Vaccines Are Promising But Public Must Be Safe For Now: Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization joins Morning Joe to discuss recent vaccine developments and why Americans should follow public health guidelines during the holidays. Aired on 11/19/2020.
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#Vaccine #HealthGuidelines #MSNBC

Vaccines Are Promising But Public Must Be Safe For Now: Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Vaccines Are Promising But Public Must Be Safe For Now: Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. I have to admit that I find it increasingly difficult not to feel ever so slightly sorry for the perpetually whining herd of omega males that still support the gutless beta male Donald John Trump and his nauseatingly repugnant fake bone spurs, because it is in for an extraordinarily rude and abrupt awakening in the immediate future.

  1. We [must ]wear masks ! Trump misled everyone by holding those mask less events. Please people for our sake WEAR A MASK ! Our lives depend on it !!!

    1. The fun and easy 5 step approach to tedious maga-regurgitator bots:
      1: Quote the bot’s insane drivel letter to letter.
      2: Dissect the bot’s insane drivel.
      3: Debunk the bot’s insane drivel.
      4: Ridicule the bot’s insane drivel.
      5: Never respond directly to the bot’s insane drivel.
      The 5 step approach to maga-regurgitator bots is the only hygienical way to handle regurgitated maga-manure.

    1. @Richard Alexander yeah he doesn’t know the full process of how votes are split into fractions and can be moved around and deleted. but he knows its being used and an IT guy over at uncovered that is was used again in this election with the new machines. here’s his post and a full list of votes tampered with and how he found it in the NYT live election feed logs

    2. @TRUMP IS NR1 dominion was rigged over a decade including trumps win. Trump isn’t a real president. Thanks for the info.

    3. @Bishop White they tried to use it in 2016 but i think russian hackers reversed it back to the legal vote count and thats why dems were so mad and tried to get trump for the russiagate thing. 2016 had same scewed polls by the media to prep everybody but their plan failed. you should watch the gulliany sidney powell announcement they revealed everything that they will take to court

  2. The country as a whole has been crushed under the weight of Trump s ego, and countless lives are still being shattered by his iniquities
    Jan 21st cant come soon enough for me

    1. @William H Music 2020 oh my friend. It’s over. It’s okay, it’s disappointing! I remember being disappointed when Clinton lost to trump. It passes….hang in there ✌🏼❤️

  3. The Covfefe-45 virus will go away once the weather cools down in January, it will be like a miracle 🎃 🔜 🚽

    1. The six times bankrupted swindler, felonious tax evader, compulsive liar and self-proclaimed white nationalist Donald John Trump has been a Russian marionette for decades, quite simply because he is a stable nincompoop in all matters related to money, finance and investment.
      Moscow, 1995, notice the completely clueless expression on Donald John Trump’s pudgy face, versus the smiling and laughing Russians:

    2. I quote Robert Swan Mueller letter to letter:
      “If we felt confident after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.”
      “The investigation also found numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.”

    3. Speaking of the treasonous tub of lard, here’s the recipe for a Trump-sandwich:
      Two thick slices of white bread.
      One truckload of baloney.
      One bucketful of Russian dressing.
      One tiny little squishy toadstool.

    4. @Gerome McGowan yes I’m a dem. An we don’t try to impose our religious beliefs on any one . And if you’re saying Democrats live in a third world mentality, imagine then the Republicans are living in the mid evil world.

    1. @Darrin Fry really.. the fake news wants you to think that.. i see the states recounting and them witness and whistleblowers are coming forword as well.. dont look good for the scamming dems

    2. @Gerome McGowan actually, fake clowns on the internet want you NOT to think that. But I don’t pay much mind to clowns.

    3. @Gerome McGowan keep telling yourself that, but don’t you think the GOP would have led with cases they actually had evidence for? Face it. They have nothing but dictator moves left. Like refusing to certify elections for no reason, and putting in electoral voters who are willing to vote against the outcome of the election in their states. Or to simply try to say no to any transfer of power ever. And Trump is definitely acting on all of those fronts. You are going to have to come to terms with the fact you support a freaking dictator.

    1. @William H Music 2020 Hi Tweatles – you lost the election for your boy, you know. This is all YOUR fault because your troll game is so weak and obvious.

    1. @Anthony C If you start out with an _a priori_ assumption and then try to make the data fit your assumption, then, sure – you can make it all seem to fit. But that isn’t science – it’s propaganda.
      Gateway Pundit is Trumpist propaganda. You won’t win any arguments posting links to their website.

