Akshay Tandon has the latest on COVID-19 in Canada, including the concerning spread of variant cases across Alberta.
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What garbage… Which is a better liar? A politician or mainstream news reporter?
A tie! Very few trustworthy in either group.
@Debrah J. Knight The reporters are just repeating what they are told
this is a very tough question
all of them are
Variants are going to vary in variable ways variously.
I concur. I played a doctor in a high school play — at various times. Invariably this is what happens when desperation sinks in. Enjoy the S show.
yep, that’s called the common cold and flu
“Variant” The Artist Formerly Known as Strain
the virus formerly known as Covid
@TommyWashow LoL !
Catch ’em, Catch ’em, Gotta catch ’em All, Covidmon.
Nailed it.
hey shut up.
.. and their evolved forms
@Bobbius Shadow LOL!!!
We are now over 1 year of 15 days to flatten the curve!
@Joe Schmoe You bet. Just got over COVID about a month ago so staying in.
sup Russian, Putin treating you well?
2027: We are entering our 16 wave!
I haven’t had a cold for around 20 years!
1 year 15 days too late.
we in Ontario better not get the Alberta variant that would be racist
@3cs3hs no..you dont think
@Milo Macdonald

@A P Just had a run in with a guy that moved here from Ontario. He lied, made offers he couldn’t pay for, then was too spineless to even respond. All the while bitching about how dishonest Albertans were. He wont last long lol
@3cs3hs what border? you wanna make wall or something ?? or put a zappy collar on everyone, that would do….
Looks like Albertans don’t understand sarcasm.
2021 the year of inverse reality
Variants. Get em while they’re hot.

I wanted the blue variant, but instead they gave me a green one
My friend Billy got lucky because he found a silver and a gold covid variant on the sidewalk outside of school, but he won’t even let me look at them!
I’ll take a one per store Variant
@Charles Darwin Billy eventually passed away
This just in. The easer bunny is being cancelled.
O, and don’t forget, wearing 10 masks cures your cancer

WTF is a Easer bunny?
and our Easter dinner will be bugs on a plate if they get their way not allowed meat not even poultry in their Build Back Better world!
Oh no a spelling mistake. Ive officially lost all credibility in life
@Laurel Pearse You know what’s next
How many deaths from variants?
goose egg
@last inline just to be safe we better take away everyone’s jobs and houses and bankrupt the country.
Thumbs up if you’re watching in 2024 during the 14th wave of the 8 variants.
I’m watching in 2162 – I died 70 years ago (from Covid 500 according to the obituary) and my soul has been in the internment camp since then; even death is no escape
wOw. Keep finding vaRiants; they will keep finding more….it won’t end. Suk it.
That’s how many viruses work. They mutate over time. It’s why we don’t have a cure for influenza or the common cold. We’re just thankful SARS-CoV-2 mutates relatively slowly.
@Aurelian exactly we dont have a cure for the flu, but the flu dosnt cause the whole world to lock down and wear masks all day and we are still fine. this is all so unnecessary
Aurelian How do we even know if any of what we’re being told is true anymore?
@RowanDaBoi true talk.
Hmm seems like Australia. New Zealand would disagree
“ADVANCED” virus???
@Robin M what’s the problem with “advanced virus?” Some viruses are more advanced then others. There’s tons of viruses that have been effectively treated because we where able to understand their mechanisms of infection. And there’s many others they we don’t understand so treating is difficult. Those are “advanced viruses”.
Avoiding it outright was never the goal. The aim was to minimize hospitalizations until vaccinations took the sting out of it. Think of it like a makeshift splint for a broken arm. It’s not meant to fix the bone, it’s meant to ease the pain until you can get a longer-lasting solution.
Be afraid Alberta, of the government.
The variance are coming the variance are coming run chicken Little run
yeah lol I’m really scared!!
@Mary Ruffolo I know me too I’m being serious you know
sure lol
variants of idiolts indeed spreading in Canada
Pandemic Fatigue its Wonderful is it? I bet you have some we all do.
@Thegreatcanadianlumberjack What pandemic?
@Thegreatcanadianlumberjack I don’t
Only 3 more years until we flatten the curve
If only
They should have emojis for all the different variants so we know which one they’re talking about. Lol
…does anyone, at all, anywhere, actually believe or find themselves in affirmation of what’s going on?
This just in the variants are
Heart attack
And fatally falling off step ladders