Dr. Tali Bogler from St. Michael's Hospital discusses a study that finds the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
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Joe Biden and Anthony fauci schedule an appointment to drink Dr pepper
Mmm Dr Pepper
i took it , and it almost killed me!! YOU BETTER THINK AGAIN!!!
@Richard C HA Ha!!
@Andrea Wimer i thought i was dying for 3 days!!
@Chris Courson don’t mock me or I’ll cry
@Chris Courson my cooter is leaking too

These things aren’t safe for anybody.
I’ve taken worse in Nightclubs in the 80’s
@Richard C it shows
@Greg House Made me smarter, healthier, and successful. Sorry bout it, loser.
Richard C = Paid shill
@Richard C don’t bother with these antivaxx losers. They’re idiots. In time natural selection will take care of them.

So was thalidomide. And we know how that turned out.
@Richard C So you’re a Thalidomide denier? It didn’t cause severe birth defects? It wasn’t withdrawn for use by pregnant women?
@Primmakin Sofis This is not Thalidomide… duh.
Richard C = Paid shill
go to my ABOUT page, link #4… very high incidents of allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, neurological deficits, chronic pain, DeathAnd permanent disability in a small group in Lytton, BritishColumbiaFromTheMRNAVaccines … the larger press outlets did not report this, but went into level 10 DamageControl mode to try and ShutThisGuyUp
@Primmakin Sofis he’s a thalidomide baby
Oh Boy…it’s a fking holiday! and everything is closed as far a Government offices…he ha.
It’s not like Canada hasnt been closed for nearly 2 fking years!
Does your world stop turning at 4:30 pm Friday until 9:30 am Monday (except holidays?)
Nevermind canada, yer asleep at the wheel.
Yes, but if you bathe, you may be less so
@Richard C it didn’t work for you
@Briar Rose Stop trying to get a whiff of me….
@Richard C can’t avoid it….shite wafts
@Briar Rose Enjoy it…. should smell like beefaroni
A study showed 25-30%of women had miscarriages or abnormalities. “Safe”
Stop spreading false info…
Post the alleged, validated study… if you can
This is horrifying!
Dr. Bolger should be ashamed of herself! If it effects your mensuration at all how do you know that it wont effect it long term! OMG not a myth!
Shes so excited to be famous.
Exuberance. She needs to go from 10to a 7.
Like shitler
yes lets make her infamous!
Famous like Charles Manson!
University trained Professional Upper management Karens are the worst, bud.
I worked as a janitor in a building full of them, never again.
Deplorable, sadistic, disgusting!!!
How long was the trial on pregnant women, not even full term 9 months
That is absolutely crazy
One word: Thalidomide.
Link to published study
I need…to speak…to your manager
How do these psychopaths sleep at night !?!!!
They dream about their bank balances.
upside down
Do demons sleep?? Who knew??
In caskets
Agreed. So disgusting and evil
Remember when officials said Thalidomide was perfectly safe for pregnant women to take?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Crimes against humanity.
She has Charlie Manson eyes!
Better yet. This clown is
dr. Mengeles pupil
Whats with the lack of diversity?
Powerful delusions.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12. it’s a spiritual delusion.