Video shows critical Bakhmut supply bridge destroyed by Russian forces

New video shows the aftermath of fighting near Bakhmut, Ukraine, where a critical supply line for Ukrainian forces has come under attack. CNN's Alex Marquardt reports. #CNN #News

Video shows critical Bakhmut supply bridge destroyed by Russian forces


  1. Only Wagner is in Bakhmut. Russian troops are to the south but only Wagner is in the city. Factually incorrect and clearly the russian offensive hasn’t started yet. I believe they are waiting for Bakhmut to be taken first which will be in under a week most likely.

    1. @Владимир Михайленко Under Russian aggression and civil destabilizing pressures, it was. Why do you think Zelenskyy is working on this? Besides…”least democratic” is still democratic. Doesn’t mean any country can come in and invade and brutally punish civilians and civilian infrastructure does it??

    2. It also seems that they need Ugledar to fall as well and at the moment the Russians are struggling there.

    3. @Yakiv Popavich you clearly are not a military expert, every child can understand by looking at a map, that Bakhmut is of no strategic importance, the Russians are losing too many soldiers and vehicles for what it is worth, remember what happened after Lysichansk fell last year? the Russians were completely exhausted and the heroes of the AFU liberated half the territory the Russians had captured at the beginning of the war in the Kharkiv and Kherson oblast offensive🤡

  2. Evgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Vagner group: “I appeal to the President of Ukraine Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky. Dear Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Vagner PMC units have practically surrounded Bakhmut. There is only one road left. The pincers are shrinking. If earlier we were fought by a professional Ukrainian army, today we see more and more old people and children. They are fighting, but their lives near Bakhmut are short – a day or two. Give them the opportunity to leave the city. The city is virtually surrounded.

  3. Inside my room I still feel cold , how much this soldiers in the front line . A big respect for this soldiers

    1. He was remove in office by UK citizens but boris still can’t accept that fact maybe he wanted to be a dictator and replace sunak again 😂

    2. @the who? I think the entire UK in general can’t accept it is collapsing quickly under the weight of it’s own bureaucracy.

    3. @John Freedman Britain is a failed society, I’m from Scotland, we have been chained to the title of “British” for too long for my liking, and I share your views.

    1. @S.R. Raskien Russian brave forces never retreated in this war. They were kicked out by the Ukrainians in Kharkiv & Kherson.

      Retreating is never an option for Russian soldiers. Theu just die. Either by the Ukrainians or by their own forces!


    2. when russia did that in kherson they were defeated and pushed out of kherson according to MSMs lol

    3. Whenever Russia does that, like in Snake island, Kherson and Kharkov, you say they “fled”. Kherson and Kharkov are under attack right now.

    1. @Lambert Lum why did ukraine send battalions and brigades after the other if bakhmut is not important..??

    2. @asdf asdf it’s NATO and the west vs Russia. Everyone outside of the US and NATO knows that…and that’s huge

    3. @philjackson who said Ukraine is going to fight on its own without the West? the West will help Ukraine for as long as needed to help it repel the horde

    4. @asdf asdf 🤣🤣🤣…your funny mate. You just said ukraine vs russia. That a statement of losing battle.

  4. So he can destroy their supply bridge but wants to claim invasion when they come to his borders, and he invaded them first. How do that work ?

    1. There’s a certain treaty that dates back to 1600’s….Ukraine broke that peace treaty the second Zalenskyy got presidency….maybe educate yourself on the treaties between the 2 countries. Makes you look uneducated, I’d like to think you’re a clever man but then again I could be wrong.

    1. ​@angel marioit is not about the city, it’s about the meaning,in life the harder the fight to achieve victory the Sweetest the Victory is . Gift with out hard working is meaningless

    2. @angel mario a group of Wagner mercenaries of unknown size has been trying to take this city for 9 months, while the Russian troops are scattered on a front line 1500 km long and, despite all NATO assistance, they cannot be removed from there.

    3. @James Ricker and this is obvious because the troops of the Russian Federation are gradually moving forward in different directions, and there is no mobilization in Russia?

  5. Such a small bridge destroyed should be repaired in one day. I was thinking that is some really long bridge.

  6. CNN’s coverage of Bakhmut in a nutshell …

    November 2022: “Ukraine will bloody the nose of Russia in Bakhmut and then go on to re-take Mariupol!”

