Vice President Mike Pence is taking the advice of the White House medical unit and plans to work remotely. Pence is reevaluating how he will be interacting with others after his press secretary tested positive for COVID-19. The vice president did not test positive for the virus and is taking precautions to avoid spread.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Vice President Pence To Work Remote After COVID-19 Exposure | MSNBC
Why is it that he get tested daily when some people can’t get one test he has been careless in his actions not wearing a mask and gloves putting others at risk. I guess the rich and powerful think they are immune.
It’s despicable. Now you know where all the equipment they stole and hoarded for themselves went. When that little weasel kushner called that stuff “our supplies”, that’s clearly what he meant.
No one said that the Trumpsky group planned to live forever.
Inside death wish.
Why does Pence look like a movie villian?
I’ll assume that was a rhetorical question.
He could play DR, Virus….in a thriller where over 80,000 people die..unemployment become 20 percent..the market tanks and meat cutters
are forced to die for hamburgers…oh,s for real!
why do you think
Watched From Russia with Love the villain is Robert Shaw with dyed hair kinda like Pence
@Steve steve part would be made for him
Trump: “Don’t worry Mike, just take two shots of lysol where the UV light don’t shine and call me in the morning. This will be over in a couple of days.”
@Gene VièveSure. Throw him in the sewer with all the other sh.t!
Meaning you will be dead and no one will ever know I had talked to you.
@robert graziano Might destroy the sewer lines.
Bwahaha!!! Good one!
The medical staff should tell MORON in Chief to take 4 years off!!!! Oh wait!!!!

We can tell him in November!!!! VOTE!!!
The SAN QUENTIIN ISOLATION UNIT has a couple of beds available . LOCK HIM UP !
you got to be fat huh
Enabler Moscow Mitch and the cowardly Republican Senators failed in their duty to remove djt from office after he was impeached. Remember this when they are up for reelection.
Everybody sing: Vote Him Away!
Biden is America`s only hope unless you want 4 more years of utter disaster.
Goodie, They finally figured how to deal with this situation. But not for America, just for themselves.
Their ignorance will be the whole administrations undoing.
Good. It’s been a long time coming.
@m d Here’s the thing, Trump is not in office because of the “majority: wanting him in office. He’s in office because of the EC.
There were 3 million more people that wanted Hillary, than Trump.
But even if the “majority” wanted him to have a second term, the majority doesn’t want a president who acts like a dictator/King and breaks the law!
So when the Dems control Congress enforces the law and makes the President be held accountable, it doesn’t matter what the majority wants anymore. It becomes a matter of law and order! This will be the reason why Congress will removes Trump.
But as for right now, even though Trump is destroying this country and screw over his base, the ones who are still on board with Trump being president are ONLY on his side due to tribalism! Nothing more! And that’s why it won’t matter about removing Trump from office and a country can’t be ran by tribalism. It needs to be ran by democracy. That’s what this country was created on.
@Sean Couture I’ll drink to that!

Too late.
@Bernie Cruz my apologies. It was late when I wrote the post about whining & stuff. I misconstrued what you’d written. I think we’re on the same page.
If either one of them have the virus, the truth will prob have to be leaked since this admin. have a problem with truth!
No youll hear about it. Or all you have to do is pay attention if you dont see him for 28 days he had it. And if you dont see him for longer well he really had it bad.
They are woking hard to inject themselves with you know what lol
The X-Files “Trust no one.“
Pence and Trump should both quarantine in Leavensworth for the next 20 years
That was GREAT my friend!!!
@Reets Oz Trump’s 72, 20 years would be life my friend
With water and bread. Or better Guantanamo?
Is that all?
Hey Mike, sip a little bleach, really cleans out the lungs, you will be just fine, mmmm, tastes good…
When’s the next rally? What are you afraid of
Well said, Smoky O
They’ll all be paid homeless actors….
@joe mathis disposables.
Trumpsky and Pency will all come out looking like zombies.
He should be forced to work in the WH like they’re forced people to work in meat factories. Oh, wait, they’re the rich, white, privileged, elite. Silly me,
Fking racist
@Hayden H Progress on what? Funeral homes or cremations? Stupid.
@Hayden H You’re a complete fool.
@Hayden H Somebody can’t be a “mind reading”, you dolt.
@SkyGemini Yes like that. You corrected my grammar now on to my previous points. You may teach me something with your rebuttal. Save the insults for when you can’t make a point.
I thought he said he couldn’t get the Rona because he is a Christian. Waab
He’s no Christian
@M Hilde you ain’t said nithing but the truth…he is the devil’s helper
…. becaus a virus has honor too. God save the american people.
@Thomas Müller There’s LOTS of honor in throwing Germans in prison for years & years for expressing themselves freely – what has changed since the Enabling Act?
This is the best thing for Trump’s administration, they will realize Coronavirus is not a Hoax!
pence needs to go back to work like he wants us to do.
lol the level of ignorance in this world is just comical
Back to work?
We should quarantine our dear leader, not allow him anymore press conferences
He’s got that awful woman doing them
The leader of the locusts should be quarantined from normal humanity.
best to have his quarantined fir the rest of his miserable life
@cure surfers couldn’t agree more!
That might be considered “cruel and unusual punishment for a sitting President.“
Small but obvious theory: He has it already, they know it already, and he’s hiding from cameras until he recovers.
What if he doesn’t recover?
@Thomas Müller You’ve heard of westworld right?
They’ve been vaccinated because they did it to China and Iran and it backfired
Until he is rushed to hospital for a ‘routine check.’
Charlie Horse : Pence has always been remote controlled anyway? America won’t feel any difference? Maybe they’ve figured out that he’s not Apple compatible, and he’s going back to the shop for some downloads?
Trump: “The coronavirus pandemic is a hoax created by the deep state media and dems. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go take my daily coronavirus test.
@m d It’s *extremely* unpleasant.
Exactly !

@CShield oh, I know what it’s like!! and he’s such a whiny little girl – he hasn’t had one, I’m sure.
Trumpsky is America`s “walking, talking“ contradiction.
Even if Trump and Pence BOTH! test positive and become very ill, The White house and Republican Senate Liars, will deny it, Because then the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is in charge. These Republican Senators have shown repeatedly they will NOT! follow the Constitution or the Law, they care about a “political Party” and their pay off’s, NOTHING! else
The Trump Administration believes in “Live, and let die” when it comes to the administration and the Anerican people.
So this helmet head will be doing his coloring books all by himself?
Yes but they leave one adult just down the hall in case he has a hissy fit.
Bet he tested positive they just do t want to say. Lol
Ah, my friend Karma is working in the whitehouse now, she does some fine work.
I’m a big fan of her work.
@CShield Me too! I been waiting for her to show-up, knew she would.
The flying fickle finger of fate is coming for Trumpsky and Pency.