CNN political commentator Van Jones makes a plea to end the "nastiness" between political parties.
#CNN #News
Van Jones: It’s fair to give Trump credit when he does something right

CNN political commentator Van Jones makes a plea to end the "nastiness" between political parties.
#CNN #News
The fact that you have to say “when he does something right” speaks volumes in itself.
@Shane Lindie I can see his attorneys (which you are paying for) using that in court. “Your honor, since Mr. Trump is 10 years ahead of almost everyone, we’ll like see him released with ‘Time Served.'”
@Shane Lindie You know, I am compelled to ask – as it regards David Granger, you say things like “It’s amazing how he can look at you in the face and lie,” yet here you have the audacity to say “Trump is always doing the right thing and positive things.” What was it that made your sell out your soul?
@Thor Marnix LOL… you too.
@Thor Marnix I love winners. You have to be intelligent to win. Trump has been doing that since he got elected in 2016. (Which I predicted, by the way) now let’s move to Illegal president Granger. He is stupid, and a kind of a dictator. He is also breaking the rules of the laws and constitution. He was trying to deregister legitimate voters and he and his cabal is still trying to rig the election! Then he looks you in the eye and lies! He is financing his illegal government with our tax money.. That’s why he and his corrupted government will lose terribly on the 3rd March, 2020. Trump will also win in as large a landslide like the PPP when his time comes in November 2020.
@Shane Lindie Exactly. My question is how can you possibly not see that they are the same? Do you love winners so much that it doesn’t matter HOW they win, but only THAT they win? Your description of Granger is interchangeable with Trump.
Van Jones is the guy who wants to be liked by ever one but cause of that no one really likes him.
@ThomasFromTN, don’t bother.
She’s been consumed by an expectation mindset. She thinks she’s owed something. She thinks her skin color entitles her.
Give her time.
She’ll discover reality at some point.
@Kathryn Foster-martin … Word salad? I asked you questions. “Word salads” typically fall under the category of statements; in which I did not partake.
Glowing endorsement for your position, though. Indicative of not understanding the topic at hand.
Leftists excel in this regard.
At least you’re all consistent
@Kathryn Foster-martin, BTW… Asking questions to articulate a philosophical viewpoint is called the Socratic Method.
You couldn’t overcome its utility. You relied on societally contrived points, and then disengaged.
What are you afraid of? Something tells me I’m actually more “educated” than you are (and I never went to college
Why do you people keep fleeing from defending your own positions?
Edit: I think it’s because you people don’t actually UNDERSTAND your positions. You’ve been told what to think.
You have yet to actually think for yourselves.
Van Jones actually is speaking reasonably….He isn’t ranting or raving. He speaks from facts and research, but at the same time, does not bring anyone else down. Van Jones is one of the few CNN personalities right now that actually deserves respect.
@Bryan S. I don’t consider that your view necessarily intersects with mine. It’s pretty clear to me that you’re attempting to recharacterize my thoughts to fit your own perspective. Getting pretty tired of the twisting rhetoric to fit viewpoint, not circumstances trope. All the same to you…don’t do that again.
United we stand… divided we fall.
@7rob27 Jesus is also a libtard….
Yeah. Stand together with Trump. Democrat lobbyists should be destroyed.
@brian gardner Whatever you say snowflake
I’ll give him credit when he’s right as soon as he takes responsibility when he’s wrong.
@markj6700 like attacking jessie smollett

@markj6700 Who cares!! They know the Consequences of getting caught but yet they still try to make it across!! Putting their family their wifes and kids at risk! Any smart person would at that situation and say ok I’m not bout to put my family in harm’s way. I’m gonna do this the right way to become a American Citizen! But dumb fucks like you wanna give free health care to people that’s not even a citizen of this country and give them all free government benefits!! And guess who’s gonna pay for all of it? You are you fucking idiot!! The real American Citizen Taxpayers. That’s if you even work! Probably live in your mom’s basement and sit in front of a computer all day with no effort to get a job at all…Loser!!
@markj6700 dude your a real dumbass! Go make something of yourself
Kelvin Perkins
Your god requires a world view based in magic and make believe.
Funny,Mao does your support for trump.
You don’t have a grasp on reality, chump.
I challenge you to demonstrate that any gods are real.
Kelvin Perkins
There is no data that supports the wall as being effective.
You just love swallowing whatever load your dear leader pumps you full of.
I love how “Trump actually did something positive” is a topic.
