CNN's Van Jones reacts after Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said America is "not a racist country" in the Republican rebuttal to President Joe Biden's joint address to Congress.
#CNN #News
CNN's Van Jones reacts after Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said America is "not a racist country" in the Republican rebuttal to President Joe Biden's joint address to Congress.
#CNN #News
Last Friday night I was standing outside of a barbershop in Cincinnati, and not like it matters, I was with a small group of mostly black men, when this officer walked over to a group of us. He looked around curiously and said “I don’t see a car blocking an intersection” while shaking his head. I asked him what was he talking about. He said someone called and reported that we had a car blocking the intersection. He paused for a minute and shook his head again. In that moment we both nodded and acknowledged what had just happened. Someone basically saw our group and made a false report. I asked him how long he had been on the job and he said 10 months. He asked what we were doing at the barbershop and so told him about the barbershop challenge Men of Courage and Ford Fund has sponsored. I asked if he wanted to come inside. He said he wanted to, but didn’t want to spoil the fun with his presence. Again we both nodded and acknowledged the reality of distrust between the community and police officers. I offered to take him inside so he could meet the owners and establish a relationship. I told him that someone has to take the first step to healing these relationships. He said he wanted to, but was unsure of what the reaction would be. I told him it would be cool and that Jerome Bettis and a host of other amazing people were inside. He lit up like a lightbulb and said “No way The Bus is in there”, with a kid like smile. I said hold on, I’ll grab him and have him come out. Jerome Bettis came out and the officer stood there with his mouth agape before saying “if my dad was still alive he would be so excited, because you were his favorite player”. We all stopped and sat in the moment before they went on to take a selfie together. It was one of those moments that reminded me of our humaneness, our frailties and our similarities. In that moment we were all just men navigating the world without the mask we are taught and trained to wear. I could have taken my offense to the call out on the officer and accused him of being a racist cop. He could have believed the caller and acted based on stereotypes about black men in groups. But we chose to just see each other and talk like humans. It’s ultimately a decision we can all make. When he lit up like a kid at seeing his dad’s sports hero, I saw a little boy and the uniform no longer mattered. We can collectively choose to see beyond the uniforms we all wear and see beyond the color of our skin. It’s not easy and there is a lot of work to be done, but if we can at least start seeing each other, I believe things will get better but not if society continues to buy into the false narratives that mainstream media uses to divide us. I pray people wake up and see who our real enemy is.
Great story! Your observations are spot on. We are all in this as a family – non dualistic. We are a human family.
I agree and I woke up and the enemy is Trump and everyone that supported his lies, from the corona virus to the election.
This story is copied and posted so many times and for over a year now.
All Police are not bad. And I believe most people believe that. Both parties, unfortunately, depend on narratives instead of policies. The citizens are caught in the middle. Our great country is imploding.
Van was being very nice and diplomatic in regards to Scott’s statements. But we know what you are saying….
Scott spoke the truth, America wasn’t racist til 2020.
Blm and dems and media of the left made something out of nothing
@John James Hahahahahahahahaha!
Obvious troll is obvious.
@Doctor Thirteen truth bombs hurt brainwashed people.
Btw, the right are blowing this false narrative up!
We are winning, more comments from people that see the truth and are not brainwashed.
You people make us laugh so much. We appreciate it
@John James I want to know what you’re being paid to type and pretend to believe that
11 11 Tim Tap Dancing Scott is that you?
“A weak man will depart from morals, integrity, and conscience if given the right amount of money and flattery, while a real man will just say no – and keep his pride.”
@SLAYERSWINE LOL, that was the most racist thing I’ve read all month!
Basically, blacks have to think a certain way , the way you say.
Hmm.. that’s almost like.. being a ..slave?
You racists make me sick.
@SLAYERSWINE skin head
@mcglover78 We were pretty good at freeing your slaves.
I am a ‘Skinhead’ that sides with BLM, unlike a racist homophobe supporter named @Nomad who would gladly be a BuKKaKe target at the nearest white power picnic.
@Jose Fernandez Dude you sound like those payed actors who played LATINOS FOR TRUMP role in trump rallies .
“”Times change,,,,People don’t.””
I grew up in an open progressive, socially conscious home in the ’50’s&60’s and beyond. My father was an instructor at the Fort Custer Battle Creek MI Job Corp center. On the holidays mom& dad in voted young men fo
We crowded together at the dining table, momma cooked, made bread, pies and more. The guests were dressed in pressed, shiny shoes and ties for dinners. All were welcome, it was a great time for all. Good memories. No racial slurs in my home, or other around us. Dad corrected people.
Biden, once a segregationist, always a segregationist.
I can remember when we were young, my husband and I learned real quick to only put his name on house applications if we wanted to be approved. When we were able to purchase our first home, I also remember the interest rate was higher with me on the loan than him and my credit is about 33 points better. We’ve been seated in the smoking workers lounge in a restaurant, asked if he wanted his steak to match my skin, to name a few. The day I was mowing my yard, 8 months pregnant, and was hit in the head with a full glass bottle of beer was the day I saw a rage in my husband I’ll never forget. This man was ready to do life in prison because of the love he had for me. I can remember looking at him and telling him I was sorry he had to experience that. His words, “I knew life would be different the moment you caught my eye and I’m strong enough to hold us both up through it.” I married him so damn fast, less than a year, and we’ve been holding on every since. No matter what the circumstances, if you can find someone to make you laugh all the way through it, hold you up, share the injustices with, and even cry, it softens the blow. Now our kiddo is like “Nah, I can’t go through that stuff like that Ma.” Yes he could, if he didn’t have a choice. Be someone’s strength when you can and we’ll all make it and the world changes because of it.
