Video reveals for the first time a Republican county official in Georgia and operatives working with an attorney for former President Donald Trump spent hours inside a restricted area of the local elections office on the day voting systems there were breached. CNN’s Drew Griffin has the latest. #CNN #News
Video shows fake Trump elector spent hours inside GA elections office

So when do they get sentenced to prison?
Yet those people still free and having fun . If that was me , I’ll be in prison in 2 seconds because it is a crime .
you may be yet stick around
@Dixie Longate lol, I probably wouldn’t compare him to the previous guy, if you’re trying to tell me he is hard at work
The test is nessicary as 60-70% of voters have no confidence he is capable of doing the job, he shouldn’t do a single thing before taking the test.. “too busy” in this case would mean willfully negligent.
Look at how she’s checking the windows and the lookout standing near the door. Total criminals
@Tattletale Grapist trump lost
And the footage of her waiting outside for those 3 dudes. To let them in. She paces like someone afraid to get caught. Totally guilty.
@Tattletale Grapist your orange savior lost bigly
It’s always the loud ones, the ones making all the accusations and spreading misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories
I am always proud of people like you who are willing to admit their entire personality is flawed!!!!
Cheaters always accuse others of cheating. That’s as old as arrowheads.
If the old lady is guilty by just sitting there, what about all of thoes with their faces blurred and the other one sitting behind the desk?
Should all get extra 5 years in prison for involving an innocent dog in their crimes!
Hey now! Perhaps the dog is trained to find bamboo paper. Or able to sniff out if there’s any dead Venezuelan hacker dictators hiding in any of the machines. Obviously you didn’t attend Cheatanelection 101 at Trump University.
People need to be in jail AND everyone involved in the voting process needs to have the rules stressed to them AGAIN
@John Freedman I really miss debating issues. Every so often I run across a Republican that is not a Trump puppet. It is nice debating issues using facts and offering possible solutions.
Now the Republican party that support Trump yell, deflect, insult and threaten.
@Bigfoot hunting MT with Elmo yeah it’s already happened
@Bigfoot hunting MT with Elmo I find Liberals are much less willing to engage in political discussions.
In most chats Republicans will try to discuss policy, or Biden’s inaction/failures, and they get Trump, Trump, and Trump in responses back.
It’s good to discuss things, and good that you do it.
They are out there. You have to go to a biased in one direction source. Like how I use CNN. You will get probably 5-10 people insulting you, and then one person who will discuss.
as the dust settles we will see who is lieing gonna bea lotta folks eating crow
@Source Awareness here’s the thing it’s about election and security breach jee
Everyone involved needs to also have to pay for new machines
No they need to go straight to prison
@Grey Shepherd tell me you live in your parents basement without telling me you live in your prayers basement…
This criminal activity calls for charges, convictions and real prison time or it will be the norm going forward.
1 FredinToronto Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Hours inside? The person overseeing this “office” should be arrested and dumped into a prison cell on a life sentence, without a trial.
1 That Filthy Weeaboo Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
If I was in there ( I have no business there) I’d be in jail so quick.
So I as citizen can just get a couple of people together and walk into one of these places and start scanning ballots? Arrest these people what’s wrong with you
These people are fanatical and don’t see anything wrong with what they are doing. That’s what is really disturbing! And the fact that law enforcement isn’t pulling them in is equally disturbing!
@Daniel Flowers
@Source Awareness
calls himself Source Awareness, yet has zero awareness of reality . #sad
@Source Awareness expect no one says that…
@worky right on brother. Preach the truth.
@Scigirl It’s a spambot, along with 5-6 others in the comment secion here, please report that account for spamming.
Just the fact that those people were willing to do that is deserving of a prison sentence. That woman is on video doing the thing she says she didn’t do. She had no business attempting to do any of that
@Antisocial Atheist …They Shot the Giggler! They had no business doin that!
So what is the DOJ going to do about this? Are any of those people in prison? Cause I’m pretty sure that any other American caught inside any business after hours would be arrested
@C Gomez man I really hope so
@Rob C. exactly my point
@Floyd Vaughn if it was legal why is she under investigation? I don’t think people realize playing with trump will ruin your life and reputation.
It’s all very well to tell us these things, and to remind us that they are crimes, but until we charge and arrest the people committing these crimes, it doesn’t mean much.
@thedustyhead source that he did? Besides cnn
there was no crime commted here
No, they planned to have her their purely as a figurehead. A person of power meant to psychologically invokea desired response from personnel. This is acting as an agent illegally, illegitimately to perform illegal activity. If she was in the room, she was acting in conjuction with the illegal activities.
Phil, here’s the thing: *Democrats: “We don’t talk about how our own majority cities FOR DECADES have THE HIGHEST CRIME RATES AND DRUG ABUSE. No, MAGA did it! Putin did it! White supremacists did it!”*
@Source Awareness I mean everyone knows cities have higher crime rates cause it’s cities….. because when I think crime I think small populations very spread apart
no it’s mass amount of people in a small location that’s where I’d expect a lot of recorded crime that can be entered into the crime index
These people need to swear under oath and take polygraph tests regarding their dubious, likely illegal actions. Why are they not being interegated and detained?
Do you realize how insane you sound?
Yes the Democrat party has a lot to answer for. You’re right!
That poor innocent dog just chillin on the floor.
Lock him up!!
He invited
He incited
They rioted
Then he denied it
Even though he’d implied it
Now he must be indicted.
@DWF They do not know what to do if you do not fall into their weak logic traps, or play by their rules. Take care.