CNN has collected dozens of accounts that detail the alleged detention and deportation of Uyghurs at China's request in three major Arab countries: Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia. China, Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia have not responded to CNN's requests for comment. CNN's Jomana Karadsheh reports.
#CNN #News
So much for a need for re-education
Shouldn’t the NBA have something to say about this
The NBA isn’t in charge of government policy
Is the NBA in China?
@taf should they not pull the entertainment? I mean wouldnt u want to take away nazis favorite sport if u had the chance
@TyT supports terrorism Or the so called stop anti asian hate group. Oh yeah….its the Chinese hating the Ughyers….i gess Asians hating Asians is not a issue.
John Cena will probably issue an apology for this story.
Kasrikin Demicleas Taiwan claims all of China, China claims Taiwan, it is a family dispute, let them work it out, usa should keep their nose out of it
Jacob Johnson plz compare foreign wars China is involved in vs USA, I think it is pretty clear usa is the evil empire war monger and you have been brainwashed by anti China propaganda
@Tex AJP so funny when a brainwashed sheep calls others a brainwashed sheep lol
@Tex AJP how much do get for your propaganda job?
World, please help the uyghurs!
Canada is taking them in. Don’t worry.
@Tex AJP tf Chinese bot right here trying to distract the attention
Spotted a cia bot “Mustapa Uyghur”
This story is more than 3 years old.
“Uyghurs are being deported from Muslim countries, raising concerns about China’s growing reach” (CNN).
But the lie still serves it’s goals: the racist anti-China propaganda.
there is no Islamic countries anymore after 8th century its all about business and money now
@Thomas Jones what about Lil has x satanic video then ?

christian judeiism is DEAD , stop kidding yourself
All religions at this point are in fact corrupt
@Determined Heretic Not Religion per se. Defective humans pretending to represent The Deity have always been a problem.
@Thomas Jones Lil Nas X video Cardi B video , mainstream destruction of what’s left of religion in america

@MD Saifullah They know what time it is. And they ALL have chosen a side. Beyondski is a good example as well.
I wonder what the covid numbers look like in the camps?
China eradicated COVID, I wonder what the COVID numbers look like in usa for profit prisons, usa has the biggest prison population and highest COVID numbers in the world
@Tex AJP this is wumao ignore it!!
@RealShureym why do u care a out chinese muslims when amerikkka bombed and r4p3d muslims in the middle east?
@Tex AJP Fleissig am arbeiten – huh?
Sick sick sick- China Must Stop this insanity NOW!!!!
Gayle Schaefer oh and usa does? Genocide of native Americans, African slavery and civil rights abuse, massive bombing and killing around the world, highest covid deaths in the world, biggest prison population in the world
Gayle Schaefer China values human life and rights way more than evil empire usa or any of the colonial western powers, you have been brainwashed by anti China propaganda
Gayle Schaefer millions have died from usa wars and sanctions just in the last 20 years
@Tex AJP How much have died from Russia and china and you stupid great leap forward.
The Uighures are in a federal jobs work program, having children & universal healthcare. Watch Grayzone
The History repeats, one of the darkest shitshows repeats.
Cheap lies can be disproved in a min. 2 mil means about 1 in 3 adults Uyghur is in jail. It means massive starvation and refugees crisis. 2 mil also means total USA prison population out of 300 million.
This story is more than 3 years old.
“Uyghurs are being deported from Muslim countries, raising concerns about China’s growing reach” (CNN).
But the lie still serves it’s goals: the racist anti-China propaganda.
What superpowers do. I can see China is following the case study of America’s foreign political and intelligence activities.
We might adopt instead the basis of judgement given on an office motto that was common twenty years ago: “when the great scorer comes to write against your name , He writes not that you won or lost , but how you played the game
As to the fans for conformity in our public,this is the most foolish of all points of judgement people are different as individuals and as members of groups and under varying circumstances and at different times .
And we thought only minorities face persecution in Islamic majority nations.
Get John Xina on the line to address this.
Nice video!! From the beginning to the end. Nevertheless, business and investment are the easiest ways of making money currently irrespective of which part makes it to the oval office.
@Mary patricia
*+1 7 2 4 -9 9 3-9 2 3 3*
@Mary patricia
It’s not a big deal just contact him on WhatsApp
Ok sending him a message also, thanks for the help.
I’ve seen different recommendations about Alexander Ethan trading services, they must be very exceptional for people to talk this good about them.
Yeah he’s really God’s sent.
Just heartbreaking.
So much for the “brotherhood”!
Can’t wait for Hollywood to cover this up
Bidens response : “that’s just there culture”