The Vice President returns from a difficult Eurotrip – but just wait until he finds out what almost happened to Alabama while he was gone.
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Vice President Mike Pence Had A Rough Week Abroad | All In | MSNBC
You can’t legally serve authentic haggis in the United States because it has lung in it. The US banned the use of lung tissue in foods in the 1800s due to anthrax.
I’ll give Boris this one, not a lot of people outside of the American Scottish community know that. But that also means Boris has no f#%king idea what he’s eating.
Haaaa! Sounds gross.. Nd.. Tripe!!! Lol
Yeah, it’s against the law! That’s why I refuse to it.
Not to mention the logistics of transporting perishable goods such as meats and dairy products is expensive and impractical.
Early watchers commenting below seem to be multitasking….I can’t watch. Squirm factor too high.
When Pence goes away he never likes to spend any time with the fairies.
Who does?
What a bunch of criminals, wow.
Live&letLive who the demokkkrats?
@jason127x99 No the republikkkans
Both parties are the same thing and serve the same master Israel
@Blop Jones Good thing progressives are invading the democrat party then.
*All Scam Artists*
MSLSD has a bad week EVERY week.
frank caan
Silly child
@Make Racists Afraid Again Here’s what’s silly. What YOU are voting for on the Left.
– Climate Change nonsense, including “green new deal” at $90 trillion.
– Rebuilding all buildings WITHOUT using glass or steel.
– $1,000/month hand outs to those who don’t want to work.
– $15 Minimum Wage.
– Abortion at 9 months gestation.
– Increase entitlement programs To bankrupt the country.
– Open borders and amnesty virtually for all illegal aliens.
– Eliminate ICE.
– Sanctuary cities and states.
– Drivers licenses and social security for illegals.
– Count illegal immigrants as citizens for representation purposes.
– Medicare for all.
– Elimination of private health insurance.
– Nationalized Healthcare.
– Voting rights for felons, convicts, illegals and 16-year-olds.
– 70-90% federal taxes on “the rich”.
– Increase taxes on everyone to grow government.
– Abolish the Electoral College.
– Enlarge and Pack the Supreme Court with leftist radicals.
– Tuition free college.
– Reparations.
– Stringent gun laws inevitably leading to registration & confiscation.
The Irish said Pence, “Shat on the carpet”.

@Major Minor “Have” struggled.
At least we know you aren’t from an English speaking country.
@John Christopher Robert
Actually Ireland is a major finance hub as well as a Nexus for programming and software development.
Why don’t you learn a little about the real World you actually live in.
@Ralph Boydthank you and guilty as charged
@Zach Burskey this shows you how thick americans are. they dont even realise the republic of ireland isnt part of the uk lol. derp.
Because he’s such a weenie…
2:00 bojo is just like trump, completely oblivious to his fashion sense, situational awareness and common decency when taking photo ops
the difference is our govt has ham-stringed bozo
That’s the worst lie I’ve ever heard Pence try to serve up. Wow
I guess Pence should just do what Biden did for 8 years…….hide…
The greatest USA bloopers – “Dense Pence” Evangelical moral equivalent to vice president to Judas.
VP’s unbelievably idiotic explanation; namely, “unique footprint associated with security details” is another major “faux pas”!
Fly 180 miles back and forth “…to accommodate the unique footprint that comes with the security detail…” Really?? Need any more proof this guy is talking out of his a$$??
Wait til pence finds out that Dorian is now headed to northern Indiana.
That is true! I saw the sharpie map.
Love watching Pence been squeezed what a squirming hypocrite
THIS is what trump’s brain washing looks like.
^ This is what having a low IQ looks like ^
A hard week, hope he found a place to stay
I always thought him calling his wife mother was pretty interesting.
Pence looks like he’s going laugh hard listening to Boris! I did