Legendary journalist Carl Bernstein, part of the Washington Post team that broke the Watergate scandal, and John Dean, White House counsel during the scandal, speak with Anderson Cooper about the latest in the cases against former President Donald Trump. #CNN #News
Veterans of Watergate era on Trump’s legal challenges

Alvin Bragg is just the beginning. Jack Smith will put Mango Assolini in Leavenworth for life. I love Justice.
The PRA changed the legal ownership of the official records of the President from private to public, and established a new statutory structure under which Presidents, and subsequently NARA, must manage the records of their Administrations. The PRA was amended in 2014, which established several new provisions
If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people

The only major amendment in 2014 of the PRA was that it lessened the burden of the archivist by placing the burden of separating presidential and personal documentary materials onto the president. Before 2014 pretty much every scrap of paper that passed through the president’s hands had to be turned over to NARA and they had to sift through everything to see if it had historical significance
I hope he lives long enough to face these three locomotives
If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people

He did say fatal blow
@GonnaGetButtHurt?;) He was
I’m just an ordinary guy retired from law enforcement that doesn’t have a lot of money but I sleep very well and enjoy what I do have. This billionaire probably never sleeps without medication
@Richard Reese what the hell does that mean ?
@R Montrose triggered
@dave diamond echo chambers are bad on the mental faculties
I came to YouTube to learn how to trade after
listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $700.000 in 2 months for $70.000. Somehow this video has helped shed light on some things. But I’m confused, I’m a newbie
and I’m open to ideas
@feliz andrew Thanks for the recommendation

@Peyton Roy I remember friends calling me crazy when I started at first but I now shut up them with my figure weekly return
@Boris Kudinov I invested with her because she helped my cousin to make a gain of €1,000 in 9 days
Great News!!!
finally Justice is finally being served accordingly…Thank you special counsel et all.
@Arc Decibel that’s funny, because I thought fish only knew they were in water once they were pulled out of it…
Does Trump realise that the judge whose receiving these threats is the same judge that could possibly be sentencing him if he’s found guilty?
When they find him guilty he’s doing more than half a century federal prison time
@Georgie sweetie ? They late passing out meds at the senior center ? Guess Bingo gonna night is gonna be wild again…
If Ford had not pardoned Nixon and Nixon had gone to trial we may not be where we are today. BIG mistake by Ford.
Yep, very good point.
You are correct. MR Nixon would have gone to Jail.Fact.
Good point Ginny. Yes, you could very well be right.
It’s your universe, so who better to be in charge f it than you? Write the walls inside your head with any history you wish.
Seems to me that Alvin B could file a motion to the judge regarding the inflammatory nature of defendant tRumps rhetoric for action when, not if, it transparently crosses the line. I’m waiting for that with each passing day.
Hang tight, Bragg will bring superseding charges…
Biden thinks Alvin has 2 brothers named Simon and Theodore
You fired man
To stay in office to cover his crimes.
“He’s no jack Smith” lol
Finally someone in the news who actually is focusing on the most horrible crime of all. The insurrection shocked the world and we continue to NOT hold the masterminds accountable.
Berstein has been singing this same song since the Mueller Report.
devil is finally getting his due.
The Judge in New York could incarcerate Trump until trial is complete.
GOD Bless Everyone
If Trump shows reasonable expectation of not having a fair trial, change of venue is required. SCOTUS.
Make Accountability Great Again!