Velshi: Doing The Work To Be Anti-Racist | MSNBC

The idea that Black people suffer brutality and sometimes get killed just for being Black is new to many white Americans, but it’s not new to Black people. The difference now is that all of America knows it, and many Americans are struggling to reconcile their love of this land of liberty with a reality faced by generations of their Black neighbors. That reconciliation starts by listening and doing the hard work to study and learn how to be the best ally we can be.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Velshi: Doing The Work To Be Anti-Racist | MSNBC

Velshi: Doing The Work To Be Anti-Racist | MSNBC


    1. @Ver Coda  @phalslyconvicted  The Biden globalist dictatorship just approved the China and Imf creation of new 500,000,000,000 fiat money layer, with the intent and purpose of destroying the US world reserve currency status while adding half a trillion dollars in debt onto the American people. Trump was against it and wouldn’t allow it because he knew it would be the death knell for America but the globalist puppet pervert child sniffing psychopath has just stuck the knife deep into the heart of our country. I’m certain you will be very happy now knowing your country your freedom your Constitution your way of life are over

    1. Biden is not doing enough he needs to lock down everybody whole country every business needs to be shut down and we need to require everyone to wear 3 masks and if you don’t you should be charged with murder and put in prison for the rest of your life. We need to have vaccine passports and unless you’ve been vaccinated at least three times with the Pfizer vaccine you can’t work you can’t live you shouldn’t be allowed to have an apartment or home you should just die on the street. And all these people that voted for Trump we need to put them in FEMA camps they need to be executed. Biden is just not doing what needs to be done I’m very disappointed

    1. Me too. I’ve heard “the other side” of the story and I get the fear. As Americans, we’d be stronger together and I plan to work towards that ❤✊🏾 Much love and respect for growing

    2. Biden is not doing enough he needs to lock down everybody whole country every business needs to be shut down and we need to require everyone to wear 3 masks and if you don’t you should be charged with murder and put in prison for the rest of your life. We need to have vaccine passports and unless you’ve been vaccinated at least three times with the Pfizer vaccine you can’t work you can’t live you shouldn’t be allowed to have an apartment or home you should just die on the street. And all these people that voted for Trump we need to put them in FEMA camps they need to be executed. Biden is just not doing what needs to be done I’m very disappointed

    3. @Schuyler Ebbets Biden hasn’t been in office for 90 days and you are disappointed he hasn’t changed the world that the Republican party has been working tirelessly since Nixon and Reagan to dismantle democracy when it comes to the poor and minorities? Are you a troll or just exceedingly stupid? It will take decades of patriotic, decent people to get rid of the damage done by the current Republican party and its unpatriotic members! If he can just work on climate change and poverty it will at least begin to bring this country forward into the 21st century instead of background to the antebellum South where Trump and his minions wanted to retreat to now.

    1. All of the supporters of Biden Stand Together against the Trump traitors you will soon be put in FEMA camps

    2. Today our great leader Biden has made a tremendous realization highways are racist all highways need to be destroyed so therefore 20 billion dollars will be spent to destroy the racist highways in America go Biden

    3. @Schuyler Ebbets You do understand folk bought an all time record 5 million guns in the last 30 days don’t you?

  1. but yet half the country votes for people based on the color of their skin then claims to be anti racist. Lmao

    1. That’s quite an assertion. Do you have any documentation you can cite? If not, the most rational response is to deduce that you’re trolling.

    2. Stop reinforcing antiracist ideas by pointing out their hypocrisy. This does nothing. They don’t have the same standards that you do.

    1. @v2krpl37dh the old testament is about racial division. It’s very confusing stuff.

    2. @Kuato’s Freedom BrigadeI agree… It is only confusing to those still asleep.


  2. As an Asian American I can tell you first hand that there are people who will hate you for no reason other than the shape of your eyes or the color of your skin.

    1. Why you keep saying that? Why do minorities continue to scapegoat how vile they are to some immutable characteristic they can’t change. It must be easy to think that every white person doesn’t like you simply because you “look different.” And not because you’re vile. Some may, possibly. But most don’t.

  3. Nothing is going to change until it’s not just the people affected by racism who choose to fight against that racism.

  4. A lot of people with high IQs are terrible investors because they’ve got terrible temperaments. You need to keep raw, irrational emotion under control

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