Video appears to show Russian soldiers arrested for refusing orders

New video appears to show Russian soldiers claiming they have been arrested for refusing to follow orders to fight in Ukraine. CNN's Erin Burnett speaks with CNN's Nic Robertson and Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) about the latest developments in the war.
#CNN #News


    1. @Janitor Queen The OP said they were courageous. That’s not the right word here. They’re thinking about their own lives. Nothing wrong with that at all, but calling them courageous for this isn’t accurate.

    2. @Janitor Queen LOL, you’re missing the point. They did this out of fear for their lives. That’s not bravery. Get real.

    1. If Putler is spared to live, send him to a jail with these conditions. He did it to so many innocent people, both in Ru”SS”ia and elsewhere.

    2. @Fireworks in Ukraine 😜 I love your dogshit whataboutism:
      “Putin needs to go”

      your dumbass: “B-B-BUH WHA BOUT BYEDEN?!?!?! REEEEEE”

    1. @Rene Magritte I think you are confused because you do not understand at all that Ukraine was at civil war for 8 years and 13 k Ukrainian Russian minority have been killed around 5 k civilians. So when I say they had martial law- it was Donbas martial in those republics to fight against Ukrainian gov that was shelling them. Ukraine did not have martial law.
      From 2014-2016 many Ukrainian soldiers ( most) deserted and joined Donbas fighters, with their arms. There are many vid of it on YouTube . This is when Ukraine turned to Nato and Militia for help and paid conscripts.
      So Donbas people already were in position in which they might need to join to fight Ukrainians, it was before Russian invasion. They feel closer identity wise with Rusians Than Lviv Ukrainians. Country is not same as national identity. To illustrate it for you it is like now Welsh or North Irish would be forces to join English ( same citizens hip GB) against Irish ( different country). Who do you think they feel closer to? Welsh never ever support English football team and remind – we are not English. But are British. Its same in Donbas and Z and apparently the world does not get it. Ukraine was a bit like UK , Or Switzerland ( French and German side). However more divided. Noone wanted to travel to Lviv as you would be tol off for using your mother tongue and you might be told to go back to your place , here is Ukraine , we are Moscals. Its very difficult to have a closeness and identity in those situations, and of course you do have it more with where you came from or your parents if you speak the language, know all the songs jokes and have similiar values. If states in US did not have autonomy they do , there would never be US and you know that. Same with Russian Federation and same with Switzerland UK. Ukraine did not understand that and wanted Ukrainization at all cost otherwise go back to your country Russia. Well problem is that East of Ukraine is their country so it is very racist and killed the love. Ukraine just did not understand their identity and what is Ukraine. It is not Lviv and Kiev. Same as US is not NY and LA.

    2. @Gaadiid Kompanie
      Well if he had refused orders at My Lai? He would walk around knowing he could look God in the eye eventually and satisfy his own conscience that he wasn’t a rapist or mass murderer and war criminal wouldn’t he?

      Putin is sending sex criminals to fight in Ukraine and his little buddy in crime talks of “de-Satanization” ?

      It is the superyacht owning & frippy clothed & ostentatiously bejewelled KGB Kirill who is promoting Satanism within his defiled, gold collecting, money changer temples. To his thoroughly wicked and deluded pseudo ‘Christian’ worshippers.

    3. ​@Petra Smiles Sorry Petra, I have to disagree. What you consider being facts is not so self-evident as you (and Russian media) attempt to present to public opinion.
      1. “you do not understand at all that Ukraine was at civil war for 8 years and 13 k Ukrainian Russian minority have been killed around 5 k civilians.”

      Please don’t explain to me what I understand and what not. Let’s start with a simple fact that there was no “civil war” for 8 years. Calling this conflict “civil war” can not be justified. There was a clandestine Russian operation in 2014 following info war for 20 years, the military conflict was artificially created by one side and would never ever took place without Russian forces and heavy equipment. There was a minority in Donbas among Russian speaking residents, a lot of people with split loyalty and identity. When you look on the results of independence referendum 1991 you will find there were approx. 17% of pro-Russian inhabitants in Donbas Regions. Using those 17% to create in April 2014 an “uprising” with help of Russian special forces was a crime. It wasn’t a spontaneous event as reaction to Euromaidan with subsequent Russian military help. It was an invasion lead by Russian FSB officers, when you look on who was represented in so called revolutionary committees you will find 90% Russian citizens there send over the border to create a situation which couldn’t be accepted by Ukrainian government. That’s how it started. Before 10th of April, as Russian SpecNaz stormed Ukrainian official buildings and started to hiss Russian flags on them there was no one single victim in Donbas.
      Numbers of casualties and who they were: We don’t have to believe Russian or Ukrainian sources. Let’s take official OSCE and UN statistics.
      There were 3.404 civil deaths in 8 years of this conflict, among them 306 foreigners. 18% of them just stepped on land mines put in ground by both sides. Those people were not (as Russian side tries to suggest) deliberately killed by Ukrainian forces, they were incidental victims of shelling performed by both sides. So it is just not fair to blame one side for the casualties. And the rest of total of 14,200–14,400 killed during those 8 years were service men of both sides. A senseless carnage where Russians in disguise making their “holidays ” and Ukrainian servicemen send there by Kiev killed each other. So it was not so simple as you try to convince me writing about “Ukrainian Russian minority” being a solely victim of this conflict. By the way, on both sides were Russian speaking soldiers, the language and national identity are in Ukraine not the same. Incidentally I know what I am speaking about, I studied in Charkiv and have spoken only Russian with my Ukrainian friends there.

