Video from Iran's Fars News shows a reported ballistic missile attack on the al-Asad base in Iraq. CNN cannot independently verify this video. #CNN #News
Video appears to show rockets in air at airbase housing US troops
Video from Iran's Fars News shows a reported ballistic missile attack on the al-Asad base in Iraq. CNN cannot independently verify this video. #CNN #News
WWIII let us introduce ourselves
@discorperted war in Afeghanistan started long before Obama was in office and the Taliban control considerable parts of the country and I don’t see any considerable progress… and if your army is so big and so good shouldn’t Taliban be finished by now? It’s almost the end of Trump’s term and yet they don’t seem to be defeated
Stop being silly every time domething little happens
@discorperted stupid American US and their allies are struggling against Irani backed militia in Yemen yet you want to go after Iran wich is large nation and people Iran is not an arab nation they very rational and inteligent people
God I am so sick of seeing WW111, that’s such a ridiculous idea. Do your fucking research.
It’s like poetry, it rhymes.
-George Lucas
Gabriel Blume LMFAO
Never thought I’d see that quote on a CNN video 😂
We need to get the high ground.
Trump :
“There will no escalating of this in Iran” They wouldn’t dare🙊🙉🙈
The media is trying to romanticize our military presence in the Middle East but the truth is oil companies want us to keep a strong presence over their.
@Salam Yamaa Military, political and economic strategies, Iran wanted to do the same and US avoided it, Iran has troops in Siria, do you know why? And move terrorist cells like Isis,Hezbolla etc, aww silly girl, you think Soleinami was a hero, poor little thing
@Larraine Basham On one side we have Saudi Arabia, Iran is a thorn in their side, they need to get rid of them, and are using the trump as a proxy. On the other side, Putin, manipulating from behind the curtains, watching the US lose what little respect it benefits from around the world. We will go to war, or close to it, and Putin will magically and brilliantly offer his services as mediator in the middle east, guess who is the hero here?
@jason miller They attack U.S. Embassy first!!you blind or what?
@AMAB Charat Nobody is celebrating what is happening, what we are saying is simply this, we have an ignorant egomaniac leading the US, making us look like fools around the world. The worse thing, is, those who still think of the trump as our savior.
Melania : Peace in the world !.
Trump : Pieces of the world !.
@Zach Addington Because they are Conservatives, Farmers, Bikers and Criminals from the Good Ol Boy Club where Men Rule.
@Success and Victory Most of you are very misinformed people who unfortuantly to educated people make yourself look stupid as you put down the Republican party who was formed as a anti slavery party to the democratic party who founded the kkk and started the civil war..they wanted slavery. The problem is because of this the democratic party would never be able to progress there agenda in the modern era where there is more and more minority so what did they do…they began brainwashing people into believing that Republicans are rascist until people started believing it and joining them. It is the same thing they do with Trump. He takes out a bad guy who killed a innocent American they flip it. He never said mexicans or Muslims cant come here he said if they come they have to come here legally he wants to check the people coming here first for our safety. We cant just go to other countries illegally but the left once again flips it. However the left’s policies have never helped any minority its Trumps policies that are helping put money in there pockets. Listen to Candace Owens and watch the video below you need to wake up…the only reason the democrats pretend to be the nice guy by saying they are for open borders is because they know most minority are brainwashed into being anti Republican…simply more votes…
Melania is the other half of Trump
@Korey Valentine Do you see even one Republican Sponsor or Cosponsor on this Bill?
All Information (Except Text) for H.R.4280 – Supplemental Security Income Restoration Act of 2019
No war anymore, our world needs PEACE, PEACE.
Only after we take our revenge
Only god brings peace not democrats or republicans. But most you fools don’t believe in god. Most people believe world peace comes from democrats and voting Democrat. You are a fool.
“Our” world needs to end
We send soldiers to protect the Elites source of income.
You are the Chinese elite, hypocrite. The CCP is on a mission to infiltrate the entire world. Australia, Africa, America. But we see what you’re doing.
@discorperted Lifting the export ban has the effect of selling more U.S. oil on international markets. Nigeria, the North Sea, and Brazil have long been exploited and some (such as the North Sea) are on the decline. Most U.S. oil companies have exited, or are exiting those markets entirely, such as ConocoPhillips’ recent sale of its North Sea business. Although your reply to SPZ Aruba is a nonsequitor, I think your intention was to refute, but how could you possibly hope to refute SPZ Aruba’s point by pointing to the U.S. lifting its ban on crude exports? You just strengthened his case.
damn your so cute 😍
@N A Read the news about the change in oil standards for the shipping industry.
we dont need dirty mideast oil. The market now demands a purer oil that is easier to refine as it containe’s less sulfer… As such it is now in high demand and the crude oil in Canada and the mid east is no longer necessary
@discorperted the USA is the reason democracy ended in Iran in the first place, Iran is what you made them
well trump should have kept away from it.
