MSNBC’s Ali Velshi reflects on John Lewis’ lifelong fight against racism and bigotry.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Velshi: Remembering Fearless Leader John Lewis | MSNBC
Rep John Lewis crossed his last bridge to Heaven. RIP!!!
………….Breaking News: John Lewis = Traitor. Facts are Facts. When are we going to see Barry, Joe, Hillary, Comey, Peter, Lisa, Brennan, Susan, Samantha, Cabby & Mueller in ORANGE JUMPSUITS. Trump 2020!
Not so fast. He’s got a few million abortions to be judged on first I would imagine
@YouRuse is A leftist org Exactly! Indeed. I can’t imagine what his answer to Jesus was when He asked him why he lived his whole life fighting against the basic fundamental human right to life itself.
He found amazing energy to fight for so long. May that energy find new sources in tomorrow’s generations. May it not be needed. Rest now, and thank you.
my life is more free because he spent his whole life fighting white supremacy. He got his skull cracked, went to jail, and sacrificed so much to make life better not just for himself, not just for African Americans, but for everyone. Rest in peace John.
………….Breaking News: John Lewis = Traitor. Facts are Facts. When are we going to see Barry, Joe, Hillary, Comey, Peter, Lisa, Brennan, Susan, Samantha, Cabby & Mueller in ORANGE JUMPSUITS. Trump 2020!
No laksh. Lewis is a Loser. Lewis and Ruth can now deal with the devil(no not hillary) the real devil…………..Breaking News: John Lewis = Traitor. Facts are Facts. When are we going to see Barry, Joe, Hillary, Comey, Peter, Lisa, Brennan, Susan, Samantha, Cabby & Mueller in ORANGE JUMPSUITS. Trump 2020!
*Obama’s Pretty Words Cannot Beautify His Ugly Economy*
May 2016
While Obama can talk the bark off a banyan tree, he cannot make Americans hallucinate prosperity. Here is the sad picture they actually see.
‐ The unemployment rate has improved significantly, from 7.8 percent at Obama’s January 20, 2009, inauguration to 5.0 percent in April.
‐ However, as more and more Americans stop looking for work, the Labor Force Participation Rate on Obama’s watch has fallen from 65.7 percent to 62.8 percent, a level last measured before Obama in March 1978. Since Obama took office, this metric has slid 4.1 percent.
Last month saw the creation of 160,000 jobs, a widely panned number, and much below the 200,000-plus jobs generated in five of the last six months. Nothing about the latest employment report spells “boom.”
‐ Meanwhile, annualized GDP growth nearly stalled in the first quarter at a meager 0.5 percent. This is down from already tepid 1.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2015.
‐ Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes:
‘From 1790 to 2000, U.S. real GDP growth averaged 3.79 percent,’ entrepreneur Louis Woodhill explained at RealClearMarkets. He expects final figures to show that ‘2015 will have been the tenth year in a row that real GDP growth came in at under 3.0 percent.’
‐ During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent.
‐ Real median household income: down 2.3 percent.
‐ Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent.
‐ Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent.
‐ National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.
‐ Meanwhile, millions of college-educated Millennials are languishing in their parents’ basements and wallowing in student debt, with limited prospects. Many of those who have found work lag their predecessors.
‐ Insurance companies are fleeing Obamacare’s exchanges. Amid $650 million in expected losses this year, UnitedHealth announced that it would medevac itself out of all but “a handful” of its 34 state markets.
‐ The percentage of families in which no one is employed has grown from 17.8 in 2008 to 19.7 in 2015, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports.
As the Wall Street Journal’s Dan Henninger has noted, even the Clintons acknowledge Obama’s economic wreckage.
Americans are suffering “the awful legacy of the last eight years,” Bill Clinton said in March. He explained on April 26, “The problem is, 80 percent of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the crash [of 2008]. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president, 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
#related#Stumping in New Haven, Conn., Hillary Clinton spoke about a nurse who is facing breast cancer and foreclosure.
“She is speaking for so many people across our country who feel beaten down, left out and left behind,” Hillary said. “People who have worked hard and done their part, but just can’t seem to get ahead, and find it tough even to get by.”
In Obama’s eighth year, Americans remain in pain. The best thing he can do is apologize, stop talking, and leave us alone until January 20, 2017.
He got his skull cracked, too bad for him! He was a pro abortion liberal monster who voted for poor little innocent babies skulls to be cracked! Wake up, or you too will find yourself going to the same place he just found himself in. I can’t imagine what his response to Jesus was when He asked him, why was he in favor of killing babies…
Fox having to disable comments about John Lewis’ death tells you everything you need to know about its viewers.
Jason Thompson Democrats don’t interpret the constitution, they mock it un Americanly and unabashedly and John Lewis was not a broad issue hero but for blacks alone. He only tried to represent 13% of the population because he wasn’t a fan of white people or Jews. Who really are the racists one must ask
*The White Ally*
@YouRuse is A leftist org

You republicans showing out in full with your racism today disrespecting this man. They just makes it obvious the parties did switch. You republicans aint even hiding your racism anymore huh
Walter White We all watch the illiterate imbecile in chief blather in the rose garden. Not worried about a debate. trump will lie anyhow, not what he says it’s what he does and does not do that will make him a 1 term president. The worst in this country’s history. Racism is his only platform
@Veronica Valencia And the white kinghts of the ku klux klan is his army

