Police arrested Solomon Peña, a former Republicans candidate for New Mexico's state legislature, on suspicion of orchestrating recent shootings that damaged the homes of Democratic leaders in the state. CNN Senior National Correspondent Kyung Lah has more. #CNN #News
Video shows ex-GOP candidate at official’s home before it was targeted

Definitely attempted murder. Do anyone on here know what kind of prison time he is facing this time????
From Garland and Co ? … No case to answer… From McCarthy ? ” he will be likely next speaker of the house ”….
In Ohio it’s minimum 7 years for hiring someone to murder another…. Per person I would
0 the law does not apply to Republicans…
It’s weird there was a time when republicans would lose graciously and just except it
@Rahim Majid liberals are also racist. Stand back and look without a clouded mind and you would see it
@Rahim Majid congratulations, you’ve won. Here’s your prize:

@Lawn Chair thanks to the Republican party.
@BewareOfSasquatch 150 years ago people thought the moon was made of cheese.
@Ow3 Wells Not mistaken – It was a house meeting with candidate Jill Stein, and no-one disagreed or asked the racist to leave.
Lol he couldn’t even pretend to be a halfway decent human.
Thats the reality of living in a racial jungle.
@Morgan Stevens GQP
@Morgan Stevens never had any racial problems here in Arkansas. Then again, I just treat people as people without color being a factor.
I’m guessing you find doing so challenging?
@Nathan Jones I don’t want to live around whites.
Let me get this right, a convicted felon can be allowed to serve in our governing body, but a person with a felony will go to prison for voting? Let that sink in
@Steve Pest Your opinion aside, it is among the most isolated places on earth, and due to times zone there is simply no alternative.
And you living here for a while doesn’t mean anything.
I was raised on the Big Island and also went to school on Oahu.
It’s not all densely populated.
@Steve Pest Once again there are hundreds of thousands of disabled and elderly people nation wide.
And yes the process is the same as my grandfather lived and also voted by mail in CA.
Hawaii adopts almost all processes from CA.
Surprised you didn’t know that after living here for a while.
@Steve Pest Sorry Steve, your argument is flat.
Agree to disagree.
no it’s not all densely populated by Hawaiian standard or Seattle or Portland standards, but it’s not remote. Not even as remote as people in the Midwest. And your opinion aside. Mail in voting there isn’t something many actually need there.
Being isolated from the mainland doesn’t matter.
You aren’t having votes counted in California but locally.
Alaska yes that you can argue. It’s more isolated than Hawaii. But even then you can counter argue that they can vote at the local town and email, call , whatever the results in.
…as long as they don’t vote for themself?..
It’s a sad life. Living on your knees to serve a man that will just discard you like trash.
This is the modern GOP.
@Troy Parker
Sounds like ? You can hear the typed words ?
GOLUBOIzzzzz are hilarious
@Dixie Dandy
Pootinzzz pederazzzzzz patrol is chirping on cue
You see boys I I I I ah been watching CNN. That’s where I got all of that. Ain’t ya boys proud of me.
Democrats can do no wrong and no Republicans can do no right. Sounds like the Left Robots for sure.
@Chuck Rambo I do not believe either. I am well aware of a great number of faults of democrats and republicans. I am also well aware that since 85% of the main stream media is liberal that the public will hear many more of the faults of republicans and almost not faults of democrats.
This is a textbook case of domestic terrorism and should be charged as such.
@spankys surprise You mean the PUBLIC?
FaceBook? I’m not sure who you’re talking about. You’re butthurt that people in general weren’t taking your stance?
You may be onto something there, though.
The Right had to crow about it. The ONE TIME it was the other guys!
The left saw it as being too easy for the guy to arm himself. His motives weren’t of interest as much as his easily acquired arsenal.
Edit: He did come to his senses and turned HIMSELF in, though. The attack never took place, because he backed out. He didn’t get stopped by the police. He stopped himself, after talking to his sister.
@Kevin G Lol…yeah the ONE time it was the other guys…not a student of history I see.
@spankys surprise Good point. Not the only one. There was another one about 12 years ago at a Congressional softball game. But it’s still like 10 or 20 to one.
It’s no wonder.
Which side claims guns are the best way to handle conflict?
Which side’s political ads show the candidate literally shooting pictures of Democrats?
Which side wants to be armed at all times, just in case “The sh!t goes down!”?
It ain’t the left.
@David Whitten nope, just the terrorists. I fully support banning any homegrown terrorist from owning guns. Any true patriot deserves the right to protect their family. Not cowardly R-Tards.
What about racism, insurrection, traitor or worse than all of these he might just not be woke enough. All valid crimes to accuse republicans of according to the democratic party bylines.
Time to hold these criminals from Trump on down accountable. Long overdue. Get to it DOJ!
Unconstitutional to prevent a person of poor public stature to run for public office…In most countries a criminal conviction , a criminal record prevents the individual from holding public office, holding a liquor licence, firearms licence, a passport…. Convictions are meant to be a deterrent…
@Jo Lee – Yeah, show me the number of criminal investigation or reports showing criminal activcity of Biden
Lets seee
Burisma – investigated, actions biden took had no apparent outside influences. Though should have recused himself
Current documents – being investigated, Biden is giving full cooperation and doing all the things a responsible and innocent person should be doing. Taking or mishandling classified docs requires the establishment of criminal intent (ie if you accidentally end up with docs and return them when you find them you aren’t doing 20 years
– fraud from his company (conviction)
– fraud from his charity (shutdown)
– Mueller report shows 10+ instances of obstruction
– Blackmailing a foreign nation for a personal gain (asking them to investigate an american citizen and political rival)
– Election interference, solicitation to commit election fraud, conspiracy to commit election fraud (all currently being investigated with his fulton phone call)
– and the docs. 300 classified docs so mishandling since he admitted to taking them on truth social (compare to bidens 20ish or Hillary’s 5ish), highest level of classification, refusal to surrender the docs (willful retention which is another crime), lying to the fbi about having the docs (obstruction)
Contrast and compare… yeah Biden is a lot more lawful
NOT in America !
Actually it’s a REQUIREMENT –
@Jo Lee hey karen
Oh. That’s right. Your ilk
considers violent lunatics
model candidates!
Fines, imprisonment, and parole, are all fine deterrents. There is no just reason to take a person’s rights away, for the rest of their life. Once they’ve paid their debt to society, they should get their voting rights (and right to run for office) restored. The idea is the people won’t elect a criminal. Although, of late, being a criminal is the norm, in the GOP.
This crap has gone to far. The justice department better step up, and step up big! People are acting like pure animals. Humanity way out the window here. Start cracking down on these lunatics to send a message to the rest! Other wise, people will Start taking it into their own hands.
Exactly what the world says about traitor joe, the less than useless VP, and the entire woke leftoid lunacy. Too bad they weaponized the DOJ against the right, parents, sitting presidents, etc….. Stop crying about the monster YOU made.
That`s what Republicans want. They want to start a civil war and shoot every Democrat. People who vote Democrat better get a gun protect yourself & your family….This is it protect yourself.
Wow. No outrage when Steve Scalise was shot by a Democrat back in 2017. The Authoritarian Rule of democrats is gonna cause more of this. The Cartels can’t protect their Democrats 24/7.
The Russians are working overtime to boost these problems. He really wanted trump to still be president when he started trying to steal Ukraine
@Osvaldo Rubalcava It’s like an opossum or coyote that is rabid……doesn’t belong there, snarly, hair falling out and half dead with disease…….a normal gop/republican.
That’s how it’s animalistic.
I personally wouldn’t use the term ‘Mastermind’ to describe Solomon. Damaged mind or Mindless would be better descriptions.

