Vaccine transparency from federal gov’t needed: Tom Mulcair

Political commentator Tom Mulcair speaks about the confusion over COVID-19 vaccine rollout and the need for the government to clarify things.

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Vaccine transparency from federal gov't needed: Tom Mulcair


  1. They can’t or won’t make medicine without side effects They mess with dangerous poisons and they want you to take a vaccine listen the rich take from the poor they don’t provide the necessities of life they rake life

    1. Yes I agree, there isn’t one medication out there yet without a side effect. Very dangerous, and when something happens to you they don’t take responsibility that the medication did it.

  2. Trump bought the first 100 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine without need for approvals & placed an option on the next 300 million in July. Trudeau was still invested with his financial commitment to Cansino & the Chinese Army. Trydeau mad a conditional deal with Pfizer in August conditional on Health Canada approval. Who do you think is getting it first?

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