Vice President Kamala Harris tests positive for Covid

Vice President Kamala Harris has tested positive for Covid-19, the White House announced Tuesday, after returning from a weeklong trip to California. #CNN #News


  1. “A source telling CNN”, I don’t believe you. I’m gonna go and check on CNN+, oh wait, I can’t 😆

    1. @Sven Valtik lol the ratings would suggest otherwise, not that I’m defending fox, just stating a fact, that more people trust them for their news than trust CNN, and if the popularity contest is all that matters to you, then why aren’t you watching fox instead?

  2. “…Once she test’s negative…” ? Do reporters even understand immunity, PCR, antibodies, etc???

    1. What are you trying to say?

      The standard PCR test only detects viral proteins from a current or recent infection. It can do so for days after you fight it off but it does not detect past infections. That would be a different test, like an antibody/antigen test.

    2. @Emmett Turner – perhaps it is possible that you don’t understand what I’m saying. For example- a PCR can remain positive for MONTHS AFTER the initial infection– thus a PCR tells us a lot about past infections. PCR testing had bern in use for decades. Therefore, is the ill prepared reporter suggesting that VP Harris is out of contact with the rest of staff for MONTHS? That seems to he either a foolish suggestion, or once again non-scientists reporting upon something about which they know very little.

  3. Yes. her, along with millions others, have tested positive for covid. Stunning. Truly breaking news worthy.

  4. I love that “no staff was exposed to her, no close contacts” 🤣 🤣 her staff quitting left and right and avoiding her like she already had the plague.

    1. I actually like her. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!

  5. Freaking perfect! Hopefully they will quarantine her for the rest of her life!!!! Save the planet

  6. After being amongst the first to get inoculated for the Covid, despite her initial declaration she wouldn’t get any Trump approved treatment) she still gets Covid. Hear that thump, thump, thump? It’s Willie Brown running wild eyed to get tested for covid.😂

    1. At least she had a positive test. I think we should giver her an A++++++++ for her performance. ….you’ll shoot your eye out!

  7. “Testing Positive for Cov” means she has confessed & taking THE deal. Private execution. She will eventually be gone but her “legacy” will be preserved, as per the deal.

  8. I’m still trying to associate the term ” positive ” with the name Kamala Harris . ……. i’m curious about the number of people who voted Democratic the last election that are actually Union supporters ??? I’m a 50+ year Union person myself and i did NOT vote the Biden ticket !!!!

    1. As an American who’s lived in Europe for nearly 30 years all I can say is, “Keep that thing over there in the US!” 😆
      Just bored in Helsinki on a beautiful spring morning

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