The US economy added 311,000 jobs in February, according to the Labor Department's closely watched monthly employment snapshot. That's a pullback from the blockbuster January jobs report, when a revised 504,000 positions were added, but shows the labor market is still emitting plenty of heat. #CNN #News
‘Very, very strong job market’: February jobs report released

We are in some weird times when strong job growth is bad and rising unemploynent is good.
@Jerry Hazeltine When was the last time you held a political view that wasn’t identical to MSNBC/NYT/WaPo?
it’s a lie there is no strong Job Market
Next rate increase, .5%??
wages were up 4.6%. the answer is yes
We live in a foul, evil place. Ppl.have more money and its a bad thing? Some econ major make this make sense to a dummy like me🤷🏾♂️🤔
Historically, for America, about a 3.5 % jobless rate is considered full employment. But they changed the reporting Formula, several times in the last twenty years.
not since Reagan
The reality is it is now more difficult for the Fed to balance out the economy from a combination of many US companies “price gouging” for profits and other countries still seeing struggling economies.
Normally, for a single company or industry, the legal issues of “price gouging” would come into play; but it is so widespread and covert that the law cannot catch up to the biggest offenders.
This creates a new variable in the economy that the Fed simply cannot account for. So they have to make a trade off where people are either unemployed (but the economy is in balance) or people ARE working and inflation is high.
Some of this is also because we are a global economy – every country is now; but America is at the apex – and we are dramatically affected by outside forces. So for example, if China struggles, we all struggle.
@mike remer I am a small business owner, yes! Have been for 25 years now 😁
Sounds a lot like excuses for the admins failures.
Bring back 45 and watch prices plummet.
The Federal Reserve raises rates. Not the President.
@Katie Darcy The Fed could stop crony capitalism.
Can you give me any evidence of price gouging? This usually only happens if a storm or some kind of disaster happens and then causes prices to go down after the disaster temp. As long as their aren’t monopolies that is.
As a kid my dad was a garbage man, mom was a mom. On his salary we owned a house, 2 cars and took a vacation every year. Today 2 people can’t afford to rent an apartment.
@Joboygbp Edwards You want to give up 12 million jobs? Brilliant!
@Stephen David Bailey Biden didn’t add 12 million new jobs. People that were laid off went back to work. Think. Do you actually think Biden created 12 million new jobs?🤣
@Stephen David Bailey when was the last time you applied for a loan….or paid for anything you consume? Or do you just take the grudge f###ing with a smile??
It’s incredible how they try to push a strong economy when people are struggling to put food on the table.
Price gouging is so rampant in MI they starting leasing used cars because people can’t afford to lease new ones. You heard me. Leasing USED cars and they act like they are “getting inventive” with the realism of price gouging.
@Mick Nizz Same corporations that do the price gouging own a large % of the media, so….
Gosh who’d of thought shutting the entire country down for months would have caused such a rediculous mess.. 🙄🙄🙄 Now here we are.
@Doc Rock not a red or blue matter. The point is it did some terrible damage.
@Suomy Nona classy
Great video☺️. I started watching CNN last year as a beginner before giving stock and crypto market a trial. I was able to make $17,300 in one month with a capital of $4,000 trading with an experience expert who guided me through out my trading.
@Evans Jota Most people fail to invest all because of ignorance and discouragement from family or friends without trying to experience it themselves too.
@Harry Micheals >>^Expert Michael T Abagnale has changed my financial status for the best. All thanks to my aunty who introduced me to him^~*
Is he still in front of cameras? No accountability, no punishment!
When Mr. President was younger at the kitchen table! His father told him “Jobs, jobs and jobs is what’s needed in America.”!
It used to be that businesses like grocers weren’t allowed to take more than a limited, government-set, profit on food and basics…
If giant corporations and monopoly industries weren’t being so short sighted and greedy, our ‘economy’ would be great.
That’s okay, us regular folks are so sick of the profit blind rich, soon the ‘market’ will take care of itself… we will find ways around, over, under or through these greedy jerks. Competition will push them out.🙄
If you were to slow inflation, you would have to raise rates above the rate of inflation to get people to save – But there are many other problems because the Fed has Screwed up over the last twenty five years
I don’t think it’s a strong job market at all.
You can’t look at New York Seattle and California if you were to take away all three of those cities you’d see the truth behind America. There’s like one to two people working in a household maximum and I’ve been trying to get a job for a long time when I lose my jobs I don’t understand what I could have done better I’ve taken polar responses and got in the same result.
I want to improve and have a better life but that doesn’t mean anyone is obligated to help me get there they’re not even obligated to fire me for a specific reason so that’s why the job market is the way it is.
If smaller companies and people could sue I think life would be better, I think there’s fear that if a recognizable name brand isn’t there then people won’t buy American products but those products are hurting America we should take the opportunity to let smaller investors shine.
Government hired 46K people…are those the 46K people they fired for refusing to take the jab? Or are those the 46K jobs they are back filling due to firing so many people for refusing to take the jab? Also, Government hirings should not be counted when looking at job creation…They are essentially fixing the numbers when they include Government hirings.
If the fed does not lower rates on monday, get your cash out of your bank while you can. Banks have huge unrealized losses due to the fast rising of rates.
Is Biden saying these are new jobs or a net gain? If you factor the job loses with new jobs created, the net gain of jobs is still a major deficiency of jobs