Vancouver police bust penthouse party, $17K in fines issued

Vancouver police have shut down a makeshift nightclub that was playing host to dozens of partiers inside a penthouse apartment.

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Vancouver police bust penthouse party, $17K in fines issued


    1. @JDaddyTV lol says a bot on the internet. I could care less what loyalist Anglo Crown supporters think. Why is Canada systemically racist? The crown committed an attempted ethnocide against acadians, tried to wipe out the indigenous population and conform them to Anglo values, and guess who owned a whole bunch of slaves during the slave days?

    2. @Anti-monarchist Acadien and if u wanna bullish the Monarchy you’ll have move to England and because a citizen, and vote like the rest of them…u can’t do it from here

    3. @Miranda Dunsmore-Gladue hes completely right, Canada has discriminated against the indigenous population for centuries. Also opening things up domestically is completely normal

  1. Clearly they have money and the fines mean nothing to them. They will be back out this weekend partying somewhere else

    1. the higher the fines, the more money that you can make holding these events..
      i offered my barber 100$ for a haircut and was turned down LOL.. now im out offering other barbers the same..

    2. We can keep charging them fines, and increase them over time. Even the richest person in the world will run out of money eventually if they double the fine every time. 17k -> 34k -> 68k

  2. Lmao bro if it only costs 17k to run an illegal night club then everyone should start doing it. Thanks is an awesome idea.

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