Justin Trudeau says Canada, along with its allies are looking at vaccine passports as part of a broader plan to reopen international travel.
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Let’s not call the passport, let’s call it a certificate.
Its not tax, its a carbon offset.
You guys are hilarious!
Thanks for the comedic relief. We need it in these uncertain and worrisome times…
(Proverbs 17:22 KJV Bible)
@Andrea Wally where Trudeau is concerned I think Mathew 7:15. Is fitting Also fitting To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize – Voltaire this fits Trudeau as well
defined… it’s a license to travel among other future things [food, banking etc.]. Paid with your life.
And no to this too
And not long ago we were conspiracy theorists to ever imply that such a thing would ever happen.
@Alc73 this is medical apartheid. And the danger behind this is clearly far beyond you
@Briar Smith actually millions did
@Shawn Dowdall please tell everyone your knowledge of vaccines?
@Pete Wick to follow the experts and not listen to common internet armchair scientists taking smack? Guess I am.
@Pat Mastrangelo yes they do, if you look at the data.
Next thing they will be asking politicians to pass a test of mental competence to become an MP.
@Patrick Campbell-Pelletier He’s got two degrees. Alberta’s premier didn’t even finish Bible College.
@M M True, though those aren’t degree’s that would be in any way be useful to run a country properly. And I’m no fan of Kenny either
They’ll probably all fail.
Yeah shows that a degree means nothing
I noticed that Trudeau doesn’t really understand the gravity of what he is talking about. This PM has been had by some hidden forces and you see it in his face. Totally clueless indeed.
MK ultra
Too much mary jane hazing his feminine brain.
International borders have always been open with daily COVID flights through Pearson International
That same government who made all the decisions there are saying they have the cure.
“You will own nothing, you will have no privacy, and you will be happy.”
@Diji millions will die fighting this.
Lol conspiracy nut bar. Go back to your bunker the government is coming and they sky is falling
@Shawn Dowdall You’re, clearly, not very experienced in the ways of the world. Do you still believe in Santa Claus and that the government is looking out for your best interests?
@Shawn Dowdall and yet again
@kevin bobandy Orwell is quoted saying just that.
Is it just me, or does he sound frightened??
… sic semper tyrannis 

“The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1
Corruption against our rights we say no !
Funny thing is news flash your rights are just an illusion..
What rights. Go put your tinfoil hat on
World War Z
Not even close have you watched the movie
No vax passports
@Shawn Dowdall And you bootlickers should just hide in your houses and cower instead.
@funkymunky8787 NO point of traveling when everything doubled the price.
@Shieftain nope I’m free to travel and roam. It’s you anti vaxers that can’t ever travel haha sucks to be you
@Dexter J it’s cheaper now than ever before
yes already have one hahahaha!!!!
He smirked when he said “even as we are in the, ah, third wave right now”
it’s duper’s delight
everyone injured by the V, or everyone who loses a family member because of V must proceed with legal charges against this guy! Every pregnant woman who experiences a miscarriage because of the V must proceed with legal charges.
@Reckless Ron No you can not. Rules of civil procedure will say that your claim is frivolous and vexatious.
Nuremberg trials will happen. Ignorance is not a defense.
@Rick Buk Turns out you cannot waive basic rights. For example if your employer tells you that you must sign a waiver agreeing to work for less than the minimum wage that waiver will not hold up in court even if you do sign it.
No one pushed back, the cowards just comply. Now here we are
@Timmothy Jimmothy
Did the TV tell you to be desperate? That’s cute
Hello? Plz reply
@swaggy swaggums
I did reply you halfwit. Scroll up
@Rusty Shackleford who’s the halfwit? Lmao read the usernames
@swaggy swaggums
I did read your user name it sounds quite stupid.
What is your point?
“Mobility Rights
-6. (1) EVERY citizen of Canada has the RIGHT to enter, remain in, and LEAVE Canada. “
-1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms GUARANTEES the rights and freedoms set out in it subject ONLY TO such REASONABLE LIMITS prescribed by law as can be DEMONSTRABLY JUSTIFIED in a FREE and DEMOCRATIC society. “
Well to be fair, the leave part can’t force another country to allow you entry. I do agree with your main point though.
You can leave Canada but if no one wants you then where are you going to go
Typical anti vaxer no country has to let you in
@Shawn Dowdall Typical sheople. No one was talking about what other countries will do or not do. We were talking about the right to leave Canada. The government is saying you can’t get on a plane without a certificate REGARDLESS of what the country you are flying to says about it. That is a violation of both the Charter of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which Canada is a signatory.
Trudue is not Canada’s leader. He is everything Canada fought against.
He literally was voted in but sure
Says who??
The fact that Australia and New Zealand aren’t getting any new cases and have been opened for months now really says a lot about Canada’s place in the world right now
Exactly if you’ve been paying attention you would understand
As they are both islands and had extreme lock downs to hold covid on check itss hard to compare either of them to canada
They are not sitting right next to the most infected country on the planet. Just by complete co-incidence they are also the only one of the western nations without some form of universal health care.
@sirrednexx5 wow that’s your argument, are you really that frickin’ naive?
Don’t worry folks there will be plenty more waves to make sure they buy time to get everything into place just for you…
Fourth wave already started, a double mutant, imported on a plane from India, Aloha 4th wave.
Wait for the fall and the next deaths wave from the shots. Mostly in injury but lots of deaths. But nothing will say it’s from the shots.
This government needs to be issued a certificate of termination. Their services are no longer required.
You think the next government will be different
He means “We’ll be aligned with our Davos partners around the world!”