do you think sentences longer than 8 months are possible, don’t forget that more than 200 Federal Judges were personally selected by Trump during those 4 years
@Rose X that’s a good question. The House select Committee has barely got off the ground and will probably take months to make headway in the investigation. Meanwhile, those sentenced early may get off easier. If they truly find what I think they will, might be rough on them.
There should be more serious charges filed, especially if they have a military background and punishment should be severe.
All officers that can be recalled and court martialed and sent to Guantanamo for debriefing by John Yoo
Right it’s sad that we got ex military and etc that were apart of the violence
This guy is trained to hurt people, slammer time for this guy he has no excuse that I didn’t know what I was doing.
Court martial him and if convicted he should be dishonorably discharged and lose his military pension. His actions are against the UCMJ.
They weren’t Muslims or black or brown.
so much to Rumps statement “a lot of the people were waved in” by police during the deadly insurrection, who were all “hugging and kissing”
That’s just so pathetic of trump. I hope the guy who hurled the flag gets a very long stay in prison. He definitely deserves it, because he was definitely not giving the police officer a hug.
They should be court martial
And he won’t get psychiatric help in prison either unfortunately
MSNBC: hold my beer&watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do
reenlistment court martial and firing squad
And then more prison time.
@psycobleach46 tullis you were there too i see
@crxess NOPE, the cop in black was struck with something, other two started spaying the crowd then first cop in white was hit with a flaf pole, it was NOT sneak attack and the cops did NOT instigate it. The rioters were the aggressors the whole time. What was in the clip was NOT a protest, it was a riot
@psycobleach46 tullis MSNBC: hold my beer&watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do
@psycobleach46 tullis MSNBC: hold my beer&watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do
@A. J. Carosi MSNBC: hold my beer&watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do
Remember when green berets were hero’s? Those were the days.
They are still heroes, don’t lump them all with this dude who has been radicalized.
@Michelle Whatshername he wasn’t alone
Congressional Republicans: You see, that’s just another thing you do on your average capital tour. Nothing to worry about.
Just going for a walk
MSNBC: hold my beer & watch me vilify “peaceful protesters” like professional fascists do….and there you were all bundled up like a handle on an ax
If they did the crime, make them do the time. If they were people of police or military background they should of known better. And then, go after all who incited the insurrection, including the Inciter in Chief.
Reinstate him, strip him of all benefits, send him to Leavenworth. Also, do the same with his cia pay. Also, no ebt, ssi, any of that crap. Cancel his VA.
I was in operations and this is ridiculous hold yourself to a higher standard. He’s going to be sssssoooooo screwed man!