Vaccination Requirements, Covid Surge Concerns Drive Hopeful Increase In Shots

Dr. Vin Gupta, a critical care pulmonologist, talks about how the mix of vaccine mandates for government workers, private business employees, and some local requirements are helping to increase the number of people being vaccinated, and addresses a common misconception about the accelerated path Covid vaccines took to reach the public. 
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#MSNBC #Covid #Vaccines

Vaccination Requirements, Covid Surge Concerns Drive Hopeful Increase In Shots


    1. Two pokeys in the arm, a mask, and only 20 more letters in the Greek alphabet to go. Starting to figure out that you’re getting deceived yet? Just keep obeying, and everything will be alright. Oh, and don’t forget to be afraid this autumn.

    2. @Gary LeBlanc Louisiana just received 200000 unvaxxed ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS…HMMM..SORRY YOU’RE TO BLIND TO SEE THE CONNECTION

  1. I’m puzzled by the headline. Why is it news that when you force people to do something more end up doing it? In other news, nations that have banned free speech have more people who agree with the government and a more homogenous political culture – big surprise!

  2. This guy literally just advocated for eliminating your right to free movement by banning unvaccinated people from driving???

    1. Two pokeys in the arm, a mask, and only 20 more letters in the Greek alphabet to go. Starting to figure out that you’re getting deceived yet? Just keep obeying, and everything will be alright. Oh, and don’t forget to be afraid this autumn.

    1. Two pokeys in the arm, a mask, and only 20 more letters in the Greek alphabet to go. Starting to figure out that you’re getting deceived yet? Just keep obeying, and everything will be alright. Oh, and don’t forget to be afraid this autumn.

    2. @James Arnold they have no business being allowed to do that and if they do. Where are the sanctions against them: law suits, tax demands, regulations, etc. What are our representatives doing in Congress to protect us?

  3. This is the most flop flopping pandemic ever 🤯
    I mean that fact the people still try to repeat the ever changing propaganda is beyond belief

    1. @M S It’s NOT the flu! The flu just magically went away (they’ll say because of masks but they already spent 100 years studying whether masks prevent the flu and they do not, and are only 1.32% effective against Covid (CDC March 8, 2021)).

    2. Get vaccinated , no mask 😷…WRONG‼️Fauci said last year, Masks means nothing, then later, it’s Deadly if you’re not wearing mask! Why are Doctors / hospitals getting $13,000 to say someone died from CV?

    3. @Dancingkay you don’t understand how science works, but you definitely understood the misinformation perfectly.

    1. Hmmmm. You must take the poke. Everyone. What’s behind this herd mentality? Control. Fire me I have plenty of $$$

  4. The media loves to spread fear. Keep it up the country is almost completely split in two. You’re almost there!!!

    1. By design. This I how the great reset and 4th industrial revolution will succeed. Divided we will fall.

    2. This country has been split for a long time. It is publicized more since the social media platform.

  5. It’s funny if all you do is stay home and watch the news you’d think the pandemic is still happening. But if you actually go out no one is wearing a mask and I have been to huge concerts and events and restaurants and shopping.

    1. @BunnyDreamer Then they have weak immune systems… thats their problem, not mine. Keep living in fear but don’t try and make me you soft little 🐑

    2. @Ronni Hayes I work in healthcare. And sure, in the hospital, it’s an absolute requirement to wear a mask (even though everyone in healthcare takes it off when no patients are looking). Outside of the hospital, most healthcare workers, including myself, know this is all BS and we go around maskless without a care in the world. The way I see it, if you’re afraid, then do what you need to do, but your fear must not dictate how everyone else must do. Your comfort must not supercede other living their lives.

    3. Exactly. Life has returned to normal for most people outside major cities and somehow we’re all still alive.

  6. This guy is calling for people to lose their basic human rights over a poke that is proven to not protect the people from getting sick.

    1. @Joel Bierman < Hey genius, I caught COVID from a vaccinated person. She nearly died and I was uncomfortable for a couple of days. She is younger and probably in better health than me. Sell your crap to your commie friends.

    2. @William Franklin you wish… people like you won’t be happy until we’ve turn this country into Thunderdome 😒

    3. @Joel Bierman not true. Do a little research and you’ll appear knowledgeable. MSNBC is satire, remember the Russia thing? Everyone had damning evidence and yet nobody did nothing with it? Come on man!

  7. This headlines basically says we’re trying to scare the people into compliance and maybe through that fear we can still control them

    1. What do you think is gonna happen my brother? Quite frankly, I’m amazed society is still holding together.

    2. ABC’s top story today, 12,408 hospitalized from coof. Reverse that 8/04/21; today’s date! They are getting sloppy. Just like they all say the same stories. When do we light the torches and break out the pitchforks? I’m so over this.

    3. @Fiona Bologna I’m sorry the for the weight, I know it ain’t easy to carry that knowingness. I’m sorry for the wait too, I didn’t think it would take this long either

    4. @theneedledropdrop Ty! It does help to know others see the ridiculousness too. Just really over this.

    1. Right about what? They say thousands of crazy things because they’re dumb. Right about what? trump still being president? 😂

    2. In 1948, a CIA agent divulged that the term “conspiracy theory” was a term created, to stop the public from believing facts that were leaking out.

  8. It’s about to get ugly. No where in history has anyone had to prove their vaccinated to get food to eat. Any one that is promoted that idea is on drugs.

    1. Drugs would probably help them. Just not the ones media is pushing SO hard. They don’t believe the actual science.

    2. It sounds like you’re the one on drugs… now you’re against the freedom of a private business owner mandating what kind of customers he will and will not serve

    3. @Elizabeth Cook 60% of the people that come across the border are being sent back… that’s more than the last Administration was doing… how come you never talk about that!

    4. @Big Boomer when the government is forcing “private companies” to mandate vaccinations for service, it isn’t a choice by private companies.
      It’s government dictatorship.

      Since when are democrats pro authoritarianism?

  9. They’re going to continue this nonsense till 2025!! They’re gonna do this covid charade till they jab EVERYONE!
    Depopulation agenda in full swing

    1. It’s beyond me why so many people are trusting the same people that was in our street raping killing and vandalizing all nationality including an innocent black child Secoriea Turner her innocent life was taken but they chose the stand behind the criminal and make his name famous and now they want us to take an experimental drug that’s not even proved by the FDA? Sounds like another one of their conspiracy theories to me.

  10. This is all so perfect in timing, with the AZ audit results about to come out. Look over here, not there.

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