    January 2023: “Russia is suffering mass casualties. They will never take Bakhmut!”

    March 2023: “Bakhmut is insignificant.”


    1. @Vladimir Pavlovskiy Listen, Russia is baited into Bakhmut. Just ask yourself this, if Ukraine had the manpower to easily push Russia away from Kiev, and take back Kherson and Kharkiv, why would they have an issue holding a small town? If you understand tactics, the answer is simple.

  7. It seems like after all this fighting and all the troops killed, to lose it to Russia, would be a sin to all that lost their lives just to walk away from all that they have already accomplished 😢

    1. Ukraine will reclaim their borders back in spring. Bakhmut is in ruins, so a strategic retreat is the way to go. Their new defensive lines will again pulverise the Russians due to the open terrain. Right now, its a strategy that wears them down.

    2. @Trippie ash Hippie my answer is completely built on what CNN said in past year. The problem is that many people forget what they said yesterday and even more so months ago. In general, propaganda is everywhere in Russia and in the USA and in Europe, CNN, FOX etc

  8. They “strategically bombed” their own bridge 😂 When Russia does that it’s a “huge worldwide embarrassment” 😂

    1. @oanatienko I don’t think oligarchs yachts will cover your 90% destroyed civil infrastructure though. We haven’t talked about how you will pay your lend lease with a shrunken coastline

    2. @Wolfs Winkel it will be a major economic boom for all participating countries to help Ukraine rebuild and it will be a great time to see a country modernize, Ukraine will also be better off as it can say goodbye to all of the old soviet rubbish that was lying around, finally. Too bad the pride of The Soviet Union, “Chernobyl” can’t go too.

    3. @Wolfs Winkel oh they will!!! And their villas somewhere in Como, 🇮🇹….. all of that will go to rebuild infrastructure Russia knows nothing nothing about…. just a beginning, though….Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

    4. @A M I’m not convinced by your random speculation. The Eurozone is in a cost of living economic crisis of its own, with protests raging in the big European nations like Germany and France at this very moment. In addition reduced coastlines mean reduced economies.
      Facts only.

  9. In hindsight, Brandon probably should’ve supported that peace deal Ukraine and Russia was working on way back in May. At least in that deal, Russia would’ve withdrawn back to the pre-February border. Boy did Brandon bet on the wrong horse.

    1. That sounds like a great idea in the abstract, but the problem with that version of “peace” is that russia would not abide by it, instead they would use it as a strategic pause to rearm, regroup, and plan the stage of the war. Russia would then fabricate a reason for restarting the conflict or just begin at a time and place of their choosing. Most important of all, for those convinced that an immediate peace was possible, that would in no way allow the world to return to the peace and prosperity of pre febuary 2022. Those days are long gone and this is the new reality of an aggressive and expansionist russia, the sooner we accept that and strive to do everything possible to ensure that russian ambitions are crushed within the borders of ukraine.

    2. ​@alexander campbell To be honest it’s ukraine and the west who broke every deal with Russia since the fall of the soviet union till now, beside the people in donbass and luhansk truly don’t want to be part of of ukraine so the Russian intervention back in 2014 is somehow justified. This conflict is more then just Russia invaded to take ukraine so we have to wait and see.

    3. @alexander campbell cute outlook for someone who doesn’t live there, you’re an absolute genius 👏 you should run for presidency.

    4. @Chris no point stating facts to him mate…..he knows best…..apparently 💀

  10. People are out there right now someone son or brother fighting n dying this war man I truly prey this stops soon for all the lives of people dying for some one else 😞

  11. Why did you write the caption of the bridge as destroyed by Russians and then go ahead to report that it was actually destroyed by the Ukrainian military?

    1. Different bridges. Ruskis shelling bridges out of city. Ukras demolishing railway running through the city. The rail line is eastern Ukraine main N-S line that allows whoever holds the city easy and fast resupply along entire frontline. Making Bakhmut strategically very important just as the our glorious propaganda stations were parroting until about two months ago when it became obvious ruskis will take it.

    1. 8 mobile ‘fold-able’ bridge platforms on their way from the USA.(For the counter offensive).

  12. Sky suggested this was Ukraine forces blowing up the bridge so that the Russian couldn’t make into ..the city. lol

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