Video posted by Greene shows part of mask altercation with Bush

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri announced that she will be moving her office away from GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, following a heated exchange earlier this month where Bush confronted Greene about not wearing a mask in a hallway on Capitol Hill.

The fallout led Speaker Nancy Pelosi to take the extraordinary step of ordering Bush's office to be moved away from Greene, following a request from Bush, the latest signs of the growing tensions between the two parties in the aftermath of the deadly riot on Capitol Hill.
#CNN #News

Video posted by Greene shows part of mask altercation with Bush


  1. there used to be a time where lunatics being a threat to society were admitted into a psych ward…nowadays they are elected into congress…

    1. @peaceandllov As if what you thought, you and your pitiful fellows had any value …
      Maggot tears are SOOO DELICIOUS 😂

    2. @puddles puddles TROLL🤡 Makes a YouTube account 3 weeks ago but has 700 comments on this channel. You people are obsessed and it’s weird.

    3. Good. Because she is more patriotic than most of the people here on CNN and in the comments. I have yet to see any of You people how truly patriotic you are, when you keep trying to infringe on 1A and 2A Rights. Prove that you care about the country and maybe look at the constitution better instead of trying to destroy it with the bills you keep trying to pass.

    1. Just want to add that what happened on Wall Street today was also the GOPs fault. They are going to ruin this country, and we need to lock them all up.0

    2. @Dan Grindmaster kinda wondering if China will come over here and do the US citizens like the settlers did the native tribes, then have their own war of independence and make a new nation out of North America. That would be painful but maybe the only way…..hmmm

    3. @Dan Grindmaster kinda wondering if China will come over here and do the US citizens like the settlers did the native tribes, then have their own war of independence and make a new nation out of North America. That would be painful but maybe the only way…..hmmm

    1. *Plenty of DEMOCRAT Karens and Darens:*
      “There will be blood in the streets.” – Loretta Lynch.
      “Protesters should not let up.” – Kamala Harris.
      “Who says protests have to be peaceful.” – Chris Cuomo.
      “There needs to be unrest in the streets.” – Ayanna Pressley.
      “I just don’t know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country and maybe there will be”. Nancy Pelosi
      “You get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere” Maxine waters.

    2. @Craig H. Deflection is the first resort for deplorables. Next is name calling. Trump lost. He isn’t running in 2024. Learn some coping skills.

  2. McCarthy says: Yeah, I’ll “meet” with her and talk to her. In other words, he’s not doing anything about it.

    1. Exactly because he knows DT likes her even though he is NO LONGER IN THE WH. McCarthy should be concentrating on what needs to be done on Capital Hill instead of still being in DT’s @$$, especially since he could possibly be charged for crimes on a federal and state level. This is a serious problem with MTG along with other members and needs to be addressed before someone else gets hurt or worse.

  3. Not only must elected Members be required to pass through a “metal detector” but they should also be required to pass a “ “mental” detector” !!!!

    1. @Northerners 1865 many studies have shown that the mentally ill are predominantly on the left. and you do realize the northerners in 1865 were republicans right? and the parties never switched. nowhere in the library of congress records have the sides ever switched.

  4. she claims Cori Bush started the argument? Lady we’ve seen the footage of you proudly harassing a traumatized teenager how am i supposed to believe you didnt start it with Bush?

  5. I tell ya, one of the latest of her previous posts to surface, featuring her discussing “The Secret Jewish Space Laser” and how it was used to start California wildfires, I’ve heard crazy things but that literally blew me away. You cant make this kinda crazy up

    1. She has freedoms to speech !! Not only should she defend herself ! She’s in the office she was. Elected into ! Threat to the leftist! They can dish it out but they can’t take it !! So afraid of a 5’ woman that can defend herself !!

    2. She doesn’t have yo like any of you liars ! Especially Pelosi n her skimming comrades in our corrupt public office of the US Congress !

  6. I mean does it really matter whether or not McCarthy “talks to Marjorie Greene” about her personal beliefs and how she speaks, tweets, or comments on social media?! It’s not going to change her personal belief systems, and let’s not forget that, this is a women who was supported by the GOP after they knew she was in some sort of leadership role within Qnan for Gods sake!!!

    1. @Fenristripplex did you even listen to the report? gaaahhhhh who but a q follower says “you think everyone you disagree with is QAnon”? toad

    2. @FenristripplexShe videos herself quoting Qanon conspiracy theories ALL the time and posts them to her social media accounts. 🤪

  7. We are all thrilled with the way this woman is acting, but think, how she got to hold the seat in Congress? Because of the people that voted for this lunatic….. That alone is scarier then anything. Imagine how many more in Congress are just like her on the down low? DANGEROUS AF.

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