Video captures Russian attack inside Ukrainian trenches

CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh reports on the death of a former US Marine, Cooper Andrews, who was killed on the outskirts of Bakhmut, Ukraine. Then, the Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic joins Jake Tapper to discuss the magazine’s new article arguing in favor of “the total liberation of Ukraine.” #CNN #News


    1. @Garydd Lewis waste man move that, now the Russian have his body playing around with, he should have mind his own business, but he cannot, he’s American

    2. What did u expect,u think Russia is lraq, even there in USA they can blow up hypersonic dagger

    3. @Garydd Lewis It was your country (I think you are an American) that staged the coup in 2014, it was your country through non-governmental organizations, but with government money that fostered hostility to Russia from Ukraine (even modern President Yushchenko, whom you also brought to power with the power of the “Orange Revolution” and whose wife is American), it is your country Ukraine has been preparing since 2014 (NATO instructors worked with Ukraine) and on March 11, 2021, the NSDC of Ukraine issued a doctrine – “crimea and Donbass should be returned at any cost, including by military force,” and Zelensky immediately signed it (in April 2021, echelons with military equipment went from the west of Ukraine to the east of the country, and Russia began military exercises on the western borders and left part of the troops there, which is why the CIA director came to Moscow in August – to clarify the plans and Zelensky apparently postponed plans to destroy the residents of Donbass and then Crimea for the spring of 2022, in December Putin suggested that the owners of Ukraine negotiate security on the borders of Russia and “calm down” your puppet – Zelensky, but Putin’s proposal was rejected and Russia was forced to launch this military operation, which saved not only lives from the Crimea and Donbass, but possibly also the border cities of Russia. So this is entirely your fault and you will have to answer to God and possibly to Russia’s strategic weapons if you go even further in this conflict. Your task of weakening Russia with sanctions and subsequent dismemberment (of a resource-rich country) and taking it under control has failed….

    1. ​@DJPaulC FunkedDub we must live, after losses. Our loved ones would not want us to be sad for the rest of our lives. We should keep the best memories

    2. I think she’s handling it pretty good , her son died for his ideas that’s something to be proud of, he didn’t sit and watch he took actions to his own hands and while it may hurt the mother I’m sure her mother is very proud of her courageous son

    3. @Simon Quemo I agree. Also she implied (I thought) she was his step-mom or “like his mom” (I thought I heard her say) not that it matters. RIP.

    1. @Yuri nothink !
      he would of got a shiny medal !
      so he got a lot of Glory !

  1. Incredible footage of actual deadly battles! Sad what happened to young American!

    1. @Сергей Монин I can’t wait for Moscow to fall! It’ll be the best day of my life 😂

    2. ​@NT what do you mean? His motivation is fighting against the unlawful invasion of Ukraine.

  2. The greatest cost of war is that it often takes the best examples of humanity. To his Mom – you raised a hero.

    1. The foreign fighters in Ukraine are not heroes. You would have a different opinion if you saw the videos they posted. Every time you hear about a shelling in Donetsk, it’s not the Russian military they were targeting. Its always civilians far from the front line that’s killed. You may want to watch a few videos from Patrick Lancaster here on Youtube who is reporting in Donetsk. He even came under fire in a hospital where a bunch of middle aged women were hiding. You have an entire generation of kids growing up knowing any day could be their last by a shell.

    1. ​@Cornell Howardheroes who stand with free people in their time of need, heroes who put themselves in the way of death, heroes who fight tyranny, and aggressive expansion. Those heroes.

    2. ​@Ryan Thompson 😂😂😂😂 and you don’t want to be a hero or what?..don’t you want to stand with free people,die with them and become a hero as well?

    3. @Ryan Thompson Aggressive expansion that’s exactly what nato is doing, you me nor anyone else want nato on that section of border; if nato is allowed to place its base and equipment on that 2000 kilometers border, what in the world does you think is going too happen? They would have a nuclear superpower armed with hypersonic nuclear weapons surrounded, for what purpose? Please explain to me how this could be a good thing!

  3. Well done Cooper. You lived helping others. What greater way to live your life on your own terms. You were compelled to give help and you acted on it.
    So few of use do. Your life is an inspiration. Thank You. RIP Marine and Good Guy.

  4. God bless Cooper Harris, that young man is the pride America, he followed his heart and did the right thing. God bless his mother

    1. SHes the mother of a warrior, unfortunately he probably had a very emotional talk with her before he went

  5. 02:05 A mother of a true soldier stands tall! There are no tears shed on her countenance, as she believes it is purposeless to despair over the souls who died heroes; Rather, one should thank the Almighty that such person lived. She comprehends the inevitable truth that all mortals shall depart this world and deems it imperative to leave a lasting legacy through a courageous departure marked by the imprint of something of worth. Brave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war…

  6. I’ll never understand why somebody would risk their life to fight in a war that has nothing to do with them. he was a special kind of human being and there aren’t many like him. What an incredible person and a devastating loss! why is it always that the good are lost while the most vile live on? how tf do we lose somebody like this yet swine like tucker Carlson continue breathing?!

    1. The reason is one fight for the ones that can’t, not everybody has a fighting Spirt, Knowing if Ukraine lose this fight may mean lost of freedom else we’re, .. not a lot of Americans understand while they sit down watching CNN ..

    2. To be fair, Tucker Carlson’s isolationism is a valid line of political thought throughout American history. I believe we should help Ukraine, but I am dearly unhappy that European under funding of military is what is drawing US to fill in. Ukraine is a European issue, which should be handled by the European Union, not the US.

  7. The best love is to lay down your life for your brother. This is what Cooper Andrews did. He stood up for his brother. A true Hero. RIP.

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