Depp is suing Heard for libel in Virginia's Fairfax County Circuit Court, saying a 2018 Washington Post op-ed she wrote defamed him.
The trial of Johnny Depp versus ex-wife Amber Heard, which has been full of high emotions and explosive accusations, – and it isn't over yet. The trial will resume Monday. Depp is suing Heard for libel in Virginia's Fairfax County Circuit Court, saying a 2018 Washington Post op-ed she wrote defamed him when she described herself as "a public figure representing domestic abuse." Since the trial began April 11, both actors as well as witnesses and experts have been called to the stand to back up each side. More well-known celebrities and key witnesses are still scheduled to testify in the coming weeks. Most recently, Heard took the stand for two days to testify against Depp, alleging he physically and sexually assaulted her, and detailed her experiences with Depp's past drug and alcohol use. When Depp took the stand, he maintained he "never struck Ms. Heard in any way, nor have I ever struck any women in my life."
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#AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp #DeppHeard
Good, I’m glad he should have never had to go thru such a bad relationship… That just shows how manipulative she was from the start.
Respectful disagree. I hope he finds treatment for himself and his family. WE invite these pple into our lives. He’s an adult. And if she had not made herself ( kills me and that’s the reason I am here have myself being at an abusive relationship) a “ spokesperson “ for women everywhere!!! It’s a good thing he doesn’t hide behind any allegations of being manipulated and is not making himself like so in the eyes of pple.
Good afternoon how are you doing today?
@patricia valencia Do you even understand what you typed or the point you were trying to convey? What trial did you watch? She is a lying, manipulator and should of went to jail. Hopefully you advocate for real victims. But I don’t think so so this got you offended like they did Amher wrong or something. You women just keep being bias in situations involving men then wonder why no man worth anything wanna deal with ya smh!
Hard life lesson learned for Depp, for sure. When multiple friends are warning you “don’t get in a relationship with that person”….. listen.
The real crime here was Amber using the pain and torment that real women have actually lived through towards her own selfish gains. That’s why this is a win. Because when the fake accusations are called out for what they are the real accusations become more legitimate.
I’m a man and will say for sure she hurt a lot of women with her lies.
@R.D. exactly, I work with some DV woman and a few men, The ladies that I know that have been to the women’s Interval home with their children have spoke about this case, they knew she was lying early on because real victims do not do what she did to her so called abuser. That’s how they knew she was a liar.
Amen. And look at how much work and money it took to clear up her web of lies. It should be illegal in itself. She should face perjury charges but probably won’t.
Finally, JD can get back his private life, his quiet time, his peace of mind, relax in his home, put his feet up on the coffee table and just breathe
He needs to become Captain Jack Sparrow again!
I wish I could do that
Pirate life***
@Rambo Spongebob ??
Hurray justice was surve. All praises she will never mock woman or man that has gone thru this in real life.
She lied on the stand several times. Go after her for that
Hilarious how she tried to pin her lack of movie roles on JD, when she’s obviously a horrible actress!
she can’t even tear up on the stand lol
Hello Miss how are you doing today?
My husband and I were watching this with our hearts racing. We are so happy for Johnny. His team was amazing and he was so humble. Amber gets what she deserves!!
No, she deserves jail time for perjury.
It’s typical woman it’s win for all men
@GrandmaR I so agree with you. She should feel the repercussions of her false accusations.
@Rambo Spongebob Now go hit up every comment section whining about the outcome. And I bet by weeks end her career will be over. Even if she wins the appeal he is cleared in public opinion. She hurt real victims by lying.
@Patrick Bering Now go hit up every comment section worshipping the ground Johnny Depp walks on and calling Amber Heard a terrible actress.
Its like no one learned anything from when Johnny was accused and you all shamed him.
JD’s lawyers mopped the floor. They are the real MVP’s. Regardless, falsely accusing should be a crime in itself in this case. She took this man’s life away. And I bet you there are women who still stand with her for some bogus reason like she didn’t abuse him (if not worse then she alleged)
@Armando Cornejo Objection! Hearsay.
Gentlemen, milady, you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!
@Palidor wait really? Srsly? Woah.
amber didn’t even thank the other people that helped in her case, just goes to show her character.
Honestly, if think nobody else would react differently. She just lost millions and is upset and speechless about it. In that moment, you don’t just go to your team and say Thank you. I think the disappointment in that situation is way too big to thank the team when you lost the trial
For anyone who doesn’t feel like staring at a wall for over 15 minutes, I’d skip ahead to the 18:45 where she finally reads the verdict.
Thank you!
srlsy wtf was that
Thanks! Was looking for this comment
Thanks King
LOVE IT!! As a divorced man who survived a horrible marriage this feels like a win for us all.
For all the men abused by bpd partners
for you
for johnny
for my brother and nephew 
We all feel a bit vindicated today in my family, i know the feeling, steven.
If you are abused, no matter the gender, stand up, tell the truth.
@Lily Kst my brother wnt through the same. All the best to yours and all the strength.
@Sun Q thank you!!! Did your brother finally get out of that horrible situation?
Here you go king
@Crichton and the point you don’t get is johnny doesn’t need the money. He’s suing so the world can see the truth he’s not the abuser. He just put 50 million down to show how much he went through.
The question: “is amber heard a psycho and a shitty actress?”
The answer “yes”
It’s payday mr.jopeck
Good one
Her trying to look innocent is her trying her hardest to be the actor that she is not.
The way she walked away & her friends ran behind her. Even the lawyer in the back was acting busy just to not see her like “let me look thru this papers maybe I missed something” lmao
FINALLY JUSTICE! This feels like a win for anyone who has ever been in a unfair relationship, and got everything taken from them that meant the world to them! ESPECIALLY MEN!
This is the FIRST TIME I actually genuinely see her “sad” through out this whole case….I think she knew she was about to lose. Happy for Johnny Depp!
Nahhh. Why would you still believe that is a genuine emotion after all she had shown these past 6 weeks? Might as well still be a bait hoping to get sympathy.
@LongHaired Baldy she was contemplating her next victim and if Elon wants johnnys sloppy seconds. Like he did in the elevator. He denied it then the video came out
@LongHaired Baldy this is real. As real as it gets because she knew she has nowhere to hide now
I thought the same!
Question: “Is Amber Heard a LIAR?”
Answer: YES!
The answer is: Obviously! What did you think was gonna happen?
She single handedly ruined her own career and possibly her life. All bc of hate, spite, and greed. This is a true representation of “hate destroys the vessel in which it is stored”.
Amber’s team did what they could, it’s extremely hard to defend a guilty person knowing there is evidence of their transgressions. I hope these attorneys can recover after this and not be judged by their terrible client.
“Tell the world Johnny”
He did.
And we believe him.