    2. @omi god It is literally not an assumption. They are looking at the data and showing and it is literally impossible for Biden to get this amount of votes in this amount of time. Why don’t you take a look at the links, read them, and then come talk to me.

    3. @Anthony C Show me a link that isn’t from a Trumpist source, and I’ll look at it. Otherwise, nope. You’re wasting your time with your tendentious, treasonous lies.
      I see you only started your YouTube account this year – there’s some evidence I do believe – that you are nothing more than another foreign-paid TROLL.

    4. @Anthony C Show me a story asserting this that ISN’T from a right wing propaganda website, and then come talk to me.

  4. Trump downplayed the virus for his election. It was always a calculated plan. He told lies about mail voting so Republican’s would vote in person. He hired Dejoy, 1.2 million Trump contributor and never Postal employee, to remove high speed mail sorting machines and street mail boxes. Its something no body would do during a pandemic when everyone is dependent on mail delivery. Trump wouldn’t sign the stimulus because of funds the post office needed to get the votes in on time.
    Trump is the one who tampered with our votes. He thought he would be able to stop the counts and delay the mail on election day. People died for his reelection.
    He made his bed let him lay in it.

    1. He didn’t just downplay the virus, he actually launched it. When he said that America could immediately close its borders and nobody was coming in, lots of American citizens abroad immediately returned home. That meant Americans coming from China and affected European countries would be mixed with people coming from uninfected countries. That chaos launched the first big outbreak in America. If he had given more time and information, the airports could’ve at least segregated groups based on where they came from.

    2. @Jo-Erlend Schinstad ya that was a total fubar. Luckily I got locked down in India as my flight to LA was cancelled. I’m in the small state of Goa. It’s tourist season now and with the exception of a few foreigners, it’s empty. Indians are resilient for the most part and know that this pandemic shall pass.

  5. While waiting for the vaccine to be distributed, the only prevention against Covid is to respect barrier gestures (wearing a mask, washing hands, keeping a safe distance).
    It is not Trump who is going to encourage you to do this. The whole world knows he doesn’t care ! Apply these gestures, we all do it in our respective countries!

  6. TO the Gov . that now are doing this AFTER the hospital are Full you are just as guilty as Trump for these deaths

    1. Pro covid19 Trump GOP and republicans and Senate- “ America does not need PPP it needs Amy barret! The Senate decided to nominate a corrupt supreme court judge instead of giving America PPP and then they decided to go on vacation until next year leaving America out in the cold 🥶 to fight covid19 by ourselves, Georgia you’re the only hope to save America please vote for the Democrats so America can survive the trump virus 🦠

    2. @Anthony C Ffs, the Gateway Pundit is an American far-right news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories. The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation that is supported primarily by advertising revenue.
      They LOVE you for your clicks, you misinformed moron. You’re not getting “the truth”, you’re being PURPOSEFULLY MANIPULATED.

    3. @Chard O’Mania Maybe for some things yes. Not these links I have posted. These articles are only showing math and data. There is no conspiracy with these.

    4. @Anthony C lol, you’re a no content/no subscriber Troll Account that was created less than a year ago to do just what you’re doing – spreading misinformation to desperately assist a pathetic orange wannabe despot. GFYS.

  7. I will not be taking any vaccine if it’s rolled out under the Trump administration. Trump’s proven himself totally incompetent and totally untrustworthy.

    1. @Anthony C There is no evidence of voter fraud. You’re entitled to your own feelings regarding this election, but not your own facts. Get a grip and move on!

    2. @Dan Sanger I’ll feel comfortable taking it if the data is peer reviewed by scientists and independently evaluated, like you mention. I just don’t trust this administration with anything.

    3. @B These are facts not feelings. Maybe if you would actually take the time to read the articles you would see. All these articles look at the data and math to see the statistical probability of Biden winning. This isnt conspiracy bs.

  8. McConnell may need to start laying low he’s as hated as Trump. All we can do is be happy he’s old and won’t be around forever. Although we may not live in an America we use to know.

  9. The voting disaster is only in the mind, the alternative universe of our beloved POTUS, The Great Puppeteer. It is his USA, it is his Government, it are his tweets, it is him saying “voter fraud” without any, WITHOUT any proof or detail. And he, our POTUS, runs to court, without a real story, just to mislead his base with BS.

  10. Everyone should keep in mind that the day Pfizer issued their press release about their 90% success rate, the CEO sold 62% of his stock.

  11. Ffs the US sounds like that guy that needs to tie a string around his finger to remind him what the Doc told him about stay safe a fn pandemic 😂🤯

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