      2. “From 2014-2016 many Ukrainian soldiers ( most) deserted and joined Donbas fighters, with their arms. There are many vid of it on YouTube .”
      It’s correct. However such cases took place on both sides. Not always voluntarily. I don’t need Youtbe to know it. I visited the front line 2015 and it wasn’t a pleasant experience for me.

      As for the rest it would probably surprise you but I share (mostly) your point of view. With one exception: this mayhem was deliberately initiated and created by one side. Kiev never ever was interested in Russian territory or in changes of Russo-Ukrainian borders. Ukrainian government never sent its troupes to Voronesch or Taganrog pretending to liberate Ukrainians living there. And yes, there are 2.4 Millions ethnic Ukrainians living on the territory of Russian Federation. So please let’s try not to forget who was and is a perpetrator with imperial ambitions and who is a victim of this policy. It’s easy to blame Kiev for the conflict created and supported by Moscow from the very beginning. Too easy.
      And no, I am not a Russophobe, nor I am uncritical about Ukrainian motives. But for me facts are facts and opinions are opinions. Let’s try to separate them clearly because if we don’t, we will never find a solution of this absolutely unnecessary conflict.

      Have a nice and peaceful day.

    4. @Rene Magritte what are you even talking about? How do you clasify civil war? Also have you been there in Donbas? in Crimea? Have you been there during coup? Awh wait, please tell me how do you call 2014 event? Revolution of dignity? So you want to tell me in all honesty that if in your country China would support thousands of protesters and organised Militia to take over governemnt and force at gun point officials out , there would not be breakaways i. Your country? No protests? People would be ok let have this puppet Chinese gov and lets allow them to remove our second official language. Have you seen what people sang in Kiev in thousands? Have you seen kids singing – hang the Russians and adults claping? Kids claping – hang the blacks in US? This is revolution of dignity? Why Rabi of Odessa asked no Jews to live house? Because buldozers into police and molotov coctails into counter protesters who did not want unconstitutional gov. I do not understand you or people alike. Once you have a coup it is always the same. Communists came in power through a coup. Our illegal invasions in last 20 years, its always same. Look what is happening in Iraq. Same was in Ukraine. You cannot have illegal gov brought by far right mob to remove your mother language as official language and not expect them wanting autonomy. It is obvious where Ukraine was heading and is heading. Donbas wanted autonomy . Gov sent on them Azov batalion.
      Times – Inside White Supremacy Miltilitia in Ukraine, please watch your heroes and please send info to people in Donbas that they should have just embrace them and that Donbas are traitors for not having identity with them the way you do. Actually i can send you a form, they accept women volunteers. There is Swedish guy there and Im sure you share same values. Unfortunately i do not. And 98% of Donbas and 95% of Crimea does not.

  1. It’s unraveling. God bless those soldiers and all of the good Russian people. Stand up for yourselves and take this man down so you guys can have the lives you deserve and the leader your country needs. There’s many more of you than there are of him and I’m not even sure his closest friends would stop you. just make sure that he isn’t replaced with somebody the same or even worse. Somebody you can trust to lead your country and your people, with the happiness and future happiness of your children and grandchildren at the forefront of everything they do.

    Love from the USA.

    1. God is the universe we all take part, it’s the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, it’s infinite and ever existed.
      The present moment is all there is, the now.
      Life is God and is wholly, only our minds recall the past through memory stored in the brain and dream of the future, but it doesn’t exist. Only the now is real.
      God is all the particles of the universe collectively, our bodies are also part of it. To those who destroy the Earth knows he destroy himself.
      The truthcontest thepresent…


    3. @Vinnie Riley I think the Russian people are largely misled;lack of free journalism,lack of internet access,the government owning all television channels and newspapers….
      If they are looking through OUR glasses they will see the same and feel the same…
      The problem lies in Putin and his fine following…
      The motive is simple:moneymoneymoney!!!… they have been stealing fortunes from the Russian people…. for many years!!!!
      And if Putin goes down his following may try to save their butt by ALL means…. that is what makes this a serious threat to the world’s future!!!…. who guarantees it is just Putin that can push ‘THE red button’

    1. @Muttley interesting that the invasion 8 years ago elicited very little response from the global community but barely 6months after the military contracts dried up in Afghanistan, long lines of credit are being extended to Ukraine.

    2. Shut the f**k up NAZIS! YOU are the shame of the world and will be wiped out from this planet asap. PERIOD.

    3. @Damone Johnson what are you talking about? Starting by russia military occupying Crimea and than Donbass.

