Veteran Testifying Before Congress Attacked By Trump’s Allies – The Day That Was | MSNBC

Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman testified before Congress, telling members of Congress conducting an impeachment inquiry that he was on the phone call between President Trump and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Described by some Democrats as a “very credible” witness, Vindman was attacked by allies of President Trump, who questioned Vindman’s loyalty to the United States, despite Vindman being a decorated Iraq War veteran. GOP Rep. Liz Cheney called out those questioning the patriotism and loyalty of Vindman and others testifying before Congress, saying it was “shameful.” Aired on 10/30/19.
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Veteran Testifying Before Congress Attacked By Trump’s Allies – The Day That Was | MSNBC

Veteran Testifying Before Congress Attacked By Trump’s Allies - The Day That Was | MSNBC


    1. @Numba One Pike Countian yes I was in the military and “these people ” are the same ones that bad mouthed the military before. Dont tell me that they are in the right. They’re the same ones who spit on us. They’re just using the situation with the Colonel to further their agenda. That Colonel really means NOTHING to them other than a means to an end.

    2. I am a combat veteran of Vietnam who also had a piece of shrapnel glance of my head in battle. Was awarded the bronze medal for retrieving a fallen brother who laid dead in the jungle for 3 days until we were able to get him. He had maggots coming out of his mouth,nose and other places. All while your coward bone spurs draft dodger was out golfing and cheating on his wives. So your dam straight I will stand up for the colonel. All you that criticize this man should be ashamed of yourself.

    3. @connor donaldson Choice was deployed by president Obama. Trump likes to take credit hard to when your ID card says 2014.

    1. If you notice those who speak Truth about Trump on FOX he hates them. But those who praise him on FOX / Trump Entertainment news he thanks them.

  1. It has become so obvious that when Trump calls the Zelensky call “Perfect” he is not referring not to the content of the call but rather that he thought it was cleaned up perfectly in the transcript.

    1. After Vinman’s testimony yesterday……….It appears there is MISSING time on the “PERFECT” call transcript……….Who saw that coming 👀👀👀👀👀

    1. @Duncan Dunn apparently you cant debate any points that I made so you resort to juvenile name calling instead , which validates my points

    2. N Gup —
      This choice speaks volumes about the type of sycophantic fools who work at Fox FOR Trump.

  2. Hope all vet group’s stand up for this hero GOP and Fox news and trump just shameless.vindman sir thank you for your trying to save this country

    1. Shana Simmons —
      It irks me to think that Vindman and many others like him put their lives in danger for worms like Donald Trump.

    1. Earnest T Bass actually he does, just like the rest of us. It’s being yelling loudly. Through the impeachment process. Loudly. Go cry on Putin’s shoulder.

    2. @Patrick Kennedy do you realize you are getting a thumbs up from moscow mitch ! the schools who taught you socialism must be proud

  3. A draft dodger who REFUSED to serve his country VS a war hero who took a bullet serving his country VOLUNTARILY.

    1. darwin5763 hm, really, so one of the people who were on the phone call is not relevant. What’s not relevant is you.

    1. @Kevin Mcneil If that’s what you interpret, no wonder Trump became president. Vindman was defending Ukraine from Trump’s corrupt stupidity.

    2. Kevin Mcneil why don’t you use his entire opening statement, not just the part that you think proves his point.

  4. “Against the President’s interests” Laura Ingram. Wow. So now it’s Trump’s interests and not the country’s?

    1. Dan Koskey High school debaters would call Laura Ingraham a flea brain, and in a political discussion, she would last no longer than the first swat.

    2. Laura’s colors show more and more with every show. Won’t be long before she does something that the fcc will be forced to get her out

  5. They support a con man who bought his way out of Military Service and denigrate another who volunteered and paid the price with injury. These idiots really need to look in the mirror.

    1. Starting with the loud mouth Laura, What Have you done to service our Country besides spreading lies and enriching yourself by lying and belittling others?

  6. IMPEACH and REMOVE the trash in the White House 2020 🇺🇸👍
    It’s no longer about left/right or Dem/Rep…it’s about our nation,it’s Constitution,and our future.

  7. The fact that they started attacking him even before he testified shows that they *know* Trump is guilty. They don’t expect any witness to have exonerating evidence.

    1. I’m still looking for this attack the media has brought forward. Where is the tweet and or soundbite of this attack? There is none but from the New York times. Not one Republican official has attacked this man but the media has made it seem so.

  8. Sadly, the fact that Laura Ingraham and other sycophants attacked a patriot like Vindman to defend the coward Trump is not a surprise – just shameful

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