Godspeed Mr. Lewis, You will be missed but never forgotten
Abortion equals childabuse are you suggesting a life in a cage is living? What is your goal here? That you have the ability to control a woman’s body but once they give birth all bets are off and you now have the right to destroy it? Is this some sick game for you?
Abortion equals childabuse That it can affect the health of the mother and the baby. Seems obvious but apparently not to all
@Veronica Valencia judging by your response, you would say that the person is better off dead because you are questioning the thought that person in a cage would hardly be living? Who are you to decide what condition are acceptable and tolerable. You must also believe then that being poor is a sin too, huh? We can’t have a person living in poverty, can we? They arnt living a life either I suppose right?
@Veronica Valencia if a pregnant woman chooses to wear a face mask to prevent getting covid I see no problem, but to deliberately wear a mask in the hopes that she will lose her baby would be wrong. Also, generally wearing masks all the time is not good for you, rebreathing in our own air is not good. I only wear a mask @ work and in public
Abortion equals childabuse So then you are ok with children being placed in cages, beaten and treated less than equal as long as they are born. So what have you done to ensure the lives of these babies are valued and treated equal? Or does your job stop once birth is given? You brought up poverty not me which by the way was a pretty racist response. I mentioned equality you immediately assumed poverty.
God bless you John Lewis, good fight sir .
From day one, I always knew that Trump’s presidency was going one of the worst in modern history, but I never imagined it would be an unmitigated catastrophe of this magnitude.
The crux of Trump’s total and complete failure as a leader and president, is not so much that he refuses to do his job as president, Trump’s problem is that he was never capable of doing his job to begin with. He is not equipped to do his job. He doesn’t have the necessary tools or the wherewithal to do his job. Trump is grossly incapacitated intellectually, mentally, emotionally, socially, and psychologically. He couldn’t properly do his job as president even if he wanted to. He was always going to fail, and he was always going to blame his failure on someone or something.
Trump’s failure as a president and as a leader was inevitable.
@William Marick
I’m sure your wife can tell us your massive failures as a man. Your god trump is an incompetent corrupt POS. Shame you’re too stupid, lazy, proud to ‘get it’.
………….Breaking News: John Lewis = Traitor. Facts are Facts. When are we going to see Barry, Joe, Hillary, Comey, Peter, Lisa, Brennan, Susan, Samantha, Cabby & Mueller in ORANGE JUMPSUITS. Trump 2020!
@William Marick That comment was unnecessary. Maybe you’re the one that is not a real man. Your comment was juvenile.
Was a great man. When he spoke everyone listened and he spoke well.
Sorry for your loss.
America’s loss, indeed…
Trump has his own unique style of leadership, where he takes credit for everything, and responsibility for nothing. Trump has taken many things in his life, but responsibility is not one of them.
………….Breaking News: John Lewis = Traitor. Facts are Facts. When are we going to see Barry, Joe, Hillary, Comey, Peter, Lisa, Brennan, Susan, Samantha, Cabby & Mueller in ORANGE JUMPSUITS. Trump 2020!
That’s not leadership, it’s a con
Thank you, John, for fighting the good fight…we’ve got your torch…and it’s NEVER going out…VOTE BLUE, AMERICA!!!!
Much love and prayers for John’s family and friends. R.I.P. John Lewis Amen
*Obama’s Pretty Words Cannot Beautify His Ugly Economy*
May 2016
While Obama can talk the bark off a banyan tree, he cannot make Americans hallucinate prosperity. Here is the sad picture they actually see.
‐ The unemployment rate has improved significantly, from 7.8 percent at Obama’s January 20, 2009, inauguration to 5.0 percent in April.
‐ However, as more and more Americans stop looking for work, the Labor Force Participation Rate on Obama’s watch has fallen from 65.7 percent to 62.8 percent, a level last measured before Obama in March 1978. Since Obama took office, this metric has slid 4.1 percent.
Last month saw the creation of 160,000 jobs, a widely panned number, and much below the 200,000-plus jobs generated in five of the last six months. Nothing about the latest employment report spells “boom.”
‐ Meanwhile, annualized GDP growth nearly stalled in the first quarter at a meager 0.5 percent. This is down from already tepid 1.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2015.
‐ Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes:
‘From 1790 to 2000, U.S. real GDP growth averaged 3.79 percent,’ entrepreneur Louis Woodhill explained at RealClearMarkets. He expects final figures to show that ‘2015 will have been the tenth year in a row that real GDP growth came in at under 3.0 percent.’
‐ During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent.
‐ Real median household income: down 2.3 percent.
‐ Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent.
‐ Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent.
‐ National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.
‐ Meanwhile, millions of college-educated Millennials are languishing in their parents’ basements and wallowing in student debt, with limited prospects. Many of those who have found work lag their predecessors.
‐ Insurance companies are fleeing Obamacare’s exchanges. Amid $650 million in expected losses this year, UnitedHealth announced that it would medevac itself out of all but “a handful” of its 34 state markets.
‐ The percentage of families in which no one is employed has grown from 17.8 in 2008 to 19.7 in 2015, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports.
As the Wall Street Journal’s Dan Henninger has noted, even the Clintons acknowledge Obama’s economic wreckage.
Americans are suffering “the awful legacy of the last eight years,” Bill Clinton said in March. He explained on April 26, “The problem is, 80 percent of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the crash [of 2008]. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president, 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
#related#Stumping in New Haven, Conn., Hillary Clinton spoke about a nurse who is facing breast cancer and foreclosure.
“She is speaking for so many people across our country who feel beaten down, left out and left behind,” Hillary said. “People who have worked hard and done their part, but just can’t seem to get ahead, and find it tough even to get by.”
In Obama’s eighth year, Americans remain in pain. The best thing he can do is apologize, stop talking, and leave us alone until January 20, 2017.
More people will morn John Lewis than twump.
…THE NEVER ENDING STORY….Over and Over and Over…
Rest now you have earned your wings. A true American great who walked his talk and lived a life of honesty, integrity and humility. RIP John Lewis

another fearless soldier in the
march to freedom,
has fallen
“may flights of angels wing him to his rest”
My condolences to his family and our nation