maga mental midget comes to mind…!
These are NOT mindless people. They are far right Nazi terrorists. They are mindful TERRORISTS.
Mental problems? As part of his court proceedings full evaluation is needed for proper sentencing.
True… but he’s one of those people that will commit a mass shooting because they laughed at him MAYBE THESE PEOPLE SHOULD LEARN HOW TO ACT N NOT BE DIKS
You have him confused with the vegetable known as Joe Biden.
all the people involved need to get 80 to 100 years in prison each
Why are there no background checks on candidates running for office.
The only thing that surprises me about this is it took so long to happen.
Stay Strong! Don’t let these Cowards intimidate you that’s what they’re trying to do
politician is the only job in America that someone can get without any qualifications whatsoever…we really have to implement some basic requirements for public office candidates…no felonies or arrest warrants would be a good start…a simple urine sample would eliminate a lot…the same scrutiny that a McDonalds worker would be subjected to would also help…!
The idea was always, that voters would do the vetting.
I’m not sure, but that may restrict candidates who have fought for civil rights and for arrested in the process – or even targeted by the people in power for trumped up charges. Not all law breakers are bad people.
Are you kidding me? Had a friend back when I was in my twenties, she went through a real rough time in an abusive relationship and so on, ended up almost living in her car out of fear. She gets pulled over a couple times because her license is suspended. They were eventually arrested her and she didn’t protest because she knew she’d be safe in jail at least. This crap followed her around for 10 damn years she didn’t get jobs because of it and this Joker goes into the government???
This is what happens when you let criminals run for office. Hope the judge who let him run is proud of himself. He helped this happen.
Unconstitutional for him not to serve in government, but completely constitutional to deny people the right to vote.
Shocking part! He’s not the only Politician that does this. But he’s the one to get caught.
I think what she meant to say was: “it makes anyone (in the community) terrified (of anyone running for office)”