Former US Attorney Preet Bharara discusses federal investigators executing a search warrant at the home and office of Rudy Giuliani.
#CNN #News
Former US Attorney Preet Bharara discusses federal investigators executing a search warrant at the home and office of Rudy Giuliani.
#CNN #News
Thank you. Lev Parnas!!
Remember when Obama’s lawyers were raided by the Justice department? Me neither …
@jacq danieles He did wear that tan suit though. He should be rotting in prison according to some…

@Greg Bors
So a judge who hates Giuliani has no incentive to ruin him?
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith “A judge who hates Giuliani” – who are you talking about?
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith So, you’re saying the judge has a personal bias against Giuliani, but you have no idea who the judge is? Haha, nice try, bud
Law is giving Rudy his “Trial by Combat”!
@Dog Poo Fairy yeah they’ve always been quick to go after Republicans but doesn’t even look at the facts when it comes to Democrats. Yes. Having a one-sided justice system is the undoing of the U.S.. its ok though. We are going to have to embrace the ugly(hug the cactus) to finally bring the majority together(rational humans). Who knows.
I will fight for him and lose on purpose so I can get my wish and the world can get theirs
LAW? There is no law….
Do you know what you are talking about?? Do you know anything about Rudy Giuliani?? I dare you to elaborate. Though You won’t. You know nothing about Giuliani.
@Karen Rowland Yes yes Russia Russia Russia yadda yadda yadda.
“I will take this all the way to the Supreme Court … Yard by Marriott” – Rudy
@Itsy Bitsy *they’re not their.
@Gray Gander the useful idiots have no knowledge of Rudy’s history of crushing the mob.
@bruh Grammer policing? Really
2:18 A public government official encouraging trial by combat is clearly inciting violence.
@Itsy Bitsy
When calling people stupid it is best to not make stupid grammatical mistakes. Because that’s stupid.
The way they behave and talk….its like watching a Martin Scorsese Mafia Movie.
And we’re on the last 10mims when then shot hits the fan. And then everyone starts turning on each other.
That’s probably where they got their dialogue from….
Remember boys and girls giuliani said he got ‘ ‘Receipts’….
“Insurance “
He is going to need them.
@William Stewart That a good thing
2:18 A public government official encouraging trial by combat is clearly inciting violence.
@Rod Why don’t Republicans seem to mind sleazy criminals? They don’t seem to mind stealing from charity for personal gain (which Trump did and now never allowed to operate another charity), couldn’t care less if people are ripped off by a fraudulent university (which Trump did and had to pay 25 million in restitution), don’t even seem to mind when their own bank accounts are siphoned, and in some case completely emptied, by hidden check boxes during fundraising (which Trump also did and had to return millions to his own contributors. Might want to check your bank account). They didn’t even cringe when Trump bragged on Howard Stern that he used to drop in unexpectedly backstage at the Miss Teen Universe Pageant he owned so he could leer at the young girls in various stages of undress or when Trump was asked on the Wendy Williams show what he had in common with his daughter Ivanka, and he said “sex.” Heck, they didn’t even even blink an eye when they found out Trump had been charged with raping a 13-year-old at Jeffery Epstein’s mansion in Manhattan, and the charges were only dropped after the child and her family were threatened and intimidated in exactly the same manner as Stormy Daniels was threatened and intimidated before she ratted Trump out for paying her to keep quiet so he could steal the election. You remember Stormy Daniels, don’t you? She was the porn star he had sex with while his 3rd wife was pregnant, the woman he left his 2nd wife for, who was the woman he had an affair with and impregnated while married to his 1st wife. Really, who doesn’t mind criminality and general sleaziness, especially in a president, except other sleazy criminals?
Enjoy the ride while it lasts for ya!
2:18 A public government official encouraging trial by combat is clearly inciting violence.
Rudy has gone from Trial by combat to denial by wombat.
@Nate Stokes what true story??
@Melanie wombats poop cubes
2:18 A public government official encouraging trial by combat is clearly inciting violence.
@Eric Wilson yup. Ok. Clearly u are in your mid twenties.
@Nate Stokes Indeed they do, and about 100 of them a day!
2:18 A public government official encouraging trial by combat is clearly inciting violence.
HAHAHAHA exactly !
@I Eat Pangolins <---2 month old tRoll account mouth catcher.
@I Eat Pangolins youre so butthurt.

watching you all go in malfunction mode is so satisfying.
@I Eat Pangolins Hey pitcher

@I Eat Pangolins I take it you’re not a golden glove type pitcher

Does anybody remember the four seasons landscaping company in Philadelphia
That company made bank selling merch in the wake of that clusterfuck.
Good for them.
Imagine sending the entire Mob to prison and then getting a sentence yourself. Yikes…
Yay reunion
Who’s cutting the garlic?
2:18 A public government official encouraging trial by combat is clearly inciting violence.
@Eric Wilson hes being checked out for lobbying
“Trump’s Lawyer needs a lawyer”:
Where have we heard that before?!?!
hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
MAGA = My Attorneys Get Attorneys
Not once did this bullshit reporter say what Rudy is being charged with. Do you have any fucking knowledge of Rudy’s career??
2:18 A public government official encouraging trial by combat is clearly inciting violence.
Remember when a few people who were in a position to talk about 45 mysteriously died? How much do you think Guiliani is shaking in his boots?
“… when prosecutors take an investigative step… infrequently sent flowers and chocolates from their targets.”
2:18 A public government official encouraging trial by combat is clearly inciting violence.
I heard it as “frequently sent flowers…. ” and went whaaaatttt? So I’m sure it was what you said…
“A taint team”

I laughed a little too hard at that for a 50 year old women.
50 going on 15. Lol
I wonder if they have a grundle team too
Get ready tomorrow for Trump to say “I never knew Giuliani, I mean, we had pictures together but I never knew him very well….”
Thank god we have people like Preet Bharara in this country
Fact! I have the utmost respect for him.
I hope that Rudy gets a cell with a view of 4-Seasons Landscaping.
I still can’t get over that anyone would setup a company called ‘Fraud Guarantee’.
Where I come from, the taint team means something a whole lot different than it does to Preet. I hope, anyways, that would be weird af.