‘Very Intimidating’: Yovanovitch Responds To Trump’s Mid-Testimony Twitter Attacks | MSNBC

During the impeachment inquiry hearing, Chairman Schiff read President Trump's critical tweets to Marie Yovanovitch, and asked her to respond to the president’s remarks. Aired on 11/15/19.
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'Very Intimidating': Yovanovitch Responds To Trump's Mid-Testimony Twitter Attacks | MSNBC


    1. @rex wall well, I think there have been careers ruined and I understand that there are 1200 Kurds who have died as a result of the president’s financial ties with Erdogan and Turkey. Ukraine is only 1 episode of international crime and terror perpetrated by this US president.

    2. @Gary Thompson,
      – For my entire life I believed that our Nation would always lean more toward truth and justice.
      – But now after 3 years of witnessing an entire political Party and virtually our entire news industry commit crime after crime and tell lie after lie in an insane unAmerican witch hunt, character assassination and coup d’état attempt of a President my faith in a good future for the USA is shook!

    3. Meanwhile…
      *’Snowflake #45’* had *yet ANOTHER ‘twittyfeed tantrum’* today, *whining* about how ‘unfair’ *everyone’s* been *to* him. 🍼👶🍼
      Poor put-upon prezzy… 😏

    1. @E C did you leanr the word “Demoncrats” at Church? If so I want them to pay the taxpayers back, they don’t deserve their tax exempt status.

    2. @Linda Scott Projection? The Demoncrats are the ones guilty of projection. They are corrupt but they accuse Trump of doing what they are guilty of.

      Here is a YouTube video about Nancy Pelosi and Newsome being members of the 4 most corrupt families in California.


      There is an episode of 60 minutes where Nancy Pelosi was questioned about some “inside trading”.

    3. @Linda Scott I am very capable of coming up with the term “Demoncrats” on my own. Demoncrats are for partial birth abortions and end term abortions among other things. They show their true color every year.

      By the way, in case you don’t already know, both Hillary and Obama were fans & followers of Saul Alinsky who wrote Rules For Radicals. In that book, Saul Alinsky made the following dedication to Lucifer or Satan: “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins— or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer”.

    4. Oh, E C. 🙄
      Abortions were performed *in a church, by a Priest* … *just* to satisfy *an insecure mans* ego.
      #BookofNumbersChapter5Verse14  📖🤔📖

    5. Trump inferred that the whistle blower should be shot by a firing squad after being tried for treason. If that isn’t intimidation, I don’t know what is. During a debate, he suggested “maybe one of those 2nd ammendment people could take care of it” if Hillary won. The Democrats weren’t the ones threatening to lock up their political opponents like they do in Russia. Even the N.R.A. was infiltrated. He hates John McCain because he wouldn’t support his birther issue.
      I don’t like Democrats either. I’m sick of identity politics. What, if you don’t support abortion, there is no room for you in the party? Stupid. They spent more time talking about the bathroom bill in North Carolina than substantive issues. I’m voting for the 3rd party. Bull Moose was the most successful 3rd party. I’m sick of all the infighting. Maybe the CEO of Starbucks can run with the host of morning joe and they can call it The Bean Party, instead of the Tea party. I don’t know. I like moderates on both sides and they are becoming a dying breed. I don’t know how our country has made it this far.

  1. Big big BIG mistake to tweet in the middle of a hearing. This is the only video that will be playing. Not good for the white women you’re already losing.

    1. What a stupid A-hole on top of everything else ! Intimidating the witness in the middle of her deposition ! What effect is Dump hoping to achieve, apart from a new proof of his guilt ?

    2. The same white women that helped elect him? The same white women that chose him over a candidate that looked exactly like them (representation)? Wouldn’t hold my breath.

    1. Linda Scott It is obvious you don’t know the difference between law enforcement and an officer of the court. Your own statements are contradictory and you impeach your own words. The two definitions in question are completely different factions.

      Your prior statement was in regard to law-enforcement. There are many different working parts of the justice system. Some apply law, some work within the the law ,etc… synonyms and parallels exist as well as a variety of operational variations.

      As far as prosecutors looking for patterns , (you haven’t even the most rudimentary idea of what you’re talking about), therefore making your statement irrelevant. A pattern is only a building block. If the job was that simple there would be no need for judges, juries or trials.

      In closing; There is something called Burden of proof (Onus probandi); a rather important application of law to be imparted. Without that…… You don’t have a case.

    2. @BigKing17 I’m becoming more and more convinced of that as well. I can’t find a single person AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER who supports him in such hyperbolic inflammatory ways as you see on here.

      No doubt Russia will do what they can to help him win re-election. He’s a traitor to our country and an agent of their state, Putin’s _kompromat_ puppet.