@Matt 88 Lookup “Neo-Nazi Who Killed Charlottesville Protester Is Sentenced To Life In Prison”
@Matt 88 Lookup “17-year-old arrested after 2 killed during unrest in Kenosha”
@Edwin M Issue isn’t always turning down money. Many times the agent STEARS the person to homes in certain neighborhoods and away from others that they feel black people shouldn’t live in.
@B P that was self defense you idiot. If you actually watched the video you would have seen the Kyle was innocent
@B P it’s funny how the left calls white supremacy a problem but can only name 1 example in which the victim was white. LoL you’re a joke
He is only missing his tap shoes
Yeah cause that’s NOT racist.
Van plays both side pretty well
Fairness ( honesty) will take you a long way if you want to heard!
Shameful how Scott told a blatant half truth as if we are don’t live in the real world but his alternative universe.
@LovelovelyJesus What 1/2 truth? Is the country racist? It is not. Are the racist people. Yes one only needs to look at the democrat party.
Cedar Mountain Cougars from Morgan MN are here!!
“Look at my African American over there.”
IKR? LOL There is always one. Scott is a damn joke.
Yup……..I’m not my ancestors…..
(And White supremacist better get that though those thick skulls and tell you griffter pets too…(oh…tim))
I didn’t see an African-American. I saw an American-American. Scott was born in the US. Please stop pushing the racist button. If you keep scratching an old wound it takes longer to heal and leaves a nasty scar.
@Jeremy Durham well then we got blood born infection…. because some people won’t let Americans be Americans…….a grifter paid to say lies…….not suprised….whats America’s excuse for bleeding all over the place instead of fixing the injury…..exactly….over 70 years with open wounds….gtfo….
The surprise to me is that Van didn’t agree with him.
Mr Scott says that there is no systemic racism in America, after he was pulled over 7 times in one year based on his color… wow!
And now Mr Scott, a black man is a us senator, making 6 figure salary, flying private, and walking around with body guards like a rich man..his retirement is paid for. He’ll most likely get a higher paying job when he leaves congress. System racism hasn’t stopped him from making money.. What’s your excuse?
@Ra’s Al Ghul Mr Scott has emasculated himself for the evil Trumpanzees. He is a girly boy tap dancer for the confederate insurrectionists.
Coffee Lover, I’m sorry for those incidents.
Did Van Jones react after Kamala Harris said in a interview this morning American wasn’t racist.?
van “nothingburger” jones should react to project veritas exposing the company he works for left and right for being a shameful propaganda channel for the DNC.
Of course not
But Obama,but Hunter.
You people are hopeless.
@Blue Eyes , but biden and kamala harris presidency is so full of hope right??? how’s that going for you?
Its cause America isn’t racist
The dems, leftist media and blm mostly pushed the false narrative to get money.
They are losing the battle lol
This country is insane man. Not enough people that know how to think for themselves. And anyone offering an intellectual fact-based speech or opinion no matter what side it is on is shot down by the ignorance of the other side not willing to listen and see the truth. I don’t know if this will ever end. Especially when 95% of the media lies and morons believe them. Hope we get better
@Kenny T. Noone rightwing said they believed that….or thought that??? Neither did Patrick; didn’t stop you from projecting your biased opinions on someone else. I believe you are misinformed about the right and the way they think?
@Angie Zgiet Good girl. You are admitting there is racism in the Republican party.
@CTLPRO1 an individual being racist isn’t systemic racism bro. That’s just ordinary racism. Systemic racism is where the institutions like colleges an the education sector push racist ideas for example, which I guess crt is racist so perhaps there is systemic racism but I have a feeling that wasn’t what you were referring to…
@Kenny T. can you give an example? I mean a news report or something, not just you claiming this..I can find plenty of blm peeps participating in terrorism though, which is using violence and intimidating to push a political agenda
@CTLPRO1 bunch of half truths? Name them please. I think what he was saying is the left is the one committing all these crimes so to speak that they accuse everyone else of. Trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes. And apparently they’re doing a pretty good job of it based on this comment section
Let’s all be reminded that the media is the 4th branch of government.
After Van Jones pic with Candace they had to get him back
The “R” word gets used so much these days, it’s now lost it’s intended impact it once had. My concern is when a real racist action or incident happens it’s of no consequence to anybody.
I picture the Left and the Right as balancing on opposite ends of a log in the water. The left is spread across their half of that log but the right is so extreme right that they are standing on top of each other on the outermost edge of their side of the log and are gonna fall off into the water and drown. Sometimes simple analogies are perfect.
that’s exactly what a right winger would say about the left
As a basic rule right wingers believe in individual freedoms over the collective, the left believe in the collective over the individual.
Who’s all grouped together on the log again? Lol