@Plo Koon No- the Iranian people chose security over freedom
they failed themselves and are controlled accordingly
@discorperted you clearly don’t know history. Until 1953 Iran was a democracy (a constitutional Monarchy like Britain) but then the democratically elected prime minister decided to nationalize the oil so that the people Iranian would actually benefit from their natural resources but America couldn’t have that so they staged a coup and made the Shah an absolute puppet ruler just so you could steal their oil. And then the Shah was overthrown by the founders of the current regime. The Iranians didn’t choose to end their democracy, the CIA did.
Trump’s the Antichrist 😂😂😂😂
Has Donnie jr and Eric signed up? Eric seemed pretty excited about the “big news”
@eagle PHD sorry to disappoint I am neither a Dem or GOP….I vote on the issues and policies, if I don’t prefer anyone, I write a name in of someone I do. We need to do way with both parties, Corp and dark money out. These people represent us, we the people, not those that can make the rich! Hope I didn’t mess up your day, but hey……you trumpsters got your wish, have you signed up?
Darlene sign up for what? Percussion airstrikes will work just fine.
@s b 👍😂🤣😂
@Stuckinthepast He is a child, leave him out of this…
Trump: “I don’t see any reason why it would be Iran, not after what I just did.”
@discorperted The last 4 Presidents have. you keep saying, Obama is not on the left he is center-right. That’s the issue with the two-party system. And you forgot Libya.
@TwinShadowX The kurds have no right to steal land. And Libya was destroyed again- by the Obama regime.
The resulting disaster was predictable.
But now the left is mad Trump killed a terrorist. lol
No the left is mad this moron started another war for re-election while running like a coward in Syria to leave women and children to die you Trump supporting garbage..
@Brock Carrow who asked “you” to? America just need to mind her OWN business! Try fixing the homeless, opioid, healthcare issues (just to name a few) here in the good ole USA!
Remember Obama withdrew all US troops in Iraq? this is why
Janielle Patterson read the above
Juan Thompson lol what comment are you responding too? read all of them lol and why are you bringing in prison, what are you 15?
@Bad Boys Hub I deal with cut up bodies for a living bud. Keep mouthing. Your not cut out for dishwashing. I wouldn’t let u wash my knives with an attitude like that.
Gets ppl killed, specially once u join the military.
Juan Thompson oh you said person not prison lol I’d say everything I’ve said so for in person lol I don’t think I’m talking tough, I’m just saying what I think
Send the brave Eric and Don Jr. to the front lines💪
Because you’re scared.
Pay attention to this. Q.
I hope that our troops r going to make it out ok and i pray for those that are in harms way
Our political leaders must live in a different world, they told us the world was a safer place. This is entirely their fault!
Are they sending in the Space Force!?!
@Curtis Lee Their ballistic missle is ORBITING in space and can come down at irrattic angels several times the speed of light.
Its untouchable and a serious threat
You cant shoot it down with conventional weapons.LOL
@Curtis Lee Most of you are very misinformed people who unfortuantly to educated people make yourself look stupid as you put down the Republican party who was formed as a anti slavery party to the democratic party who founded the kkk and started the civil war..they wanted slavery. The problem is because of this the democratic party would never be able to progress there agenda in the modern era where there is more and more minority so what did they do…they began brainwashing people into believing that Republicans are rascist until people started believing it and joining them. It is the same thing they do with Trump. He takes out a bad guy who killed a innocent American they flip it. He never said mexicans or Muslims cant come here he said if they come they have to come here legally he wants to check the people coming here first for our safety. We cant just go to other countries illegally but the left once again flips it. However the left’s policies have never helped any minority its Trumps policies that are helping put money in there pockets. Listen to Candace Owens and watch the video below you need to wake up…the only reason the democrats pretend to be the nice guy by saying they are for open borders is because they know most minority are brainwashed into being anti Republican…simply more votes…
eagle PHD no send all of the pedo republicans
And we have 7 thousand nukes pointed at them that they can’t shoot down .
What’s your point we don’t need a space farce.
Mark Dice and if is not enough send some B-1 and if that’s not enough send in the mighty B-2
A Fool lives here
His heart feels fear
@Adam O
This is your father go to your room.
@S Medrano your mom gay
If my mom was gay I wouldn’t be born you moron.
A ww3 is necessary for world cleansing purposes. let all the bad guys kill each other so good people can live in peace.
And so it begins…..I’m worried for my children
Same smh pray for us all
Rishu Mishra not just that the United States and Russia plus China bomb Syria so that they can test their aircraft if this gets out of control the whole Middle East will prob get destroyed by missles
@Juan Yamir Espinoza Was this really necessary? At a time like this, you felt the need to send vitriol like that?
This is how a war is prevented?!
to a moron’s logic,yes!
Who knew that electing a D-list reality TV game show host would have negative consequences?
Big achievement for Germany as they didn’t start WWIII
We got a foot in the door tho… There are some german soldiers at those bases that been hit
War is bad. We’ll all die for no reason just so the powerful can laugh as we all die.
True that!