@Thor Marnix See, this is one of the big problems with pedophile democrats, just put a label on something and then that label always speak the truth, no matter the content. A mass murderer can identity as “non murder”, and each and every child rapist democrat will believe him not to be murder based on that label.
It does, indeed, take a special kind of pervert crackpot to be democrat
@Jesse g – Wages at that troll farm must not be bad, you keep popping up like a bad, smelly fart that lingers.
@Jesse g – Do the world a favor you Fucking loser, point yourself in the direction of the busiest freeway near you, and go play in traffic.
Trump is always doing the right thing and positive things and because he is ten years ahead of almost everyone, he always wins…However, its only when his achievements are as stark as a nuclear explosion or when backed totally into a corner that the fake news and people who are “Never Trumpers” admits it.. Like when he won the 2016 Election, they just couldn’t go against him. When he wins the 2020 election again in the greatest landslide in American history, the fake news media and “Never Trumpers” will be forced to acknowledge it again..with more tear stained faces again the morning after the election..
Quit taking them scraps van!!!
niġġers like you should be p|cken cottȯn out in f|elds for mȧssȧ.
Democrats give him nothing
The funny thing is 2 years ago he was pushing the russia hoax on you while in private he was calling it a nothing burger, and you fell for it lol
LIARWATHA WARREN has topped out in the RACE… she has reached the HIGHEST SHE WILL GO… its all downhill from now on for her…. Lets face it Folks,… she nor TURD BERNIE are going to get the nomination.. its always and always will be BIDEN (who will LOSE to TRUMP) in 2020.
People need to do some research on Narcissism.
@James McCabe I can tell. If 60% of America really didn’t approve of President Trump then he would have lost more than 41 house seats in 2018. 0bama lost 63 house seats in 2010, the largest shift since 1948. The votes and your approval claim dont add up.
If you truly had 60% of America behind you, you’d have done better in the election or at least have the balls to start civil war 2, but deep down you know how alone you really are; that we’d wipe the floor with your tears just like we did in 1865
It’s almost 2020. 2018 election was a while ago
@James McCabe it was a year ago. Much to your dismay people dont change their minds that often, President Trump still holds the love and will of We the People. If you feel differently come at us, I promise you’ll see how alone you are
Lol. Every time he opens his mouth he loses more and more followers. People all around the world hate him. Why can’t you get that through your confederate head?
He has committed Countless crimes. 2020 doesn’t look to good for him so far
@James McCabe the Democrats founded the confederacy (and the KKK) you nimrod
shows how much you know. Lincoln was a Republican and you Democrats got all pissy cause we freed your slaves. Get over it. Democrats are never on the right side of history and you’re certainly not now
ookay “whitelash”. Maybe an American civics- logic and etiquette – Class or two.
Impeachment means nothing. He’s still going to be in office and still going to win 2020.
CNN looks like they are leaving the far left
AHARON STEINMAN they have been corporate middle forever
Tap dance
niġġers like you should be p|cken cottȯn out in f|elds for mȧssȧ.
@Mohammed Ismail And maggots like you should die a long slow death, just to get to hell to be welcomed by Muhammad and Allah, fucking you at both ends!!!!
@Wolfe 123 It prob. ‘Paul Nicholson’ ‘ other account.
Kamalla is against legal weed. The wrong side of History still pays her good.
Van jones blows every which way the wind does!
Super Hard
David : He doesn’t get it. We’re kidding ourselves, if we think the, “Elections,” will NOT be RIGGED. Far worse than 2016, from the INSIDE, helping Putin’s goons. Trump HAS TO GO, or the Republic is OVER!
All this guy does is Pontificate playing to both sides….
Let’s be fair, everyone. Trump does have his good point.
Van Jones is clearly a secret trump supporter. Trump landslide 2020 !
Massa good he give us extra scraps, guess what you’re still a slave.
Now I can see why I’ve never heard of the show
Hes not being honest, he fans the flames of division even after Trump signed the bill into law regarding prison refrom Van Jones privately thanked Trump, Ivanka and Jared yet publicly never did – why? You got to keep that persona that Trumps all evil and Republicans Bad democrats good
@BurglaaR Tv How can you say any of what you just said? Van is on a national broadcast apologizing for what he did and elevating Trump for doing something right. That’s pretty public I guess.
@Don Newton This is one instance dude, Im sure you watch plenty of CNN. Try to keep up
It was never about us giving him credit. It’s about “the authorities” holding rogue “public figures” accountable.