‘Vaccination passports’ a near certainty says bio-ethicist | COVID-19 in Canada

Bio-ethicist Kerry Bowman says the discussion and tension over 'vaccine passports' is imminent as vaccinations increase.


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'Vaccination passports' a near certainty says bio-ethicist | COVID-19 in Canada


  1. what it comes down to is, how much power do you really want to give the government over you. because once you do there no going back.

    1. Yeah, but so are the lockdowns, limiting gatherings, church closures, protest arrests, mask mandates…. ALL of what has been happening is a clear violation of our rights.

    1. @William Hudson which laboratories are you doing your independent research in? What are your qualifications to do such research and where are you publishing your results?

      Oh you meant you’re reading some blog or website without any credibility with a heavy dose of confirmation bias.

    1. @Erfan Maleki I would rather be a conspiracy theorist and question everything than just blindly follow what I am told to do by the government.

    1. @Stef K if you knew it would happen, and it was labeled as a conspiracy. Then you my friend ARE a conspiracy theorist

    1. @Chaz Coats-Butcher If you take your vax, why are you afraid of me having it or not? You should be safe with your vax!

    2. @Chaz Coats-Butcher Keep giving power to the state, and you’ll find out it does not always end up how you wanted it.
      Where I grew up we had a military coup. They rounded up all the commies. Then, they were gone.

    3. What’s the difference between this and vaccines that you have to take when you travel to some tropical countries…

    4. @M G Keep giving power to your paranoid delusions and you’ll find out it does not always end up how you imagined it.
      Where I grew up we recently had a failed attempt at political coup. They are now rounding up the insurrectionist and throwing them in jail.

  2. Another step closer to Technocratic rule. Funny how this was a “conspiracy theory” years ago. Let me know when ya’ll decide to utilize your Charter Rights.

  3. There’s nothing trust worthy about this guy and what he just said. It was all scripted and he’s being paid for this interview.

    1. a number of international delegations to North Korea (DPRK) that focused on environmental improvement and youth environmental education in relation to environmentally improved agricultural and environmental practice. “What is remarkable,” Bowman notes, “is that DPRK may be the only country in the world that has adopted organic, sustainable agriculture as a national policy”

    1. @Erfan Maleki Certain European companies have employees already implanted with chips to access certain areas. It’s very believable in the near future.

    2. @Erfan Maleki COVID passports were regarded as ridiculous by you back in March, and now you accept it the same way you accept detention centres.

    3. juliette Irene you mean con-trails. Condensation trails. Cloud seeding does nothing if there isn’t already water vapour waiting to condense. Therefore it’s a very niche technology and isn’t and won’t be used wide spread because it simply won’t do anything.

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