  2. Nobody should have to live through anything like that, especially a beautiful young child. I’m sorry this is happening! Best wishes to all!

    1. Nobody does live like that. Just those who desert their country and refuse to defend it. Why should your country look after you?🙄🙄

    2. Just think think they live like all the sex slaves the Cartel are in charge of because V.P Harris won’t close the Border and the absolute Drug Hell she is creating in the U.S.A

    1. @Chris McIntyre any army that tortures rapes murders innocent civilians caught up in war is vile and refusing to is justified.

    2. @Chris McIntyre I would say let them do what they need to do and on draft day when it comes in the near future for you do us proud my son weather it’s as cannon fodder while you run for your life or as the one standing in the back arresting the men running for their lives hoping you won’t be sent in upfront in their place

    3. @Chris McIntyre if they feel like the war they’re fighting is not just or wrong then by all means throw down your weapons and don’t fight. If you believe your fighting for something that right then fight to the last man.

  3. It’s a sad situation but Jim Hines was nearly hilarious when he said Russia’s military went from a world power to about as strong as the Rhode Island National Guard.

    1. @Riverside Garden Radio and Russian forces stormed Mordor and tore down Barad-Dur. Russian Saints of Battle single handedly defeated 50 thousand Ukrain Nazis with only there bare hands. This just in.. Putin has invented a cure for a Cancer. Amazing.

    2. @Kryzzan correction the world’s strongest. Mathematical speaking one country standing up to 40 tells it all.

    3. @B Joy Remember it was the same equipment used by the Syrian army to destroy the western equipped and trained Syrian Rebels.

  4. Well done, it’s shows they have the sense to know they have been lied to! Hopefully more and more will follow. 🤞

  5. In a system which uses “barrier troops” to prevent front line troops from retreating one could imagine that soldier well-being and morale are not top priority.

    1. @Johnny’s GamingClub
      1942: the choice was between German bullets or russian bullets
      2022: the choice is between Ukrainian captivity and russian bullets (I’m guessing putler will bomb POW centres so the choice is then between russian bullets or russian bombs, and then putler blames Ukraine for bombing russian POWs)

      I think russian grunts prefer captivity to being shot by their own side, as there is always a random chance a russian bomb is a dud full of spare pinball machine parts)

    2. @Jack that’s why their given rusty AK-47’s and crappy body armour, only the barrier troops get the decent equipment.

  6. The real problem with ‘de-satanization” is framing the war as good vs evil. Once you do that, it makes an exit strategy very complicated. Any solution short of total victory becomes good conceding to evil. You then cannot exit with honor.

    1. @AlanTheBeast100 Only a fool says there is no God. What a Sad individual 😢. Your mother should had aborted you. But she gave birth to A DEMON. WELP. YOU WLL be going to your real home soon. There is nothing hidden and all things are recorded in the Heavens. Oh what a day it will be. When the Creator returns to execute Judgment on all you wicked people . What a Day of Slaughter and Terror. You deserve it. You deserve all the pain and agony coming your way. But Bless you anyway. I could had been dirt like you. If I was dirt like you and didn’t have a God that loved me because I was dirt. I would be angry too. Misery loves Company. I understand. Poor thing. I Pitty the fool.

    2. @MARY GATES Never stop being you Mary – we need the laughs and you are a big fat barrel full. Go! Mary! Go!

  7. Imagine fighting a war that you were lied to about. So you fight with pride to defend. To find out you were lied to. Sickening

    1. Mike, I’m 94. There was WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and who knows what other wars we were involved in and who knows the reasons and who believes (whatever the reasons are) that they were worth ALL the lives that were lost and the suffering that took place. The world is overrun by evil men in high places. I learned that ordinary folks of all nations are the same and are good. I was surprised and learned that when I served as occupation soldier in 1945, in Japan. And now the 101st Airborne is on the western border of present hostilities. Glad I’m a short timer.

    2. @edward gabriel Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My family had many vets. My grandfather was in ww2 uncles in vietnam. Gpa hated war and anything about it and insisted none of his kids joined or his grandkids. He felt the same you do. War should always be last thing we do. Especially using nuclear type weapons.

  8. It is hearting to know that there are some Russian Soldiers who have the conviction to refuse to carry out orders to kill innocent Ukrainians in this war and possibly put their own lives at risk. they have my deepest respect and prayers for their safety,☘👏👏

    1. Their motive by and large is self preservation, not altruism. I doubt that they refuse orders because they do not wish to kill innocent Ukrainians.

    1. @David Pavel There are literally thousands of verified intercepted phone calls and videos of Rus soldiers that tell a similar story. These people just don’t want to be there and kill others.

    2. Amongst the verious limbs donated to those who were fortunate to survive were liver, fingers, gold filled teeth, but this takes the cake, your ” heart goes out to these brave men”, that is very generous of you.

    3. @Burroz Refusing to murder innocents is a good thing, for them to do that against the Russian government is truly brave.

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