Vancouver Canucks dealing with a serious outbreak of COVID-19 raising questions about NHL season

Seven players of the Vancouver Canucks have tested positive for COVID-19 or are considered close enough contacts for isolation to be mandatory.

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Vancouver Canucks dealing with a serious outbreak of COVID-19 raising questions about NHL season


    1. @The Way why can’t you do math it’s easy to work out if you know how many cases in that day and how many died during that day

    2. @Art Collette Well to do easy math requires that you have to have an ACCURATE test to base the numbers off of. And the pcr test is very inaccurant, and borderline fraudelent.

      The guy that invented the test made it very clear that it is not be used for this sort of thing. Unfortunately he passed away..

    3. Chances are most, if not all. Hopefully they’ll all be back at 100% soon and they’ll be able to finish the season in time

    1. I love my grandma. If she loved forever the world would be a better place, and everyone would be fat from all of her baking. Don’t joke about grandmas dying.

    2. @Steve S
      There’s only room for one grandma and it’s going to be mine. She’s sucking up most of the healthcare spending in BC so back off pal!

      And that’s not the only thing she’s sucking!

  1. So sad! This pandemic has killed atleast 2,000 family and friends of mine. They’re just dropping dead walking down the street! The only thing I can hear outside is ambulances all day running around picking up all the dead bodies!!! I know it’s not long for me now. I just threw rocks at my neighbors window to check on them, there was no response. My dog is even coughing now. PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY DOG!!!

  2. Oh the poor feeble over 80 hockey players, how did they ever play through other unremarkable cold viruses before?!

    1. How dare you! With Canada’s death rate increasing at the LOWEST rate in 7 years you are belittling the deaths of millions! Why just yesterday I saw my neighbor and his kids dragged out dead from Covid and thrown into freezer trucks making the rounds. That might have been a garbage truck collecting trash bags, but it’s real in my mind!

  3. Why is all of their private info being revealed? I understand they could be counted as public figures but c’mon. I’d like my privacy so I can only assume they would Aswell.

    1. That’s just being smart when it comes to being infected there is no privacy you got to let your neighbours know so they can stay away from me 2

  4. We are dumb. We are Canadians, but this level of stupid is hard to believe. This needs to stop. We have seriously mutations developing and sport is …. not important. ;(

    1. Well, Darren Dreger, a TSN employee reported that some of the Canucks who have contracted the virus feel very ill.

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