  2. I’m glad that it was pointed out that those tweets are witnesses intimidation in real time. Trump is a dummy.

    1. @Brian Wurch It isn’t and it shouldn’t. You missed the testimony of George Kent, the guy who lodged the original complaint regarding the Biden’s to the Obama State Department on the first day of THIS impeachment hearing, apparently. As opposed to the president, whose only oath to protect and defend the Constitution was broken by the words “the phony emoluments clause (Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 8 of the Constitution), Kent testified that he lodged the complaint against the Biden/ Burisma episode ONLY because of it “appears to look like a conflict of interest (11/13/19)” When he was asked if he witnessed anything illegal regarding that episode, his reply, also under oath (11/13/19) was “none whatsoever.” So let me get this straight, you’re asking me, who cites evidence and references to believe a media bias while all you provide are slogans (Shifty Schiff) from the Trump Brand? How terribly convincing of you.

    2. @Cinco Charms All of the witnesses do connect; I think it was Holmes who connects the crimes to the president; that’s on the president and Sondland for having called on a cell phone. The discussion is said to be clear and first hand of the president.

    3. @Cinco Charms I gather from what I read of yours’ you didn’t catch all of George Kent’s questioning and interrogation (11/13/19 along with Ambassador Taylor. The most significant line of questioning came when Adam Schiff asked if he was the same George Kent who issued the initial complaint about the Bidens. Of course he was; through sworn testimony it was recorded that Kent testified having issued that complaint to his superiors in 2014 because of “the appearance of a conflict of interest.” Schiff then asked if through that episode did he observe or know of any illegal activity by either or both Bidens . Kent’s response: “none whatsoever.” In other words, one of the 2 foundations of what the White House identified as “Ukraine corruption” is only known because of Kent lodged the complaint (so he appears to be unbiased when it comes to what he identifies as suspicious activity) yet he also testifies there is nothing to the Biden narrative. However, when it comes to replacing State Department activity with Ukraine with “Giuliani International Services” Kent categorically to that way beyond “suspicious.” So, at the very least, he states that this investigation is far more legitimate than a re- investigation of the Bidens.

  3. Trump gets his tactics from his Vladdy Daddy. Next thing you know, people start getting poisoned and flying out windows!

    1. Craig Smith The FBI has determined that 90% of the Steele dossier was fabricated. To continue the “Putin’s puppet” narrative makes you look like an imbecile.

  4. When is someone gonna take that man’s shovel (his cell phone) away from him. He’s dragging the entire world into this hole. He just can’t help himself, which is WHY he must be impeached!!

    1. Why can’t his tweets be shut down? Tweeting is unprofessional. Does he think becuz us peasants tweet that this makes him one of us or closer?

    1. @Fat Cat comprehendible? Is that the new covfefe?

      If you’re going to criticize someone else’s writing maybe you should check your spelling.

    2. Linda Scott Yes, take remedial English with reading comprehension. Learn to construct a sentence. Learn to spell. Look it up. Have a good afternoon.

    3. @Fat Cat ok, point out one grammatical error in my writing. Just one. If my English is incomprehensible to you, maybe you need a class in remedial reading comprehension. I made a career of writing technical documents for intelligent adults who were not experts in my subject matter. Perhaps you don’t fit that description?

      I generally don’t criticize grammar or spelling when commenting as 1) we’re often typing on phones where typos and auto correct make perfect English less likely, and 2) this is colloquial English; we are not writing an academic treatise. The purpose of this writing is to make a political point based on fact and the law. When you can post based on those things maybe you will be worth my time. Until then, enjoy your alternative reality.

    4. Linda Scott My intent was not to inflame you . Sometimes I Can be abrasive. In my line of work I have to be, and sometimes it spills over into other areas.

      We are all human beings and should have compassion for one another.

      I understand your enthusiasm, and for that I commend you.

  5. Well time to add Witness Intimidation to the list lmfao ….. what a complete and stable genius, much like his followers lol.

    1. @King OfTroy – So? There are still witnesses, and it’s still a crime to intimidate them. Ask Roger Stone, he found out today.

  6. It’s extremely disgusting what 45* did (and is doing) to this thoroughly decent, intelligent, hard working, professional woman who for decades helped improve our world. A true hero, patriot, and promoter of liberty and justice. I thank her so much for having the courage to come forward and testify to the facts about the criminal potus cowardly bully.

    1. @Dave H When you make an unfounded comment do not expect anyone to believe it. Sources are required, otherwise it is just someone talking with no proof.

  7. Witness tampering and witness intimidation. Both are serious felonies, most commonly committed by crime family bosses.

    1. Sarabeth Wong This guy has committed crime after crime and the republicans look the other way. It will be no different this time.


  8. The lies and bullying continues as the radical right cheers him on.
    “We’ve got your back Marie and thank you for your courage, truthfulness and integrity.”

  9. I thought that bloated orange liar wasn’t watching. How does someone who’s “not watching” get so triggered by a woman with power and integrity?

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